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Everything posted by AmnChode

  1. touché... I am curious why the are calling this one of the possible furtures of cruisers, yet it has a rigid frame....not bloody likely. But again....just MHO.
  2. I kinda like it...has kind of a industrial look to it....Not saying I would buy one if released. At least it looks better than the Vision to me...
  3. At the New York International Motorcycle Show Honda released the Honda Fury, which was teased with last month... Basically, it is production chopper based off the 1300 VTX BUT it's 1312cc V-Twin is fuel injected...which is kinda odd to me being their actuall 1300 VTX is carburated... Too me, it is a littel late in the game and doesn't have near the style of a Yamaha Raider...but that is just me... Although, I do like that matte black... click here for more info
  4. Yep...have to agree with the all of the above as well.... Personally, can't pick a favorite...Too big of a movie buff (I have well over 1000 DVDs)....But I am surprised no one brought up Super Troopers...I stop the clicking when I see it on. Love that flick...
  5. To mean, it screams commuter bike...Easy to handle in traffic (especially with the HFT tranny), small engine (high milage), and relaxed seating position. Problem is, commuter bikes aren't $14k... Don't get me wrong...I like the bike. I would love to take it out for a spin just to check it out. BUT...it needs a little bigger engine (that V-4 from the Honda Interceptor would probably work great), little more fairing/shield, and some bags (or at least the option to get them). They do that and drop the price at least a grand, they might have something....Just MHO, though
  6. HA...I love it....the fact that it is color matched tops it off. It will definately get people's attention going down the road.....
  7. I kinda cheated....On a whim, about 2 weeks before the new year I looked my rewards points for my debit card (which I usually forget about). I had a little under 65k points, with 7k expiring on the new year. So I traded in 60k for $600 worth of amazon.com gift certs, which I then applied to a new Zumo 550....Ended up only costing me $65 and change. Yeah me...hehehe:banana:
  8. Here is the guys who did it: Amen Motorcycles It uses a friction drive....
  9. Kinda my line of thinking as well...I think Flynt is just trying to make a point that if you bail out one, you need to be ready to bail out all, irregardless of it is. While I disagree with most of his political views, he does have a valid point on this one...scary enough, as is...
  10. Attaching is easy...See attachments...
  11. Of course they are going to come out with this right after I buy my 550....
  12. Hey...some of us born in the 70's remember this, too. Blaim the parents of the 80's...they're the ones who started to believe the specialist over their own experiences. I still ride my bike to my friend's house, it's just a little bit bigger bike....hehehe
  13. I have one....picked it up off of Buddy. I really like it. It is a little harder than the stock '99 seat (none of the memory foam or gel), but it has a deeper bucket that fits my rear alot better. One of these days, I might order a brand new one, custom to me.... with a backrest
  14. Yep...and you have to keep in mind that the midnight Ventures and the '99 & '00 ventures don't have the pillow top seats....we have the hard ones. I'm right up there with Animal. Mustangs are damn comfortable but they don't make 'em for Ventures. The bad part is, they make them for the original royal star and the tour deluxe, ie. the bikes on either side of the Venture....errrr. But yeah, sent another e-mail myself (had already previous sent one and another ask if one could be modded to fit....no on that too BTW)...
  15. Yep...hopnel here, as well....great lil tank tie. I keep my phone, MP3 Player and work ID in it, and it works great as it is a removable pouch. So, I just grab and go...
  16. I have a vid of it, as well....for comparison... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYik-IEDzUg]YouTube - '99 Royal Star Venture[/ame]
  17. A small 5pin DIN male to female patch cable with a 3.5mm spliced in on the audio lines should work. But of course, that would be dependent on whether "you" listen via the speakers or the headset. If you listened on the headset, then she would need some kind of switch to cutoff the audio...BUT....then she wouldn't hear anything over the IC...hmmm
  18. I believe one of the other reasons is to keep the load off the headlamp line. I.E., better to have their own source than load up a single line...
  19. Same here...check my gallery (clicky, clicky) Was this way when I bought her, and I really kinda prefer it....
  20. I actually kinda preferred this one: B-52 model with 8 gas turbine engines Damn shame it crashed...
  21. I personally use a 16gb Microsoft Zune (flash based). It is fairly small and compact (about the same size as a Ipod Nano) and can hold a crap load of music. I currently have 2430 songs on mine. As for the hardware itself, I tend to prefer it to the Ipod. More features (Wireless syncing, built in FM radio, games, video, pics, etc) and is highly supported by MS, believe it or not. As the firmwares are released, they apply to ALL hardware. I have purchased 3 Zunes...a 30gb (gen 1, hdd based), 8gb (gen 2, flash based), and my 16gb (also gen 2)...and gen 1 has roughly the same feature set as my gen 2s. This includes the addtitions of wireless syncing, games, etc... The beautiful thing about the Zune (vs the Ipod and Itunes) is that you can get a "Zune Pass" which is essentially a $15/month subscription to a rather large chunk of their music archive. Basically, it is a all you can eat plan. As long as you keep the subscription, you get to play the music. As an added perk, I can run all three Zunes off a single plan... However, as of late, they added a new "perk". Each month you can "purchase" 10 songs that are yours, subscription of not. So, to put that into perspective, you are kinda pre-paying for 10 songs and get the access to the rest for $5. Kind of a hard deal to pass up if you tend to purchase alot of songs. As for running it on the bike, I split the Aux line in the fairing and ran a second line down the headset jack on the tank. I plug my Zune into it, set it off on a shuffled playlist, and chunk it into my tank bag...I gurantee you, I have never heard the same song twice on a ride... just my ...
  22. I did a walk around on my bike a while back that might help you out....I have clear lenses all the way around and also added the kit that Ruffy mentioned....Since the video, I've had a light bar under neather the trunk (only light that has a colored lense)...
  23. Don't get me wrong....CB is a nice medium. It is just for our purposes, which only to chit chat when ever we ride, a FRS/GMRS setup outweighs what CB has to offer. It provides a clean FM channel, with a tone squelch to cut out most everyone else, and has a much cheaper setup price. Privacy is not an issue and wouldn't matter if we went the CB route anyway, same situation. Being that my venture still has a CB setup, we don't lose the "freeway" contact, but we as a group, don't have to put up with every drunken jackass that feels the need to annoy everyone within his transmit range. I might still get that airider setup yet as I think it might do what I want which is to tie the sytem altogether on my bike...Unless Bob decides to go into business for himself
  24. Kinda interested in this subject as well. Me, My best friend, and our wives all ride with me being the only one with stock comms...others ride a Valkyrie, Honda VT600 and a V*650. I have been looking into a way so that we can all talk to each other and have pretty much decided to go the FRS/GMRS route mainly due to pure cost and quality. It is just flat out cheaper to get a pair of FRS/GMRS handhelds and headsets then to pick up a single CB setup. Plus you get the benefits of "cleaner" airwaves.... However, I would much rather integrate it into my bike's system then set it up out side of it.... Thought perhaps that this would work: http://www.airrider.com/store/product.php?id=491 ...but not keen on the price and have no idea if I could hook the present PTT to it... I also present use the Aux input for my MP3 player, so I really have no idea how that fits in place...
  25. Dunno if it was already said (didn't read through it all, getting ready for work)....but have the seller take the bike to a dealer for consignment...toss the dealer $500 for the trouble and you still get a good deal on the bike while they get an easy profit (win-win). It is what I did with mine. Private seller wanted $5500, took it to the dealer and tossed them a "nickel", and got it all (TT&L, new helmet, etc) rolled into a single deal for the bank... *edit*...almost forgot...that is $0 down last Dec...
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