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10 Good

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  • Location
    Muskego, WI, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe

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  1. Can you still open the side bags with it on there? Might need to do this to mine for the Wifey.
  2. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am looking to update my headlight to an LED as well.
  3. Thanks all!!! I think I will be purchasing a DRD. It drives me nuts not having it correct.
  4. Thanks all for the help!
  5. Thanks Freebird! What about the jumpy needle? Do these fix that as well?
  6. Hi All, I am a pretty new rider (6 weeks or so) with a 2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe. My problem is the speedo seems to be off. I first noticed it when I was following my wife in her truck and I thought I was at the correct speed but kept having to speed up to catch back up to her. We talked after and she said she was staying steady at the speed limit. After that we tried using a speedo app on her phone while she was my passenger on the bike.....it showed about 5mph to slow......ie speedo indicated 45 & app was indicating 40mph. In addition to this, the digital needle is jumpy.....not smooth at all. I'm guessing they are related. Any help would be appreciated. I searched the forums but didn't find any posts that were the same issue as mine. Also, I am handy but have never worked on a motorcycle so pics or a tech manual would be super helpful. Thanks in advance!
  7. Thanks for this suggestion. I just ordered it.
  8. Thanks for the review. We just added the Lexin LX-B4FM Motocom to our helmets. It is a nice system for us (new rider & passenger) but it would be nice to have the GPS & intercom on at the same time.
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