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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. How deep wuz dat well??? Boomer....who sez a blind man could ride better den dat fool.
  2. Naw.....I could debate de size of yer pants tho.... Boomer....who sez "Love ya Lonna".....cuz I'm not one to pooch up any future offers of cheesecake from dat lady....
  3. YEP.... After being plagued wit pygmies it wuz the fine folks here who helped me clear up all problems and whip dem pygmies into shape!! Boomer....who sez knowing good reliable HELP is only a phone call away has to bring "peace of mind" to anyone...even a half-brained crazy coona$$ like I is.
  4. I agree completely. Average citizens need to know that when they are confronted with a life/death situation their adrenline level will skyrocket....this is NOT the time to be getting a round into the breech of your weapon. Seconds do count and you could lose your life while trying to get your firearm into the "ready to fire" mode. I would also add this...IMHO...If you are NOT prepared to take a life then you should NOT be armed. Wounding a perp will get you nothing but a lawsuit. A dead perp cannot testify against you in the case of "justifiable homicide". Boomer....who sez practicing "head shots" at the gun range is the way to prepare for a perp takedown.
  5. Loosen the oil plug and the oil filter first...set kickstand on the 2x4....then remove oil plug and oil filter. I use a measuring cup for putting in the last 1/2 quart of oil to prevent putting too much oil into the scoot. Boomer....who sez it helps to put a wide oil pan under the bike BEFORE you remove the oil drain plug and oil filter....
  6. Fried frog legs are de filet mignon of de bayou down here.... :cool10: Boomer....who sez you kin have a great time when ya go night froggin wit 4 Cajuns inna pirogue...and everybody iz half drunk...
  7. Yes it can be done on a RSV...BUT...the cone spacing has to be looser because the RSV has a longer wheelbase than the Harley used. Jerry Paladino (Ride Like A Pro) used a Venture to run a course similiar to that one and did it just as well as the LEO. Boomer....who sez if ya practice enuff you kin do dat on yer Venture too.
  8. Does it have a cassette deck and come with a 5 year warranty? Boomer....who sez it really don't matter what ya ride as long as yer riding.
  9. You and Lonna did good my friend. I would expect nothing less from you two! Boomer....who sez remember dat Karma thingy....
  10. When ya get ready to re-install the trunk make sure you use the Ny-loc nuts....the ones that have a plastic insert inside the nut....those nuts will never back off due to the vibration of the bike. Boomer....who sez even the pygmies can't mess with them Ny-loc nuts.
  11. This story should be a strong reminder to all of us that we are important to our children....and if we spent as much time with our kids as we did working for the material things in life imagine how much better it would be for all concerned. Boomer....who sez being serious once inna while never hurts.
  12. Get the Butler seat mod done....you will then sit IN the seat instead of on TOP of the seat. Boomer....who sez yer butt deserves all de comfort you kin give it.
  13. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Sorry to be late....HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHONDA!!!!! Boomer....who sez being 1 year older also makes for being more crazy...
  15. You could be right....Kbran and I rode it at 35mph last year and had no problems with the LEO's there. Boomer
  16. There are few things on the road that I fear but fog is one of them. Even pulling off to the shoulder of the road is not safe....best to get off the road completely. Boomer....who sez running up yer pucker factor does not make for a good ride.
  17. Speed limit on the Dragon is 35mph and often radar enforced. Between the crotch rockets and sports cars coming into YOUR lane it makes for an interesting ride.... Boomer....who sez ya gotta see the Tree of Shame at Deal's Gap to fully realize the dangers of the Dragon.
  18. Dana you have found out what many of us already know and it is that Squidly is one hell of a friend....and a friend for life too. Boomer....who sez Bravo Zulu for your service Sgt. Major.
  19. That's the same crazy things I experienced when the ignition switch on my 06 went berserk..... Boomer....who sez installing an emergency ignition by-pass switch will bring peace of mind....
  20. If I were you I would arrange a meeting between your Insurance Adjuster and....your Attorney. Boomer....who sez a good lawyer has been known to give a Insurance Adjuster a quick case of a "sudden medical condition".
  21. $1000 for a 4x4 is purdy cheap IMHO.... Boomer....who sez he can load more pygmies into a 4x4 than he can on de scoot.
  22. "Lord please tell me what is the brake lever and what is the clutch lever". Boomer....
  23. Happy Birthday Kenny!! Regards.....Boomer and Donna:D
  24. Poke a small hole in the flags and insert zip ties....this will keep the flags from sliding up the antenna's. Boomer....
  25. I guess I am old-school because I do NOT trust the wear bar method when it comes to MC tires. I rely on a good visual inspection of the whole tire, the actual depth of the tread, actual mileage on the tire itself, and the date of the tire's manufacture. Also....Riding double will result in quicker wear of the tires and brake pads and does factor into my decision to replace all as needed. I don't take any chances when it comes to tires or brake pads....I replace them all early and as often as needed....We have enough road hazards to deal with and I don't want/need to worry about tires/brakes when I am out there on a ride. Lastly....Pay attention to the air pressure in your tires! Boomer....who sez when ya have pygmies along for the ride ya need to be extra cautious....
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