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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that the good Lord never gives us more than HE feels we can handle. Boomer....who sez stay strong and roll wit de punches.
  2. Try Southwest Moto Tire.....I just got my Dunlop E3 for the rear....they are out of stock for the Dunlop E3 front tire tho. Boomer....who's thinking a Dunlop 404 might werk pretty good as a front tire while running a Dunlop E3 on de rear.
  3. Keep it up you guys.... Boomer....who sez he is werkin on using Drones to air-drop pygmies....
  4. Not really. Just thought it wuz a pretty good guess.... Boomer....who sez Don has to laffin his butt off about all the Hardley comments....
  5. I got worried cuz I thought his Hardley cassette player had messed up.... Boomer....who sez keep dat Hardley Dealer's Bank Account happy Don!!
  6. Mah chest has dropped down and become part of mah stomach jest above de belt buckle. Lucky for me dere's no pain associated wit dat. Boomer....who sez he hopes yer knee heals on its own cuz dem Doctor's don't know when to stop operating once dey start chopping on ya.
  7. I had de same problem trying to sell some pygmies here...... Boomer....who sez its easier to kick de little devils off de scoot in what I term as a "Drive-By Drop" and hit the throttle hard.
  8. LMAO!!!!!!......... Boomer....who sez if ya had pygmies to tend to ya wouldn't git bored....
  9. Intercom system....Ya gotta be kidding right????? Boomer....who sez de wife is a lot less noisy and de ride is more peaceful without a Intercom system on de scoot....
  10. Will exceptions be made for any member who decides to "forsake" his wife?? Boomer....who sez sorry Don...de devil made me post dat....
  11. Mine arrived today also. Bravo Zulu Monty!!! Boomer....who sez dat Monty fellar sure can sew fast.....
  12. I am in the process of planning some 70,000 mile maintenance for my 06 Midnight Venture. Can anyone here inform me and or list the specific PARTS and/or SUPPLIER for the following items: 1) Valve cover gaskets. (the plan is to check/adjust all valves) 2) Complete set of carb gaskets...(the plan is to pull the carbs and re-set all carb floats) 3) EBC front & rear brake pads. 4) Is DOT 5 the best brake fluid to use for brake lines and clutch reservoirs? Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered!!! Boomer.... in Loozeeanner with way too many pygmies.
  13. Monty....Sent my funds off to you this morning. Use the extra $$ as you see fit. Boomer.....whose sense of humor has been seriously dampened by the loss of Gunboat.
  14. Monty.....Funds being mailed out tomorrow. My mailing addy will be on de envelope you get. Boomer....who sez please accept my sincere thanks for doing this in Gunboat's memory.
  15. Monty....Could u PM me yer snail addy. My pooter will allow me to access yer PayPal addy. Thanks.....Boomer
  16. Rest In Peace Brother. Boomer....with sadness.
  17. Submitted here with sincere respect.....Boomer Donald Richard Cumpston, age 62 and a resident of Cleveland, Texas, passed away Saturday, June 22, 2013 at his home. He was born September 21, 1950 in Huntsville, Texas. Survivors include his wife Catherine Fults; son Joseph Cumpston and Cathy; daughters Erica Rambin and Sarah Cumpston; grandchildren Natalie, Leanne, Kristen, Isabelle, Charles, and Brett; numerous nieces, nephews and other cherished family members and friends. A memorial service will be held at a later date.
  18. Monty....Count me in for 2 as well. Thanks for doing this my friend! Boomer.....still in schock.
  19. Since Brad called me with the sad news this morning I have gone this entire day in shock. I simply cannot accept this news. Boomer....with sadness and sorrow for a good man taken too soon.
  20. The Mike's Famous HD in Connecticut is nothing to travel for I can assure you!! Boomer....who sez the place is famous for overpricing everything....and de customer Service pulls a huge vacuum.
  21. There are increasing numbers of dolts on bicycles pedalling the roads of Lake Charles especially on the weekends. They do ride single-file for the most part. Those that choose to do otherwise normally end up in a deep ditch that runs alongside of the road. Boomer....who sez dem coona$$es in pickemup trucks don't have much mercy when it comes to yuppies on bicycles who thinks dey own de road.
  22. I think its kinda ironic dat de Gubbermint beats up the car folks to build vehicles which get good mileage....gas consumption overall goes down....and de gas companies keep jacking up de price of gas while at de same time de politicians keep adding more taxes on every gallon of gas we buy. Boomer....who sez if yer gonna screw me at least kiss me when yer done....
  23. Who have served; those serving still; and our brothers/sisters who gave all.....Happy Memorial Day.....and let us all be grateful. Boomer....with respect.
  24. Pfffffffttttttt.....I have spent a fortune feeding these runts boudin, boiled crawfish,fried catfish, and garfish patties! Boomer....who sez on any given night he can hear a symphony of "burps" coming from de garage after meal time....
  25. All I can say is : Check their Birth Certificates! If dey wasn't born in Loozeeanner then they ain't mine..... Boomer....who sez pygmies abandoned out of State is merely a coincidence...:whistling:and like all these Gubbermint Officials I can neither remember or I plead the 5th in regards to any questioning.
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