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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. I spent 23 years in the Navy and I retired as a CPO. If I had to live on my meager pension I would probably be robbing Banks to get by...... And as a footnote....In all those years of service I can count ON ONE HAND the number of days I only worked a straight 8 hours. If we had been paid for overtime as the civilians are then/now I would have had a much more comfortable life when I was on Active Duty. Boomer....who wonders how much money Congress could have saved if they did a reduction of retirement benefits for the Civil Service retirees...
  2. If one takes the time to research the Roman Empire the facts will bear out that our Country has and is making identical mistakes that led to the demise of that Empire. The final collapse came about when the Roman Government reduced/failed to pay the Roman Army due wages/benefits. The Roman Army finally laid down their arms and refused to heed the call of the Roman Senate to restore order in the Empire and protect the political idiots of such Empire. Boomer....who sez keep yer guns clean and yer ammo dry cuz the house of cards here in America is on track for collapse. I for one took the Oath to protect this Country from all enemies both abroad AND FROM WITHIN. NUFF SAID.
  3. Prayers and good thoughts on the way buddy....
  4. Whooo boy.... the pygmies are going nuts trying to get on the keyboard for this one..... Boomer....who would rather catch the money than see THOSE particular bodies come through his roof...
  5. We don't have to worry about stupid things like this happening in La. We have the "Stand Your Ground" law AND we don't need a lousy Permit to carry weapons in our vehicles IN PLAIN SIGHT if we so desire. Boomer....who sez 2 wrongs don't make a right...BUT... I would NOT allow anyone to threaten me or my family the way that 1 biker did by smashing a window with his helmet.
  6. Been there and done that in 2010. Stay strong and keep in touch with the good folks here...They were a lifesaver for me in 2010 and I mean that literally.....they kept me from going so far as to eat my gun during my darkest days of 2010. I got lucky that year too...Met my Donna and we married in Feb of this year. Boomer....who sez when one door closes another door opens eventually.
  7. I'm no rocket scientist but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express once.... I have been using the RLP technique during slow speed practice sessions which I do 1-2 times per week....whatever the explanation it all works for me. Boomer....who sez when yer poor dropping de scoot is not an option...
  8. 2 years ago I bought 2 sets from Cruiser Customizing....gave one set to a good friend and put the other set on my Venture. We were both disappointed in the performance and took them off the tires in short order. Boomer....who sez ya can't beat a good tire guage when checking critical tire pressures.
  9. I was saddened that I could not make this special ride. My scoot was/is in serious need of a new rear tire and I took it off the road for the entire month of August. As it is I think it will be somewhat safe to ride to Kbran's this coming weekend in order to replace both tires. I'd like to think that Gunboat would not fault me for missing the Tribute Ride....nor anyone else from East Texas as well. Boomer....who sez a Gunboat Tribute Ride in Loozeeanner will be scheduled for October/November...
  10. I been catching h*ll over dem pygmies fer darn near 3+ years now.... Boomer....who sez when dem pygmies are out of his driveway he is no longer responsible fer their actions...
  11. Not enuff Chief's and too many pygmies pooching up our bikes....:rotf:Welcome to de Site Chief... Boomer....who sez using Gubbermint Drones iz too expensive fer pygmie distribution....
  12. I always run the scoot on Reserve as well....I zero out one of the trip odometers every time I fill the tank and use that for doing gas stops. Boomer....who sez de pygmies rarely go more den 100 miles afore dey start yapping to make a ice cream stop,,,,
  13. Send a PM to Aussie Annie.....She has a bit of experience when it comes to shipping her scoot.... Boomer...who sez de Custom's folks will charge ya extra fer shipping pygmies...
  14. Dang....Another old family picture makes it onto de Internet..... Boomer....who sez sumtimes its better to say nothing....
  15. I sure can't make it this year but next year is a definite possibility!! Boomer....who sez it would be fun to dump a load of pygmies on Bubber then haul *ss quick back to Loozeeanner....
  16. I'd ruther be a Loozeeanner chicken playing in GOOD weather here than a Minnesoda chicken holed up inna chicken coop buried under a ton of snow.... Boomer....who sez until dey start making snow tires fer motorcycles you won't see dis Coon*ss riding de winter roads ANYWHERE....
  17. Bubber....Give me the tentative dates for the get-together and I'll see what me an de Missus can do about being there. Boomer....who sez if dere's snow on de ground ya won't see me there....
  18. I have never been to Minnesoda....What are ya cooking up dere?? Boomer...who sez dem snowshoe wabbits are pretty tasty....
  19. Good point my friend!! I'm overdue to visit Freebird and his gracious wife so mebbe next June we'll make the MD there. Boomer....who sez a road trip to Ohio for a pygmie-drop sure sounds good....
  20. Bubber you should know dat I am one of dem ambidexterous fellers....either hand kin get de job done. Had to learn dat in order to toss de pygmies offa de scoot... Your guess iz as good as mine as to when we'll make it up dere fer a visit...too much family goings-on down heah and not enuff days on de calendar my friend.... Boomer....who sez if he had one of dem RPG's he could take down a Drone and den sell it back to de Gubbermint...
  21. Ya know ya hit big time wit de gubbermint when ya got Drones flying over yer house.... Boomer....who looks up and waves at de Drone when peeing offa de back deck...just to let de gubbermint know dat he can multi-task....
  22. I am so impressed with this iCarPlay that I'm going to buy another one as a back-up just in case dey stop making the product.... Boomer....who sez a Venture widdout tunes or pygmies jest ain't right....
  23. No you cannot use the AUX when using the Cassette 800. That's not a problem for me because I run my GPS from the 12volt plug-in on the left inside of the fairing. I don't close my cassette door on the wire coming from the Cassette 800 either...I think doing so would eventually cause damage to the wire.... Boomer...who sez if ya like yer moosic LOUD then this set-up will fill de bill very nicely...
  24. On de iCarPlay Cassette box it sez you kin listen to SmartPhones, Tablets,MP3 Players and more..... Boomer....who sez the Volume is really LOUD when using dis Cassette thingy too!
  25. I recently purchased a Monster iCarPlay Cassette 800 at Walmart for $20. It goes right into the cassette player of the bike and has a plug-in for my IPOD. I was amazed at the sound quality! Boomer....who sez this setup really out does using the AUX jack/IPOD combo!!
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