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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. Inscribe a skull head on the template and see how ya like dat.... Boomer....who sez skulls and nekkid wimmen look good on our Ventures.
  2. Just a heads up for anyone looking for a good job....We have over 9 very large multi-billion $$$ projects getting set to launch here in the southwest Louisiana area. Projects are mainly associated with oil-chemical-natural gas operations. Here in Lake Charles alone the city is scrambling with private developers to have housing set up for 5-6 thousand workers to be hired for the big Sasol project(expected to last 5-6 years of construction) in Westlake/Lake Charles. Regards.....Boomer
  3. Pffffftttttttt.....Try dealing with 5 grand-babies atta time. Boomer....who sez thank the Lord for jet-powered roller blades cuz widdout dem he'd never keep up wit dese grand-babies....
  4. Thanks much!!.............Boomer
  5. Could you post a link for those lights? Boomer....who sez thanks in advance.
  6. IMHO anytime the politicians see that the citizens are saving money they will figure out a way to get that money. Boomer....who sez the only good politician is one who is deceased.
  7. Yammer.....I used to run Mobile 4T Racing oil in my Venture. It's good for 5K between oil changes. Boomer....who sez switching to Rotella cut down on the whine and chirp of his Venture.
  8. Let's talk about the different types of oil to use in our scoots now..... Boomer....who sez ya can't fix stupid when it comes to how people drive.... no matter what the hell they are driving.
  9. Pffffffftttttttt.......Ya couldn't get me on dat scoot if ya used 4 shoe horns and a bucket of grease..... Boomer....who sez gimme my recliner riding Venture any old day.
  10. Potholes are like mushrooms down heah in Loozeeanner. Sometimes they use the big ones for crawfish ponds.... And just fer giggles we git to dodge alligators on de road at night.... Boomer....who sez de Loozeeanner Dept. of Total Destruction(Dept. of Transportation) makes more potholes den de weather.
  11. Boomer....who sez HID iz de only way to light up de night...
  12. Got my AGM from skydoc over 4 years ago....still going strong!! Boomer....who sez gell batteries don't leak when ya drop the scoot.
  13. My sincere thanks to all who have posted on this thread. While it is difficult and I truly miss my son I know in my heart that he has spread his wings and flown from the nest to start his own life. I would expect no less from my sons than this. All of posts here have also given me great comfort as well. Life continues and this grizzled old Chief can tolerate and continue on as well. Boomer.....with thanks to all.
  14. I have the HID headlight from Canadian Cruiser Custom installed. It is going on year 3 of great service. It lights up the road/sides of road so well that I never use the High Beam at night as it will totally blind on-coming drivers. Boomer....who sez if it wuz legal he would jacklight deer with his Venture...
  15. There must be some truth to the posts pertaining to Florida drivers....We see the worst drivers on the road here sporting Florida plates on their vehicles. Boomer....who sez Loozeeanner State Police and Parish Sheriffs Deputys just loves dem Florida drivers....
  16. I feel yer pain with the Winter doldrums. Spent 39 Winters in Noo England and I firmly believe the cold weather there has shortened my lifespan. Boomer....who sez he'd sue Connecticut for damages but understands that they have taxed themselves into the poorhouse.
  17. You could pass as a twin brother to Si Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame. Boomer....who sez get into Camo's and start signing autographs fer money.
  18. My youngest son Josh (age 18) left today and is headed for Navy Recruit Training in Great Lakes(Chicago). He enlisted for 5 years and is pegged to be a Hospital Corpsman. His 4 month A School will begin after he completes 2 months at Boot Camp. While I am surely proud of his decision to serve and take his 1st steps on the road of his own life it also saddens me because the road he is on now will take him further from me than he has ever been. Boomer....who sez God bless all those who serve in our Country's Armed Forces.
  19. While you may not be the best looking beard there is one great advantage to having a long beard.....You will never lack for leftovers to eat. Boomer....who remains beardless by decree (the Warden's) and not personal choice.
  20. My vote is to run the scoot long enough to be accustomed and comfortable with it before you decide to do anything concerning the drive train. The Vmax will be available for years to come....nuff time to decide on that option for sure. Boomer....with just 2 cents of advice for free...
  21. BoomerCPO


    Good grief!!!!...............WHY!!! Boomer....who sez Spring better git here soon....
  22. No matter what Make/Model the bike is I would NEVER consider putting on Bridgestone tires. Boomer....who sez dat's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  23. We use what is known as a Cajun Microwave here in coona$$ country. Homemade box using 3/4 inch plywood and measures 4ftx4ft x4ft high. You can easily do up to 3- 120lb hogs that will take about 6-8 hours of cooking/smoking time. No matter what ya come up with remember to keep yer temperature at 250-300 degrees....and use seasoned hickory and cherry wood. Pecan and mesquite wood do well together as well. Boomer....who sez if ya do it right you will be in hog's heaven.
  24. The worst part of it all here in the deep South is that the bridges and overpasses ice up pretty bad. We don't have plow trucks cuz the snow rarely sticks to the roads. For this recent round of nasty weather I saw sand trucks from Texas over here laying down sand on the I-10 and I-210 bridges near here (Lake Charles). Boomer....who sez de pygmies are not experienced in snow or ice removal.
  25. Here's an old plumbers trick I have found to work great.....Before ya re-connect the water lines put a light coating of Vaseline on the black rubber seal part....Now ya don't have to over-tighten de connection when ya put it back together. Boomer....who sez ya don't need running water when ya have a good old outhouse wit a deep hole underneath...
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