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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. IMHO ....If your Insurance Co. totals the scoot I'd go for a buy back and then part the bike out. You never know with Insurance folks tho. When I crashed my 06 a few years back Geico paid $8400.00 for parts and $4000.00 in labor to bring my bike back to like new condition. If the frame is bent they probably WILL total the bike tho. Boomer....who sez don't be afraid to dicker with yer Ins. Adjuster.
  2. NON ILLEGITIMI CARBORUNDUM (DON'T LET THE BASTARDS GRIND YOU DOWN) Actually there is an Organization which uses that saying as their motto. It is called the International Order of Old Bastards. In Connecticut they meet once a month for a Dinner Meeting that is loaded by joke-telling for any Member that has a good joke to tell. THAT alone is the business of the meeting! Boomer....who sez dem meetings were a hoot I tell ya.
  3. Jonas you have some beautiful country to ride in there!~! I envy you Bro!! Boomer....who sez he could scatter a lotta pygmies in dem mountains.
  4. You won't regret having the Butler Seat Mod done. The guy does fantastic work at a very reasonable cost! Boomer....who sez yer tush iz gonna love dat seat.
  5. Eck....Most folks who know me will tell you that I will do darn near anything to help a friend in need..... Boomer....who sez shoveling dirt is not on my "to do" list for friends.
  6. We have an old goat (or 5-6) hanging out here.... Boomer....who falls into a category that is unmentionable here...
  7. Put 55K on my 1st set of NGK Iridium's. When we pulled them to put a new set in the plugs looked just like the day they were initially installed. They don't do much for increased mpg but their performance has far exceeded my expectations for spark plugs. Boomer....who sez you won't beat these plugs when it comes to COLD weather starts either.
  8. Regarding safety....When on the Interstate make sure you are NOT riding in the blind spot of a cager/trucker. Boomer....who sez its no fun hitting the asphalt at 70mph.
  9. Dragonslayer.....Get back on the porch pup. I been killing threads here for years.... Boomer....the ultimate thread killer.
  10. Puc if you lived closer to me I'd be sneaking that bike out of your garage. I have had my share of Harley's and vowed I'd never buy another one BUT I'd make an exception for an old Iron Horse like you have there. Ride on my man!! Boomer....who sez ya gotta get police lights and a siren for that old warrior. No LEO in his right mind would bother you about THAT.
  11. We did win. The damn Yankees wrote the History books tho.... Boomer....who sez Rebel Pride beats Yankee Liberalism any old day.
  12. Just how many pygmies do ya think you kin handle Bubber? Boomer....who sez a multitude of surprises are generally in a big box..
  13. Heck yes Eck. We simply set the date and each member just get out and ride. That's a lot easier than trying to co-ordinate 1 ride with a bunch of riders in each State meeting up for the ride. And of course the option is there for several members to do just that if they so desire. While all Members lost were valuable to all of us I would suggest that our ride date coincide with the date that we lost Gunboat. Boomer....with respect.
  14. Actually I have plans for an outdoor Pizza Oven and bricks are prolly what I will use....but I sure as h$ll ain't going all de way to Wisconsin to get bricks... Boomer....who sez the jail ain't been built that will hold pygmies fer very long...
  15. Those bricks would make a nice Bar B Q Pit as well.... Boomer....who sez Bar B Q wins out over pavers any old day...
  16. With 39 New England Winters under my belt I can tell you the smart riders up there WAIT until the Spring rains have washed off ALL the salt/sand from the roads before the scoots hit the road. That salt they use up there is NASTY stuff and will do serious damage to your scoot if left on for ANY period of time....and hitting even a little sand on the road can run yer pucker-factor right off the scale if it catches you off guard. Boomer....who sez ya still gotta contend with potholes and blind Cagers too....
  17. On my last tire changeout I could not find a Dunlop E3 for my Venture. I put the Dunlop 404 on the front and a new Dunlop E3 on the rear. I always change out BOTH tires so my experience tells me that by the time I have 10-12K on the tires they will both be ready for changeout. I run 40psi in both tires. Love the way the bike rides and handles with these Dunlops! I went through 2 sets of Michellin Commanders previously BUT the rear Michellin wore out before I nailed 10K on the bike. For me the Dunlop E3's are the best tires I have ever put on my Venture....especially when it comes to that rear tire! Boomer....who sez when de rubber meets de road ya better have good tires because YOUR LIFE depends on it.
  18. Very cool!! I already see a few parts I could use.... Boomer....who can deploy a detail of pygmies for a night raid.
  19. Check with kbran here....pretty sure he has the V Max on his scoot and he'll be able to help you. Boomer....who sez when yer packing pygmies ya don't need V Max.
  20. I'm surprised no one from Doodle's MD didn't beat ya to the pic posting... Boomer....who sez his moniker implies thunder...
  21. Methinks it is time to post some pics of yer new scoot..... Boomer....who sez ya should have more room for Lonna and a few pygmies now...
  22. LMAO!!!!! Boomer.....who sez that's funny as all h#ll...
  23. Have you checked into having a concrete pad poured for the patio? You'll still have to move some dirt outta the way BUT you'll never have to worry about loose pavers or weeds coming up. Boomer....who sez when yer drunk its easier to walk on flat concrete than those bumpy pavers.....
  24. Don.....Lucky you....I was getting ready to ship a truckload of pygmies up there to do whatever needed doing..... Boomer....who sez "Keeping the faith" is more than just words.
  25. We used to have a bunch of them furry tree rats running around here. We have large trees in our back yard which seems to attract the varmints. Donna won't eat squirrel but we have a relative who lives fairly close and will take all the squirrel I can give him. My open season on the tree rats are Wednesday's and Thursday's....that's the 2 days that Donna is not home. I use a pump pellet rifle on the little boogers....and I hardly ever miss no matter how high they are in the trees. Boomer....who sez squirrel baked with taters, onions, and carrots iz a feast to chow down on....specially if ya have homemade biscuits to sop de gravy with.
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