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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. Giving, caring, and working together is what makes this place so darn special !! Boomer....who sez true friends are the ones who reach out to you when the need arises. Give yerself a pat on the back Monty...You are truly one of the good guys here.
  2. From what the guys here say the V-max mod is the cat's meow for these Ventures. Why not give yourself a bit of time to adjust to the bike? Boomer...who sez roll on dat throttle and enjoy the ride....especially when ya got loud tunes to listen to!
  3. BoomerCPO


    My 2 fav's are pecan pie and key lime pie. Can't gorge mahself wit pecan pie like I can wit key lime pie tho..... Boomer....who sez dem pecans can create a noxious odor werse den a dozen skunks inna wrassling match....
  4. Monty....I donated funds per the link of your first post. Glad to help out my friend...just wish I could have donated more. Boomer and Donna
  5. Pffffffffttttttt to all dem little varmints....Wait until ya got 8-10 pygmies living on/in yer scoot.... Boomer....who sez it's so nice to transport them little rascals to someone else's garage.
  6. Go for it Don. Boomer....who sez he stopped selling pygmies a long time ago...
  7. Happy for you buddy! I know exactly how you feel. Donna and I just spent the 4th of July weekend in San Antonio with my youngest son Josh who's attending Medical School there courtesy of the USN. Boomer....who sez ya can't put a price on the bond between father and son.
  8. Go to Amazon.com and search for "Lock Wire Pliers". I have ordered them there several times.....and if I remember correctly you can also get the wire to use as well. Just know that the smaller diameter wire requires a very "light touch" with the Pliers because the small wire breaks easily. Boomer....who sez he used to be a lock-wiring fool when he rode Nuclear Subs....
  9. My fuel pump failed back in 2010. Bubber sent me a spare pump he had which came off of an 03 Venture and its still going strong today. Boomer....who sez fuel pumps are like wimmen cuz ya never know when they will pooch up on ya...
  10. That is just so typical of you Eck. You not only set a great example for those youngsters but also all of us here. We should all take the time to do good deeds such as this whenever possible. Imagine how much better things would be for all of us if this were the case!! Boomer .....who sez he's proud to have ya for a friend.....And I'll bet ya didn't even ask those youngsters if they were Republicans or Democrats....!!!
  11. Tell your passenger that if she thinks the bike is tipping over to lift her feet STRAIGHT UP and OFF of the floorboards! If she keeps her feet on the floorboard it is very likely that her foot/ankle can get trapped between the floorboard and bike. Boomer....who sez a trip to the ER to check for a possible broken ankle is not a pleasant experience for any passenger.
  12. Next oil change try the Purolator 1 oil filter. IMHO it's the best oil filter out there and really does a super job of keeping your oil clean. I buy mine via Amazon.com and normally buy 3-4 at a time. Secondly...I have never gone by the sight glass level on my RSV. I fill the new oil filter 1/2 full with fresh oil; let it sit upright enough time to have a cold beer then install. I put 3 quarts of oil into the crankcase then use a measuring cup for the remaining 1/2 quart. When everything is done fire the beast up and check for any possible leaks around the oil filter or oil drain plug. I go 5K on oil changes and it always surprises me how clean the oil is thanks to that Purolator oil filter. Boomer....who sez he has never experienced oil blow-over and my scoot has over 70K on her. PS: While yer doing de oil change it never hurts to give dat kickstand switch a few good shots of PB Blaster to clean off de road crud and lube it up as well.
  13. If I were you I'd have a good discussion with Rick Butler before shelling out your hard earned $$$ on seats that may not do the job for you.... Boomer....who sez ya got nothing to lose but a little time if ya call Rick.
  14. Ya done good. The road is no place for those who drink to the point of being over the legal limit. Hope they hit him hard in the pocket book for his stupidity. Here in Loozeeanner the minimum cost for a DWI will set you back $10K....they not only Fine the heck out of you but they slap you with Court costs as well. If ya can't pay they always have room at the Parish Jail. Boomer.....who sez Speeding Fines are nothing to sneer at as well....
  15. That guy must spend a boatload of money on Flags. At highway speeds of 45mph or greater Flags do NOT hold up well at all....and it don't matter who makes them or the cost of them either. And as for Harley's claim I suggest they have their own Flag which simply sez "OVERPRICED JUNK"...... Boomer....who stopped flying Flags at highway speeds years ago.
  16. Check Amazon.com....they have quite a selection there of both Carrier's and harnesses for de pooches of all sizes. Boomer....who sez if ya had a Teacup Yorkie you could just stuff her in yer shirt pocket.
  17. Yep.....Leave the 1st Gens in de garage where they won't break down on the road or lose Tupperware parts.... 2nd Gens will run till the asphalt wears out....and lose no parts. Boomer....who sez bring it on guys....
  18. As big a Company as Clorox is I don't think they can make enough bleach to help the gene pool in this Country. Boomer....who sez Forest Gump had it all over some of these dopes...
  19. Been there done that in a F-16 when I was a lot YOUNGER. It is a real RUSH to be in a plane that dern fast I tell ya!!!! And if you want to really jack up your pucker factor then do a night time landing on a aircraft carrier at sea....woo boy!!!! Boomer....who sez them jet jockeys are a whole different breed of cats!
  20. Yep....It wasn't till I met Squid the 3rd or 4th time and finally saw him standing upright that I realized he would come in handy if ya got into a bar fight.... Boomer....who sez no one will come to yer aid quicker than Brad will.
  21. Eck....Ya shoudda told everyone you were having a new septic tank installed and left it at that..... Boomer....who sez those the least prepared are those who will be at the head of the line for help.
  22. Dang....I never knew they sold shirts like dat in Texas... Boomer....who hopes this don't start a trend amongst de pygmies..
  23. Boomer....who sez the Butler Mod WILL work just fine....with no maintenance on yer part.
  24. I ran out of gas just once on a lonely back road here in Loozeeanner. Once on the shoulder of the road I simply put the kickstand down and slammed the scoot over to the left and down hard on the kickstand. Enough gas sloshed from the right side to the left side for me to fire her up and make it to a gas station 19 miles away. Boomer....who sez it helps to have pygmies going for gas too if needed........and at my age I welcome a gas stop every 150miles just to stretch out the kinks and water the plants.
  25. My youngest son Josh graduated from Navy Boot Camp with Honors. He is now at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio and getting ready to start a grueling 4 month Hospital Corpsman "A" School. He has a goal of being a Corpsman with a Fleet Marine Unit....which is a high pinnacle for a Corpsman to accomplish. Boomer....with justifiable pride.
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