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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. BoomerCPO


  2. A bit of advice....Whatever you come up with for a flag holder make sure it is very sturdy! Many State laws will hold YOU responsible if parts or the Flag come off and create a problem for any other motorist....and your Insurance may NOT cover that type of incident! Also....A good Rule to follow is NEVER fly your flag if you are going at a speed faster than 40mph....the Flag will NOT hold up well at speed higher than that. The Patriot Guard Mission Ride Captain will generally indicate (at the pre-Mission briefing) whether Flags are to be flown dependent upon the Mission route. Boomer....PGR RC since 2005.
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM!!!! Boomer....who sez being a year older means a nice increase in being sneakier....
  4. Nice looking set-up! If ya leave the drain plug open on the Cooler there won't be a build-up of water in there. Boomer.....who sez nuttin beats a good beer hauler.....
  5. Tear it up good Kenny....and don't fergit the potty stops for Beth!!! Boomer....who sez check yer saddlebags for stowaway pygmies....
  6. Plus the H/D's have a much shorter wheelbase than our Ventures.....but I have to say that with enough practice the Venture can perform very well. Love that RLAP routine!! Boomer....who sez the pygmies hang on for dear life when I'm on the scoot doing that low-speed stuff.....
  7. I sure hope the pygmies don't get a hold of dat machine...... Boomer.....who sez miniature machine guns would make Dairy Queen bandits out of all these pygmies.
  8. The Patriot Guard has always been in high demand. When our BOD expanded our Mission to include all Veteran's, LEO's, Firefighter's, and EMT's our Mission Count has skyrocketed in every State. The Organization is not about thwarting the WBC but rendering HONOR and RESPECT to those who have richly earned and deserve such respect from all Americans. Boomer....Riding for the PGR since 2005. I will stand with the Patriot Guard until the Patriot Guard stands for me.
  9. They should be....I heard over 200 will be in attendance....and that count don't include the pygmies!! Boomer....who sez Bogalusa is gonna be one big box of chocolates fer Kenny and Beth.
  10. Well said my friend. Boomer
  11. Congratulations Brad and Lonna!! You two were certainly made for each other!! Boomer....who sez he will contribute to His/Hers rocking chairs when the time is right....
  12. Kenny.....Donna will be coming with me. Looking forward to seeing you and Beth again!! Boomer....who's not telling the pygmies nothing about this weekend in Bogalousa.
  13. Wait till she gives ya her latest "Honey Do List".....Then we'll see how much you dance..... Boomer.....who sez dat Honey Do List is more work...for no pay!
  14. The WBC was ticked off because the Riders were getting something that they yearn for every day....ATTENTION. The taste of the 1st Amendment Rights being exercised by honest Americans had to be a bitter pill for them to swallow. Boomer....who hears the pygmies planning a special ride cuz they wanna worship in a street too......
  15. With the number of bikers who are Patriots and Vets this event should be conducted at least 6 times a month....and all the bikes with LOUD PIPES being wound up during "Services"..... Boomer.....who sez dropping off a dozen pygmies in dat neighborhood might have some durn funny results......
  16. BRAVO ZULU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO DO THIS VERY THING FOR MANY YEARS! Boomer.....who sez where there is hope there will eventually be action.
  17. Note to all..... Beth's cooking and Lonna's cheesecake make this a "Must Do Meet" folks. :cool10: Boomer....who sez seeing the pygmies string up Owen nekid by his ankles is only part of the planned entertainment......
  18. Kenny.....Let me know if ya want some boudin, smoked country sausage, cracklins, or a few slabs of ribs.... Boomer....who sez no valve stems will be violated on the 4th of July.... Owen: Bring it on ya little runt.
  19. I have to say that having a PDA on the scoot is quite useful down here. Boomer....who sez he's thinking about marketing his Pygmie Directional Apparatus.
  20. Nope....Down heah in the flatlands of Loozeeanner and East Texas I actually have no use for 5th gear cuz I go plenty fast unuff with 4th gear running high RPM's. I guess my MPG would be better if I did run 5th.....but I never bought this scoot for gas mileage.... Boomer.....who sez if yer upper lip ain't peeled back to yer forehead yer not going fast enuff....
  21. Run up your RPM's in every gear.....these Venture engines love the high RPM's. I can't remember the last time I even shifted into 5th gear..... Boomer.....who sez the pygmies use bungee cords fer seatbelts on my scoot.
  22. Loudest pipes I have ever heard on a Venture is the Baron's 4-2-4's. I have them on my 06 and when ya hammer the throttle they are really LOUD. Boomer.....who sez the pygmies who ride regular on the scoot are now completely deaf.
  23. 35-36K on my 06 when I noticed a slight slippage. Kbran did the clutch spring upgrade that SkyDoc offers here. The clutch discs were in perfect condition. Coming up on 60K now and NO slippage whatsoever no matter how hard I hammer the throttle. Boomer....loosing pygmies and spreading joy whenever he can here in Loozeeanner.
  24. I think it's amazing what those pygmies can inspire Monty to do..... Boomer....who sez no one has good enuff eyesight to see what them pygmies are up to....
  25. My oldest son leaves for the Army this coming September. I'm proud of his decision to serve our Country..... but worrying about him will never fade away I guess. Being a parent is not always easy..... even when they are grown and leave the nest. Take strength from the fact that you raised him to the best of your ability and hope that God watches over him. Boomer
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