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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. Thanks guys....I have been wracking my brains trying to remember all the Sites....and there were a LOT of them I am sad to say! I always thought that when you closed your Account at these Sites everything pertaining to your Account would be deleted.....obviously not so!........Sigh Boomer.....who really is lost in this computer stuff.....
  2. My problem at this point is that I don't remember all of the Sites.....I was a busy old coot on the Internet when I was looking for that "special lady".......sigh.....
  3. I cancelled all my memberships last year......
  4. When I first arrived in La. last year (2010) to "restart" my life I joined quite a few Dating Sites looking for a decent woman. I was honest in all my Profiles and included recent pics of myself and my bike. I met my current lady (Donna) by way of one of these Dating Sites last October(2010) and we have been very happy together. My question which begs an answer/help is this....Is it possible for someone to steal my Profile/pics and pose as ME on the Internet for nefarious purposes ? How do I find out who is doing this....and more importantly....how do I stop this? I should add this for clarification: Someone is posing as ME to set up meetings with random women; chatting with these women etc......and heck yes it is creating problems for me with the love of my life. Regards.....Boomer
  5. You can obtain the Honda Moly 60 via Amazon.com:cool10: Boomer....who sez ya better have surgical gloves on when ya handle dat stuff.
  6. I have a friend who pet sits for folks in his neighborhood. Cash under the table. Boomer....who sez everyone needs a weekend from the kids/pets/pygmies.
  7. De pygmies clean my windshield using only Pledge and the disposable blue work towels.... dat dey steal frum AutoZone or Wallyworld.... Boomer....who sez dem little runts will never miss seeing a Dairy Queen cuz de windshield is pooched up....I garontee dat.
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND!!!!! :cool10: Boomer....who sez birthday presents received in de dark of night can be the best one's.....
  9. We had a great time this weekend with the Great Brazo's Baptism being the icing on the proverbial cake!!! Luckily no methane bubbles in the water from the Squid did any harm other than scaring the heck outta of a few errant fish in the Brazo's river...... It goes without saying that we always have a great time in Texas and truly enjoy the time spent with all of you folks!! Boomer....who is truly grateful for all the friendships.....And the pygmies are truly po'ed cuz they never got to swim with any of the Baptism participants.... PS: Brother Gunboat ya done good!!!!
  10. There is no doubt that I truly enjoy venturing into Texas and spending time with all of the Texas Gang. This trip was made even better because I was able to visit with Ponch and offer support to Kathy. Keep the prayers and good thoughts coming folks...God is obviously hearing all of us!! Boomer
  11. We are geared up and ready to roll West....Waiting for Kenny & Beth to call us for the hook-up as they are coming from Bogulasa. Boomer....who sez he kin hear de pygmies tryin to claw dere way outta de saddlebags...
  12. We gotta be reel careful on this....Gotta determine which end of the Squid dem bubbles iz coming frum...... Boomer....who sez being subjected to a methane fireball kin ruin yer day..... PS: Don.... don't fergit the Fire Extinguishers....
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DON!!! Boomer.....who sez party hearty and give em something to talk about!
  14. If ya want GOOD frog legs come on down heah to Loozeeanner....the frogs are so big down heah the NFL recruits em as Field Goal kickers...... Boomer.....who sez fried frog legs will have ya howling at de moon.
  15. I'm lucky enuff to enjoy all the exercises I do....in de bedroom that is. Boomer....who sez biker boots will give ya posi-traction on any type of sheet.
  16. I know of several folks who have tried to load big,heavy bikes into the rear of a pickup....most attempts ended with damage to both the bike and the truck. My advice to you is use a trailer....If you can't drive the scoot onto the trailer it is easy enough to rig up a 12V boat winch and winch the scoot easily onto the trailer. Boomer....who sez somewhere there is a U-Haul closed trailer with a LARGE dent in the front caused by driving a Venture into that trailer.......
  17. This weekend we are headed to Texas for Squid & Lonna's Brazos Baptism.....Now I'm thinking a run to the Houston Hospital to see Ponch is certainly doable!! Boomer.....who sez thanks to all for the updates....and lets keep those prayers and good thoughts going!!
  18. Prayers and hope for a speedy recovery are on the way. Boomer
  19. Ditto what you say Kenny! Boomer
  20. ......................
  21. Good luck with getting the pygmies to show you their Passports...... Boomer....who sez even the TSA goons don't mess with those runts.
  22. Donna,I, and the pygmies will be there as well !!! Boomer....who wonders if anyone has tipped off de Coast Guard/Homeland Security about this shindig.....
  23. Roger that Kenny....the scoot is ready to roll. Boomer
  24. If that mileage claim turns out to be true I will go back to the Commanders. I was ready to put a CT on my rear wheel until I went to the E-3's. It always costs me when it comes to tires as I change em out early and I change BOTH of them out together. One thing I disliked about the Commander's was that they stayed GREASY for the 1st 100 miles of use.....The E-3's are no where near as greasy when new and by the time I get 50 miles on em they are good to go for doing the twisties. Boomer....who sez the CT has not been completly ruled out....unlike red-headed wimmen.
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