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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. Nearly 11 years ago I passed up an offer from an Uncle to invest in a crawfish farm he planned to start on his farm in Church Point, La. I was reluctant to part with $10K but in hindsight I sure wish I had! Within 4 years my Uncle had made his 1st Million $$ with that crawfish farm. He retired from the business 2 years ago and sold his crawfish farm to a neighbor....and that got him another 3 Million $$. We have 3 types of crawfish for sale here in La.....One is farm raised, one is wild crawfish harvested from the bayous, and the 3rd is crawfish imported from China. We locals know better than to bother with the China crawfish....nasty tasting stuff for sure!! A lot of Resteraunts use the China crap because is sells for 1/3 the price of La. crawfish. Boomer....who sez he passed onna deal to be part owner inna cathouse cuz I just knew I wuz gonna cut into de profit margin on dat enterprise....
  2. We have several large catfish farms here in SW Loozeeanner and that is our main source for really tasty catfish filets and catfish nuggets. Our bayou's are loaded with catfish as well but we do catch/release with them when we are fishing. Catfish are bottom-feeders and are well known for eating anything they come upon. Same thing can be said for our crawfish.... Boomer....who sez fried catfish iz a purty good meal and makes a durn good po-boy too.
  3. You can go to the nearest Dairy Queen and deposit the $12 under the Account name "Boomer"...... Boomer....who sure hopes Freebird don't see this....
  4. Donna and I send our sympathy and good thoughts to Mark's family and friends. I think I have met him but not really sure....so many members and my memory fails to match names with faces..... Boomer
  5. I'm running the Dunlop E-3's front/rear and have had NO issues with them whatsoever. For me they have proven themselves to be the best tires I have ever put on my Venture. I would be hard pressed to try any other brand/make of tire regardless of price. Boomer.....who sez performance and safety far outweigh mileage/cost when it comes to sneakers fer de scoot.
  6. Too darn funny!!!!! Boomer....who sez you kin always spot a cheap suit...
  7. We did fine here in SW Loozeeanner as well. Caught a lot of rain and heavy winds but nothing serious happened to the house. We didn't lose power but I had a generator and 10 gallons of gas in stand-by. I also had 3 full propane tanks for cooking on our deck stove....and 3-4 bags of charcoal too. We missed the "day before the storm fiasco" at the Super Markets and gas stations by getting everything taken care of last week. And NO we did not buy 12 loaves of bread and 10 gallons of milk as we saw a lot of folks doing..... Boomer,Donna,and de pygmies....who all managed to gnaw our way through 2 half-gallons of Blue Bell Strawberry Summer Pie ice cream....
  8. Last year after installing a brand new set of E3's on my 06 I experienced the wobble/unstable problem which you are now having. Squid checked/tightened the steering head bearing and the problem vanished. I'm on my 2nd set of E3's now and I love the way the bike handles/rides. Prior to the E3's I had gone thru 4 sets of Dunlop 404's and 3 sets of Michelin Commanders...and all those tires never gave me the use mileage/performance of the E3's. I run zero pressure in my front forks and 30 psi in the rear shock. Boomer....who sez yer problem will be solved if ya let Goose have a crack at her.
  9. Don't use any Locktite on screws/bolts which may be close or come into contact with the plastic of the trunk! It's a good habit to check all the trunk screws at least once a month. Boomer....who sez using pygmies fer counter-weights iz a good way to reduce vibration on de Venture.
  10. Snapping turtles are absolutely the baddest turtle on the planet. If they didn't taste so good we would just shoot em and leave em for the gators to snack on down heah..... Boomer....who has a cousin with only 3 fingers on his left hand thanks to messing with a large snapper....He can still pick his nose purty good with the other hand tho...
  11. Large turtles can pose a hazard as bad as chunks of tires or deep potholes. Your speed should always match existing road conditions and weather IMHO. Boomer....who sez dodging a 8 foot alligator in de middle of the road can be as much fun as pushing yer mother-in-law down a steep flight of stairs....
  12. There's not much that is easy about mountain riding IMHO. I found it to be both physically and mentally demanding... especially when I did the Dragon. For me, controlling the speed of the bike contributed greatly to my enjoyment of the ride. Having ridden for years all over New England I am durn glad to be riding the flatlands down heah in de deep South. Boomer....who sez it's a lot easier to spot dem Dairy Queens down heah den it ever wuz in Noo England....
  13. Sure glad to hear you did not end up down on the asphalt!! Nothing runs my "pucker factor" up faster than seeing those road gators flying all over the place. Low speed maneuvers are easy to master but at 60-70mph you really are limited by what you can do to avoid those gators and still keep the scoot from nailing one of them. When passing a 18 wheeler I get as far away from them in the passing lane and ride the throttle HARD to get around and ahead of them as quickly as possible. I have had LEO's pull me over for speeding when doing this but when I explain the situation to them they have all understood and let me go on my way without a ticket. Ya done good Rhonda!! Take care gal and don't let things like this deter you from climbing on your iron horse. Things like this are the risks we all accept to feel the wind on our knees and really enjoy the freedom of the road. Boomer.....who sez even de pygmies cringe when we fly by an 18 wheeler.
  14. Too bad ya don't live closer to me. I'd have the pygmies deal wit dem wasps..... and we could do a nice ride/ice cream expedition..... Boomer....who sez de choice between riding and eating ice cream sure causes a lot of distress in mah life....
  15. I don't trust the fuel guage or the Low Fuel light on my 06 Venture. I use the trip odometer on my bike. I zero it when I fill the tank and don't worry about fuel until the odometer reads 150 miles....which coincides nicely with my need for a bathroom stop/coffee break. I also use my GPS (when at 125 miles) to show me the nearest gas station if I am riding out in the boonies out of heavily populated areas. Note: The miles between gas stops depends also on whether I am riding solo or have Donna with me. I actually go further miles when she's riding with me cuz she watches the speedometer. Boomer....who sez it's all about the ride.
  16. It prolly is now dat you mention it.... Boomer....who sez he could use a bit of dat "cooler" weather here in Loozeeanner right now... Note: I have never ridden a 1st Gen because I KNOW that I would push the envelope while on it...and that would prolly cost me my life. I am extremely confident and happy with my 2nd Gen thanks to my years of riding experience and the 65K I have put on my 06. Bottom line for me is simple: Ride WHATEVER BIKE you want because it really is all about being on 2 wheels regardless of what you ride.
  17. Years ago I used to make fun of the 1st Genners here on the Forum....After trying to keep up with Kbran while doing the "Bogalusa Twisties" I learned to respect them! Boomer....who sez even de pygmies can't catch a 1st Gen....unless dey are stopped at a Dairy Queen.
  18. Prayers on the way. I hope God gives your son the strength he needs for the kid's sake. Boomer
  19. Prayers and good thoughts coming all the way from SW Louisianna for you and Tater's!!!! Keep us posted my friend! Boomer and Donna
  20. The home looks awesome! Donna and I are so happy for you guys!! Now kick back and enjoy the place. Boomer....who sez dat Living Room can hold a lot of scoots....
  21. Great news for sure Monty!!!! Please convey my sincere thanks to them for their service to our Country! Boomer....who sez give those sons lots of steaks and cold beer.
  22. Yammy can exercise whatever stupidity they choose when it comes to the Venture....I have mine and will ride it until all the Dairy Queens in the country are closed down..... Boomer....who sez NEW does not always equate to BETTER.
  23. Kenny.....Ya know Donna and I are sending prayers for your daughter's full recovery. If there is anything we can do for you and Beth give us a call. Boomer....who sez de PMT (Pygmie Medical Team) is ready to roll if needed.
  24. IMHO I would let no one other than a reputable gunsmith do what is needed to ensure proper operation and safety of your gun. Boomer....who sez shooting a toe off iz a good way to limp like like a pirate....
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