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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. There was really no procedure to follow. I simply turned off the CB and set the speaker mode to SP. Those were the 2 most useful tips the guys here offered.....I had already ruled out all the other possible problems as mentioned in this thread. Boomer.....who sez pushing 3 buttons wuz purty easy once I had a few beers to help me focus....
  2. That's not a reasonable amount for the inconvienence he suffered. If the dealer had shot the guy's dog; sold his children off into the sex slave industry; burned his house to the ground; and shipped his wife off to an Al Queda Training Camp all of THAT would justify 2.2 Million Dollars. Boomer....who sez some ambulance chaser iz gonna get a big piece of this Virginia pie.
  3. Why dontcha bring one of the old speakers wit you jest to make sure ya got de right size to fit de scoot? Boomer....who sez dat theory won't werk if yer dragging yer ex-wife onto a car lot fer a trade in onna nice truck....
  4. We have a cold front moving in for the weekend here....Daytime temp iz supposed to be 60-65...... Boomer.....who sez its really nice to see snow...On a picture postcard!!
  5. Blue Bell has a new flavor....Strawberry Summer Cream....God Bless Texas!!!!! Boomer....who sez man can live by ice cream alone.
  6. Thanks guys....I had the CB "ON" and the speakers in the "HS" mode and after pushing buttons for a while everything finally worked right. Boomer....who sez ya can hear me coming now.... Note: I wrote all dis crap down in case things git pooched up again.....grrrrrrrr.
  7. The Controller reads "AU" now but still nothing with the Ipod tunes.... Boomer....who sez this could result in "tunes withdrawal".....
  8. [QUOHow do I reset the Audio Controller (left handlebar) so that it will allow me to play my Ipod using the Aux jack on the CASSETTE PLAYER? TE]
  9. Same thing as a MP3....I think !
  10. The story: Left the Ipod on the bike last week. Yesterday the battery was dead. I put a slow charge for 6 hours on the battery and all seems well today. The problem: How do I reset the Audio Controller (left handlebar) so that it will allow me to play my Ipod using the Aux jack on the cassette player? I know the answer is probably very simple but the last time I did this was a few years ago and my memory fails me....and the Service Manual is NO help at all !! Regards and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this! Boomer....the not-so high tech guy.
  11. Prayers and good thoughts being sent to you for a speedy recovery Larry. Get a hungry Lawyer and sue the crap out of the cager. You never know the long-term effects of injuries so make it count and don't settle for a paltry sum!! Boomer....who sez lot's of $$$$ does make the healing easier to bear.
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!! Give it hell and enjoy the day....and night too... Boomer....who sez getting old is not all that it is cracked up to be,,,,
  13. [QUOTWith the pork situtation being what it is lately.........I'd have roped that porker and dragged it home. E] Ditto that!! Those wild hogs are running rampant over here in de bayou's. We generally shoot 4-6 of em during deer season and process them with the deer fer a whole mess of good eating venison sausage. Boomer....who sez dat sausage is good on de pit or inna big pot of gumbo.
  14. Post the weekend date that will work for you and Lonna. Those that can make it will be there:cool10:....those that can't will weep! Boomer....who sez de pygmies are all pumped up for a road trip.... ps: Lemme know if ya want any Cajun food specialties.
  15. It always amazes me how Brad & Lonna always find the time to help someone out!! If there are better folks out there I have not met them yet! Boomer....who sez having friends like dat is surely priceless.
  16. It is a well known fact that Yammy does not give a rat's azz for what its customers want regarding the Venture. I guess their logic is that those of us who have one will never get rid of it and they will make more $$$$ selling us parts than they will selling us a new Venture. Boomer....who sez its time to ride....
  17. I had just finished running errands that morning when I heard the report on my car radio. I immediately drove to our local Elementary School and signed my 2 boys out and brought them home with me. Within minutes of turning on the TV I saw the 2nd plane slam into the 2nd Tower. At that point I got my guns and ammo out of my safe locker....and made darn sure the wife was on her way home from work too. I lost several friends who worked in Tower 1 and the Pentagon....They will never be forgotten....And I for one will NEVER forgive the treachery of that attack. Lucky for the perps I was not President because the release of nuclear weapons would surely have been authorized. Boomer....who sez sand makes for pretty glass.
  18. [single-point audio control system for AM/FM radio, cassette, and intercom is MP3-compatible and headset-ready. The system also includes a Star-branded iPod touch (8GB) with an iSimple SolutionsTM audio interface by AAMP of America. QUOTE] I stand corrected...... Boomer....who sez Yammy still does not get it....
  19. Way to go Bubber! So ya gave up on owning yer own Dairy Queen?? Boomer....who sez "work" iz a 4 letter word that is best left unsaid....
  20. Did not see a mention of a cassette player.....Bummer... Boomer.....who sez his 06 is worth 20K of love too....
  21. Bubber if I had one it would be on it's way to you. I still appreciate that spare fuel pump you sent me several years ago..... Boomer.....who sez make sure ya don't have any pygmies messing with yer scoot:whistling:....and good luck fixing this problem!
  22. Your Warranty should be good even though you bought the bike used. Yamaha Warranty goes from owner to owner on these Ventures regardless of mileage/location. My bet is the ignition switch is the culprit as that is exactly what I experienced on my 06 several years ago. There are several things you can do to prolong the life of the new ignition switch and there are several threads here pertaining to those specific actions. Good luck and ride on! Boomer....who sez an Emergency By-Pass switch will make darn sure yer never stranded again.
  23. Brad....My 06 had the whine issue until I started using the Rotella Synthetic oil. I also run loud pipes and loud tunes which helps a lot too.... Boomer....who sez to Rhonda....The "personal whine" issue can best be resolved by several hard slaps to de head.....
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