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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. Post deleted by member.
  2. Thanks for the kind words regarding the Patriot Guard Brother. We do the best we can, each in our own way, and our presence does make a difference. Brown water Navy? I was out of Danang 68-71 on PBR's.....Can't say I miss it at all. Thanks for serving and Welcome Home Brother! Regards.......Boomer
  3. Coming back from a Patriot Guard Troop Welcome Home Mission. I was on I-95 cruising at a steady 70mph. Traffic was light. Road dry.Overcast sky. Crotch rocket coming up FAST in my rear views and the rider passed me doing at least 80mph. Further up the road, and within my view, he decided to do a wheelie! He looked good until the front tire came down...... I have never seen so many motorcycle parts scattered on a highway to that extent.....I'm glad that I was in the right hand lane and able to avoid the mess! By the time I pulled over to assist several other folks had done so.One of them was a Doctor on his way to work. It did NOT look good for the Rider of that bike I tell you. I have to wonder just what would motivate someone to pull a stunt like that at 80+ mph and not realize the consequences if all did not go as planned.
  4. OK i just set up a PayPal account for this Mission. They tell me I have to wait a few days to confirm with the Bank that PayPal has made 2 small deposits to the Account. If all goes well donations can be made via PayPal by next Tuesday or Wednesday. Thanks for the advice Don!! And sincere Thanks to any and all who donate to this Mission as well! Regards.......Boomer
  5. Not quite sure if posting this here is the right place. Mods feel free to re-locate this. Recently I have learned that a dedicated Patriot Guard Rider;Gulf War Veteran;and good friend has suffered a tragic loss. Mark Fleming of > Plainfield Connecticut was forced into a guardrail while driving his > Vulcan 900/sidecar. Both bike and sidecar are a total loss. Luckily Mark > sustained NO serious injury. The driver of the vehicle did not even stop > after the incident happened! > > As of today,and with permission of the Connecticut Patriot Guard State > Captain I am undertaking a significant fundraising effort on Mark's > behalf. My goal is to raise enough funds to purchase Mark a brand new > 2008 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 complete with new sidecar. Mark cannot ride a > regular bike as he has has one leg completely amputated and he has no > prosthesis for the missing leg. > > I have opened a special Bank Account for this fundraiser. Checks or PO > Money Orders can be mailed to: > > Savings Institute Bank > PO Box 86 > Lebanon,Connecticut,06249 > > Please make all donations payable to: "Mark Fleming Benefit". > > Also....Donations will be accepted to this Account from any Savings > Institute Bank within the State of Connecticut for those wishing to do a > walk-in donation. > > To date this is what has been accomplished: > > I have a firm commitment from a Kawasaki Dealership-Owner to provide a > 2008 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 for a cost of $6K.The Dealership will be > hosting the "Presentation Ceremony" at which time Bob Stone-State > Captain and Patriot Guard Riders will present Mark with the keys to his > new ride. > > I will be traveling to MA. very soon to select the sidecar for Mark's > Vulcan. Down the road I will also be going back to MA. to pick up the > sidecar and deliver same to the Kawasaki Dealership for install on > Mark's Vulcan. > > The Connecticut Patriot Guard will be scheduling a Ride-In from many > points across the State for the "Presentation Day Ceremony". There will > be music,food,beverages, TV and Radio coverage, and whatever else I can > possibly pack in to make this a memorable day for all of us!(Yeah, I > have the "Girls of Hooter" in mind for this event.):^) > > The monetary goal for this fund raiser is $11-12K. Any donated funds not > utilized specifically for the bike/sidecar will be turned over to our > PGR Help On The Homefront. > > Please consider doing the following for the benefit of this worthy > Warrior: Donate what you can; tell everyone you know about this > fundraiser and give them the Bank info so they can donate too. NO AMOUNT > IS TOO SMALL I assure you!!! > > For any questions/concerns please feel free to contact me at your > convenience. > > Warmest regards and ride safe!..........Boomer
  6. I do a lot of group riding and of course we have our share of Harley's.....It has come to the point where every time a clank of metal is heard or seen on the road we all pull over to give the Harley riders a chance to check for missing parts....... :rotf:
  7. Dang.....I get that very same "mental phoenomena" every durn time I drive by a Dairy Queen......sigh..........
  8. Seems like for every 1 good Yammy Dealer there are 5 more who are worthless. Ignore the bad one's.....tell everyone you know how bad they are.....and send letters to Yamaha telling them too. Time and a bad reputation will catch up to the bad one's....
  9. Practice,practice,practice! Use large parking lots.....set up cones or tennis balls cut in half to mark your training area. Borrow or buy the "Ride Like A Pro" DVD's and devote the time needed to acquire the skills offered. There is no magic pill to overcome fear or inexperience.....Practice and time in the saddle is the only way to go. Ride safe and good luck. Boomer
  10. If I wanted to go slower than my 2nd Gen I would jump on this beauty..... :rotf:
  11. I got so darn tired of hitting that Kill Switch by accident that I put a small piece of metal tape over it to hold it in place. Works fine for me!
  12. If I remember correctly the black spacers between the fairing and the handlebars will have to be modified. These are the spacers that are just jammed in place to reduce vibration of the fairing........ I have the Baron's 1 1/2 riser extenders but I have not installed them yet.
  13. Pull pistol and cock....aim at rear....pull trigger.....:rotf:
  14. I'll bet the sheep would have something to say about that....:rotf:
  15. A riding buddy of mine tried the beads.....and quickly junked em. He did not enjoy sliding around on the seat. He has installed a nice hunk of sheepskin wool and just raves about THAT. I'm going to slap a hunk of that sheepskin wool on my seat here shortly........soon as I can find Momma's cookie jar stash.....
  16. SEND ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!
  17. Rick....I too would like to purchase just the switch box with the handlebar mount! Love those bags as well but the wallet is a little lean right now.....with all the PGR Missions I am doing the high cost of gas is keeping me a tad on the poor side. Regards.....Boomer
  18. New Mods? Are they supposed to buy ice cream for all members? Anyhoooo......Congrats guys. I know if Don picked you it was because he has every trust that you will do a great job. Regards....Boomer
  19. After following the advice of many here on this Forum I can assure you that my Venture no longer "lugs" in any gear....This bike loves the higher RPM's in every gear and that's all there is to it. Wind it up and let her rip!!! Regards......Boomer
  20. I'm wondering if you can still chew tobacky with one of them fancy rigs duct taped in place.......
  21. Seem to me that for what they charge for these tires them Metzeler folks need to get slapped with a lawsuit or two to wake em up a bit! There is NO excuse to be putting out a shoddy product on something as critical as a MC tire. And we wonder why guys are going over to the dark side?
  22. For anything larger than one of them Mexican rats (Cheewowaaa) I'd suggest getting the pooch a sidecar to ride in.....or ya could go with a pooch Trailer. I don't like the Trailer idea simply because you are exposing the pooch to exhaust gases from the bike. The Trailer idea would be great for transporting the Mother-In-Law IMHO.....
  23. Yep....and this is exactly why I stated "To each his own and ride safe".
  24. The Company would have refused to honor my Policy regardless of the circumstances of the accident.
  25. I got call backs from both my Insurance Agent and a Company Supervisor. They both informed me that if I installed a CT on the bike my Policy would be canceled immediately. I can't pull a fast one regarding this because my next door neighbor is my Insurance Agent....and she is as honest as the day is long. As I stated previously....to each his own and ride safe. Regards........Boomer
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