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Everything posted by BoomerCPO

  1. Now there is a fellow looking to spend time in a Hospital...........
  2. My main concern with that setup would be a hot coolant leak too darn close to the family jewels...................................
  3. I went from a FI bike to the Venture with carbs. Thanks to the advice of folks here I am sold on SeaFoam and add a bit to every tank of gas on the bike. No carb problems here and the scoot runs like a scalded ape despite the crappy gas we are being sold at a premium. Electronic problems on the road may be a bit more difficult to cope with compared to just tinkering with mechanical carbs IMHO........... I won't walk away from a 3rd Gen Venture tho if it has FI along with other upgrades.
  4. 12,136 miles to date.....but I lost out on 70 days of riding due to healing from my July crash.
  5. I put the 150 back on my Venture also for the reasons which you stated. It was more fun to learn and practice the "Ride Like A Pro" technique for all low speed situations!
  6. Stuff like this just proves to me that we do not have enough bleach in the gene pool........... Also....I wonder how many rescue personnel risk their lives to save people who participate in these type of activities?
  7. 14 degrees last November on a ride from SE Connecticut to New Jersey for a Patriot Guard Mission......I was on a C50 Boulevard with windshield.....no heated clothing....long johns.... with leather jacket/chaps. It was a brutal ride going and coming home.....
  8. I'm happy to hear that Clearview is taking action on this issue! I backed off buying a Clearview shield when I first heard of this mounting problem. Now I can put the Clearview shield back on my Christmas list!!
  9. I'm wondering why Kaw has not released the price for this scoot!! Anybody taking bets it will be more than $24K???
  10. Thanks but no thanks.....my wife is a handful as is...........
  11. Next time ya catch one send it to me....alive and kicking.....
  12. LOL! I tried that with my 2nd piece of sheepskin....Thieves up here carry knives....
  13. David....If you do go with a piece of sheepskin be prepared to lock it up whenever ya stop on the road to eat and such....I have had 2 pieces stolen right off the bike seat because I failed to lock em up.
  14. For long riding days I use a piece of sheepskin on the drivers seat. Not fastened to anything. My weight keeps it in place and there is no sliding whatsoever. It is cool in the summer and warm in the winter! Please....no comments about the weight of my butt as I am a sensitive guy.....
  15. Altho I like the looks and features of the new Kaw I'll be content to stay with my Venture until I see what Yammy does with the Venture over the next 2-3 years. My Warranty don't run out until 2011 so I have lots of time to decide what I'm going to spend my money on regarding a new scoot. Back in 71 I had a new Kaw 500 which was a V Twin.....not too many bikes out there at that time could even come close to the power that bike had.
  16. That may be the case where you live but it surely is not the case where I live. Our State Police are quick to pounce on jerks who drive like that on our highways.....and I have seen them do so many times.
  17. It's a shame you didn't get the tag number......Idiots like that deserve to get hammered!! Glad it turned out OK for all concerned. Now take your wife out for a great dinner!
  18. Thanks Larry....I just ordered them. Ride safe! Regards and respect.........Boomer
  19. Does anyone have the Kurakyn Part Number for these "P" clamps which will fit on the front crash bars of a 06 Venture? Thanks in advance for the info! Regards.........Boomer
  20. Don it may help a little if your son completes Driver Ed. Most Insurance Co.'s have no mercy on male teen drivers.....you only have to see some of them drive in the vicinity of the High School to know why.
  21. My sentiments exactly!! LOL!!
  22. Speaking ONLY for myself I have found out that the carb heaters do nothing but pull valuable wattage from the bikes electrical system. Even in the coldest weather here in Noo England my Venture will start easily just using the choke and giving the bike a few minutes to warm up before going on the road. I have never experienced "carb icing" which is what the carb heaters are supposed to prevent. If I remember correctly each carb heater pulls 35 Watts of juice when they come on. That's a lotta juice for a Venture no matter how ya slice it.....IMHO juice better used for lights and such.
  23. Correct you are Goose regarding the wattage. I dis-connected my carb heaters long ago.
  24. Thanks for the info Larry. I'm leaning towards going to the boat Marina and find some stainless steel "P" clamps to mount the lights to my crash bars...............
  25. I recently was given a nice set of 55-Watt driving lights for my 06 Midnight Venture. Question: Has anyone mounted driving lights onto the brackets for the small-clear wind deflectors which are located just below the headlight and over the front fender? My 1st impression is that these metal wind deflector brackets should be strong enough to support driving lights but I want to know if anyone else has done this without any problems with the brackets.
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