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  • Name
    greg wentworth


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 royalstat venture
  1. i am going to relax by following my yellow lab around the fields of north dakota chasing pheasants
  2. i have almost 9000 miles on my 08 venture. the differential had a bad housing. one of the bearings was loose and moving around. i also have the buzz in the floor boards and handle bars. it has been there since about 1000 miles. it is so bad the right mirror is blurry all the time. it is definitely rpm related. it will do it in each gear as you pass through an rpm band going up and down through the gears. have the dealer check for any loose bearings. the oil was less than 1500 miles old and it was burnt. i use 75w90 synthetic. the same oil we use in 600 horse truck differentials. so it was not an oil problem. my dealer contacted tech support, they told him there was a problem with some of the differentials not getting cleaned properly after final machining that caused improper lash set up. they found the loose housing in the process of checking it out. they replaced the complete differential.
  3. i have sirius. they make a station for bikes that fits certain models of recievers. i ran the output jack into the radio with a splitter under the fairing that hooks to the plug in next to the tape player. the only problem is the antenna seems to be very week that comes with the station. sirius doesnt support or warranty it. another company does it. a friend of mine has xm, i dont like it as much. the so called classic rock turns to pop at times. the station is real cheep compared to what others such as j&m offer. the antenna was replaced under warr. three months after installation. it looses reception around trees that over hang the road. i wouldnt ride with out it in certain areas, it is very nice. check out sirius.com and look under accessories, they list the bike station there. the station wasnt for my unit but i got it to fit no problem. here is a link to the install kit. http://shop.sirius.com/edealinv/servlet/ExecMacro?nurl=control/StoreItem.vm&ctl_nbr=2640&siId=2443221&catParentID=7872&scId=7872&oldParentID=7872
  4. i have stock road king slip ons on mine. the inside diameter on mine are close to twice the size of the stock mufflers. i also drilled out the little hole in the baffle to half an inch. i picked mine up off of e-bay brand new for $40 plus shipping for a total of $55. i found out after the fact from a friend of mine that is the local harley service manager that they have several laying around i could have gotten for free. check the local harley dealer for what they have. i used flat stainless and made my own mounts in less than twenty minutes. it has a nice low rumble. good luck
  5. my wifes has more than mine also. we have the biggest covers that i have found on both of them. i took a black plastic spoon and made a shield to cover the front of both of them. it did help a little plus it also helps them pick up your voice. i cut the handle off and put a little groove in what i left of the handle and use a small black cable tie to secure them. i think if i could find a black oval or rectangle measuring spoon it would work better to cup the foam better. good luck
  6. contact firehouse, maybe no one has ever asked for one.
  7. here is the link to their web site. give them a call and see what they can do. it is a very simple but comfortable design http://firehousecustoms.com/index.htm
  8. i got a backrest off of e-bay from a company in grand island nebraska that fits the stock seat of the venture. he had several other seat options available. he only sells on line or from e-bay. it only cost $110 for mine. i dont have the web site since i had to have the computer fixed. i will try to find it.
  9. i have the kuryakyn long horn off sets that provide a great range of adjustment. you need the one inch bar clamp kit. 7980 // $149.99 there is the part number and list price from kuryakyn's web site. enjoy the ride
  10. my wife has them on her 1100 v-star. they work very well. the mount is slotted so they can be turned a little. and they do sit up a little so they do not touch the ground when corning. they can also be moved around when mounting them to fit how you want.
  11. i have stock road king mufflers on my 08. you can just hear them on the road. no jetting or anything. check your local harley shop, they might some laying around for little money.
  12. you can get tach pick ups that go over a plug wire for fluke and snap on multi meters if you have one of those.
  13. thanks for the info. i have done the hole thing in snowmobile tanks that have a plastic sleeve down the neck. never had a bike that needed to have it done.
  14. i got an 08 royalstar venture, today was the first time i ran the tank down low. i ran out of gas on the regular setting before the reserve light and fuel trip came on. i ran on reserve far enough to get off the freeway and to a station. the tank only took 4.3 gals. the book says it is a 5.9 gallon tank with .90 reserve. it should have taken at least 5 gals. is this normal for these tanks to have 1.6 gals on the reserve? does not sound like it should be. the light and fuel trip came on about two miles after i switched over to reserve.
  15. ttttttttt
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