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  • Location
    Loveland, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    83 Yahama Venture Royale
  1. After putting the carbs back on in the process of rebuilding after the second gear repair, a couple of them are leaking slightly out of the drain hoses. The drain screws are fairly tight (don't want to over tighten). Any tips/thoughts on how to stop the drips? Amazing how a little gas can stink out the whole garage... driving the Mrs nuts. Other than the leaking carbs, so far no other leaks that I can see ... fingers crossed. TIA
  2. Just got my box of bits to fix the Second Gear issue ... now to see if I can remember how this engine goes back together.
  3. That's what I was thinking - it can't have been in there before, so I must have caused it to be in there, but I can't figure out where it came from.
  4. As I'm going through the process of fixing the second gear -yeah I'm taking my time in between all those other demands. I have my engine upside down working my way in getting the oil pump, oil gallery pipes off and I notice this piece sitting on the pistons - see highlighted in first picture. I've taken a few pictures of it but I'm not sure what it is or where it goes at this stage. Can anyone give me some pointers? Thanks in advance.
  5. Ouch ... good to hear you are in one piece. Our prayers are with you and all riders. Be Safe out there. Regards, David
  6. Sorry, I didn't get around to the CMS pictures as I got carried away taking the engine out ... managed it at 12:30am on my lonesome, it is now sitting on the floor for the next day or two while I'm away on business. [ATTACH]46432[/ATTACH] I'll get to the pictures later in the week.
  7. Should have the battery sensor mod pictures later today.
  8. (41R-2179E-00-00 $11.14 @ www.cycledesignonline.com
  9. This site has the lowest prices for OEM Parts I've seen in my search - haven't ordered from them yet ... http://www.cycledesignonline.com But the Second Gear Kit is priced at $360.10, the lowest I've seen so far.
  10. After owning my 83 VR for year I'm finally getting round to fixing a few of the niggles including the second gear (currently in the process of removing the engine - gratefully assisted by all the articles on this site.) I have question on the Second Gear kit for those that have used it before I order it - Does it contain anything more than the four parts listed? I ask as the cost of the four individual parts appears to be less (a lot less in some places) than the kit, so is there something extra? As an aside I tried the Battery Sensor fix and couldn't get it to work with the 1K, 2.2K or variable resistors, so I disabled it directly on the CMS circuit board by breaking the relevant circuit and using a pull down resistor. I can take pictures if anyone is interested. Also I had a fun issue with the flashers (or indicators for any of us Brits) - they only worked when turned to the left. Turned out the Hazard Switch had some loose contacts than only made contact depending on gravity. Great site BTW with lots of useful information.
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