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Everything posted by dalesocha

  1. I have a 2009 RSV and Id like to look into getting a sync kit also. Where did you get yours? Is it easy to do? Thanks Dale
  2. Got it done with the help of Technical library here on venture rider. Thanks for the person who actually took the time to do it.
  3. It took me a few hours in between the 100F (here in humid Tennessee) heat to install new spark plugs. I chose the NGK Iridum @ autozone. They had em in stock and thought I dont want to take off my tank and part of the front end off again for awhile. stock number 7803. Pricy at $9.99 each but I think worth all the money. She purrrrrrrrs perfectly now. Mine you I had no idea what and how to do this adventurous adventure to my Venture. Had to throw that in. I found on the Articles page when I did a search on google, had pictures and directions from this site. Thank you for adding the info. I really appreciate it. While my scooter was opened up as they say I got some polish and cleaned and polished all parts that could not be seen without the seat and tank on. Its almost therapy guys. In this crazy pandemic time it was fun to work on Red once again. I change the Oil with a full synthetic Valvoline 10w-40. I change the oil once a year whether I ride her or not. Pricy at $9.99 a quart. But our bikes deserve the best. Of coarse it rained at the second I had everything put back together... God is so funny sometimes. dalesocha my real name
  4. Good morning to you, I ride a 2009 RSV and the seat MOD you are doing sounds great. What do you charge to recover the pilot seat? After 300 miles I feel like I too NO AssItol pills. LOL I hope to hear from you. socha.dale@icloud.com 931-698-4113 Text or call Thanks
  5. Ive had my 2009 RSV for almost 5 years and have not replaced the spark plugs yet. We have not ridden her in about a year. But its time to do some needed maintenance on our baby "RED". I have looked on you tube for videos nothing there? The rear cylinders are no problem, it just takes time. The front plugs look like major surgery, what can you explain or make a video to help me and others out there. I appreciate your help. I plan on making a video and posting on youtube Thanks DaleSocha
  6. Hey fellow RSV owners / riders out there! I have a 2009 Royal Star Venture and I was told by firebird that raising the height of the fork-Tee would help, instead of lowering it??? I dont really need to lower the back as I am a tall rider. Ive had this bike for 6 years and haven't been riding as much as I used too. I really would like some fun wind time with the wifey this summer. Now listen Im about as dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to mechanical things like RED my RSV. So if anyone has any suggestions can you take a picture and explain how and what to do? Im a retired electrical / general contractor and can install or fix anything in a house, not my truck or my bike....... Thanks for what ever you can suggest. It may help more other RSV riders also. Thanks Dale Socha
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