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About ecbaatz

  • Birthday 12/16/1956

Personal Information

  • Name
    Eric C Baatz


  • Location
    Honor, MI, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 SVTC 1996 Suzuki VS1400 Intruder

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  1. My shop called Friday and I have an appointment this coming Thursday for the replacement. I was shocked that it was so quick.
  2. This topic was pulled on the other forum, poster got an email asking for it to be removed, moderator did so. Recommend copying and saving it somewhere. I have asked poster what Yamaha is trying to hide, and waiting for his answer.
  3. This is what I purchased, it is stock height but with recurve and wider.
  4. Oh I did it in both accessory and the bike running. You just might not have seen that part as I had to shorten the video to get it to load here.
  5. Well, I tried an experiment this afternoon with the stock gps and it raised an interesting question. There has been discussion on the difference between the analog speedometer and the digital one. There were questions on why the accuracy difference. My thought was that the front wheel provided the speed indication for both analog and digital. So to prove this theory I did the following. I put the but on a trailer, had some one tow me while I videoed the speedometer and GPS. In addition I had my Garmin Xumo Xt installed as well so we would have a base line. As I was recording it I did find out that there was no speed indication neither analog nor digital which is what I was expecting. The shock was that the stock gps was not indicating the travel. It stayed on the starting point of when I began the test. I did record both in accessory and with the bike running to see if there was a difference. There was none. I stopped and shut the bike off and to just check I started it back up to see if the stock gps would find the new location. Which it did. I cannot explain why the stock gps did not show the travels. So that is the new question. The Garmin Xumo did show the travel. So now I have to see if I can figure out why. I do hope this answers some questions. Or it may just generate more, I know of at least one. AC8DDA91-5A02-4F8A-83EA-DC69E46E90F8.mov
  6. Should not be a problem, I have to pull that side cover to remove the seat to do the oil change.
  7. Did an oil change today and was frustrated having to look up the info again. So being a nuke I took notes.
  8. Here is the flag I have on the bike in addition to the American Flag.




    1. ChiefGunner


      Very nice! I have the one with the soldier kneeling at a cross and a regular POW/MIA I can swap with.

  9. Is this pigtail designed to fit a 2018 Star Venture Transcontinental? If so I would like to purchase one. Please PM me.
  10. Is your pigtail/jumper designed the the 2018 star venture, if so I would like to purchase one. 

    1. M61A1MECH


      No the jumper does not fit the new Ventures or Eluders, only the 1999 to 2013 Ventures and standard Royal Stars from 1996 to 2001. 

    2. ecbaatz


      Ok, thanks, can't blame me for trying.

    3. M61A1MECH


      Nope , worth asking the question, Yamaha did not make a junction in the harness that I can graft into like on the earlier models.

  11. Dmitry, message me your email address and will send it. Eric
  12. Received word from my dealer that Yamaha has approved the repairs. Now just have to wait on delivery of the part. And hopefully since I got my recall letter in the mail today, I can get the front brake switch replaced at the same time.
  13. I agree, that is why I asked the dealer about it. I have the pigtail installed.
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