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hdhtr last won the day on November 8 2023

hdhtr had the most liked content!


13 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Steve DuBois


  • Location
    Fayetteville, NC, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 RSV


  • Occupation
    Retired ...

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    Shoulder to cry on ...

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  1. Yeah I should Scott. Although I am going to keep the bike (I had to get it safety inspected and registered today) I am not able to get out there this weekend. :(
  2. Good bike, good price. I thought by now someone would express an interest. I am going to try for 2 more weeks then take it down. The registration is coming up then and if I register it for another year, I will just keep it. What I was thinking to get is a smaller bike for around town which I could use more than a touring bike. Anyway. Really, good bike, all the stuff and the price is right.
  3. Selling my 2008 RSV S, silver of course. Little over 50K on it, runs great, has a small scratch on the left side of the tank, other wise looks great. It comes with jack and adapter, various stuff I've accumulated for it and a cover or two, has good tires and brakes. CB has a grounding issue I've never bothered to get into because no one seems to use the childrens band anymore. $3000. Bike is in Fayetteville North Carolina. Contact me at hdhtr2000@aol.com or grab my phone number off my bio.
  4. That is what they say ... it was a good ride.
  5. Just saw this. Rest in peace Jeff. It was good riding with you. You are in our prayers Margaret. Steve
  6. Hey Earl, I have been back in NC since 2014. And Scott, no, have a local 910 ac now, number is in my profile. My 91 bit the dust at 288,000 + and I wound up with a 2008 RSVS. I got it with 10K and now only have about 51K. Have not done a trip in ages ... I think that was VW 2 with the desert ...
  7. I was thinking like how about like before the crash ... or Venture West One, back then!
  8. I have not been on in a few years. Any old timers still around?
  9. I am sorry I missed this as well Earl. Hope you are getting along better now. Mind the docs and get some cycle therapy in when they say you can.
  10. Very good to hear. Be safe out there.
  11. You could drag Rick and Vic with you too. Be nice to see all of you in person! Course I miss all of the riders out there. I do wonder how the 'old' guys from VW 1,2 and 3 are doing. And you Jack. How did the angio plasty go anyway? You in shape to do a wander?
  12. Well Jack, if you can't remember how many you got and of what ... it could be yous is old. And say, I think Buddy plans on coming out this spring, you should too.
  13. Hate to tell you Jack ... you are old! Much older than me with out doubt! Our oldest is 54, the oldest grandkid of the 13 is 26, oldest of the 3 great grandkids 10. Jeeze ... I read this and now I feel old!!
  14. Merry Christmas Jack
  15. Hope all have a great day today. And Craig ... hope you and yours have a wonderful day. Weather here is good for a Thanksgiving ride before the feasting will begin ... hope to ride before all the eating cause afterwards I am sure my recliner and a nap will be in order! Steve
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