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Brian D.

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Everything posted by Brian D.

  1. Hey all: was on ebay tonight and saw an 07 venture listed, has studded seats, and chrome emblem on saddlebags which makes me think it is an 06, anyway the listing states it has a weather channel, band, does it really have a weather channel as according to my owners manual for my 07, i can't find anywhere where my 07 has a weather band. appreciate any imput cause I would really use a weather band if mine had one. See the ebay listing below Thanks Brian D. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-Touring-Bagger-MIDNIGHT-VENTURE-BAGGER-TOURING-EXTRAS-GPS-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem43a65edbc4QQitemZ290554043332QQptZUSQ5fmotorcycles
  2. Thanks to all for your imput. Icurrently still have the orginal Dunlop on front and really like but want to try the E 3.
  3. Good evening: have 26,000 on my front tire and need toput a new oneonWant to go with e3's and not sure what the tire size is as my bike is in storage and can't get to it. thanks
  4. Our prayers going out to you and your family, your love and ssupport for your father and family is very evident here and may GODhold and comfort you and your father.
  5. I am on the second rear Dunlop 404's, change it at 15,000 and I am still on orginal front 404 at 21, 000 as I have a couple thousound miles of tread on it according to dealer and myself. Very Happy with 404's!!! Thery are great on wet roads.
  6. hoon mount looks easy but which one do you all use and have you mounted on left or right side and do you all have the ones that offset. Any Photos appreciated. Thanks Brian Robinson
  7. Just won a roady 2 off e-bay need some ideas on a mount. I saw one that is called a hoon mount that has a backplate for antenna mount, anyone used this or what is the best RAM mount and where can I pick up one at. Thanks
  8. Really am kinda lost when it comes to finding the location of the clutch bleeder valve. Need to have mine done as it is dark but can seem to find the location of bleeder valve, 2nd gen 07 RSV Thanks A photo would be helpful. Thanks
  9. Hey All: Made it to Sanford Fla tonight, 971 miles and boy was it hot today from Virginia all the way. Midnight RSV ran like a top and made it down here on 74.00 worth of gas. Onl had one tank that got over 45mpg but I ran it between 75 and 80 mph and she pulled thosed mountians in I-77 with no problem. Glad I did this, now back to Ohio on Tuesday.
  10. Planning on heading on I-64 out of Huntington, W.Va and down I-77 south and link up with I-95 south into Daytona and then I-4 toward Orlando but Thanks Randy. God Bless
  11. Hey all: Well, heading out on my first long trip on my 07 midnight RSV to Sanford, fla on Thursday. Leaving as soon as school is out as I have a 12 day break and ready to head south to visit my daughter. Got a new rear tire on yesterday, fluids topped off and got her washed and waxed yesterday. Anyone have any lastminute tips as I head south Thursday. Will try to get on Thursday night after checking into hotel and then Friday night after I get there. Plan on taking it steady and not in a hurry. Appreciate any prayers for safe travel. Brian D.
  12. OUr prayers go out to his family and your CMA family. May GOD give comfort and peace during this loss of a brother. Brian D.
  13. Just wondering if any of you use the scal rider q2 headset. I see they just came out with a newer version in February. Wonder if anyone has the unit with mp3 jack and your thoughts if it is worth the price and how does the phone feature work at high speeds. Thanks Brian D.
  14. Wanting to add some electropods LED lighting to my 07 venture and was wondering if anyone else has them on their bike and how easy is it to hook up. Thanks
  15. I too love the V-twin as I had an 02 Suzuki Volusia. Wanted something bigger and with two daughters in college it wasn't going to be a high end touring bike and as I spent months on this website , e-bay and doing internet research I kept coming back to the venture, cost style and warranty were indeed factors. Have it RSV since April 2008 and yea I got a little whine in 5th gear but turn up radio and with helmet, add some roadking exhaust bored out and don't hear a thing put pure V-4 power and rumble. ride everyday to work and ride every weekend and oh the cruise control is a big plus. Plenty of storage and more importantly Mama loves the back seat!! You can't go wrong!!! My two cents!! Ride Safe, Pray Daily Brian D.
  16. Hey all: have RK slip ons from an 08 roadking. Totally gutted them out including catalytic converter drilled out. Then right after installing them I changed plugs and then the popping on deceleration began. Also would pop when shifting up from 1st to 2nd. Well to make a a long story short had a carb sync done today and guess what, they were off and that has fixed the problem. No more popping and pipes sound great, really roar when getting on them. I do not have the AIS plugged. So for all that may be having popping issues, try to get a carb sync and should fix your problem. Oh, I have an 07 Midnight RSV with 11, 000 miles on her. Brian D.
  17. Brian D.

    It's over

    Our prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family. We never get over losing a loved one, we just get thru it!! Keep those memories alive in you daily. May GOD be with you. Brian D.
  18. Looking for ideas as to why 07 RSV with 10,000 miles has been popping when shifting up and when getting off the throttle. Just changed plugs with NKG's and bored out catalytic converter out of RK slip on's. Also removed the middle plate so you can see thru each pipe front to back. Gas milege is still the same, idles fine but get that pop sound. Was running 91 0ctane and just put in 87 octane and it was less today on a 50 mile ride. Any ideas or imput appreciated. Thanks Brian D.
  19. Want to get on the parkway at the northern point and ride south for two days and then head north. have only three and a half days to do this so any suggestions apppreciated. Thanks Brian D.
  20. Hey all, wife and i are wanting to leave Huntington, W.Va and take a three day ride down to blue ridge parkway, anyone have specific route info and any great places to stay down thru there. Thanks Brian D.
  21. Hi Rick: sent you a message off the classified page regarding seat nuts and bag bolts. It was kinda long so i didn't want to re-post here but if you get a chance and read it would you drop me a message back. Thanks Brian D.
  22. This site is worth soooo much to all of us that ride a yamaha or any bike for that matter. The willingness of those on this site to share information that saves us all alot of time by always answering questions and provide quick and easy fixes to our own mechanical issues or upgrades. Justed drilled out my rk pipes via this site and thanks to Don's photo (Freebird) how to remove the RSV gas tank allowed me to tackle changing spark plugs all by myself. that was awesome and pure satisfaction to do it yourself with the help of so many on this site. Thanks Don and many others who take the time to share their knowledge and experience. God Bless Brian D.
  23. Hey all: so I'm in Sanford, florida visitng my daughter who is in commerical flight school at Delta Connection Academy and we were going to lunch today and this burgandy/black rsv pulls up beside me at light with a biker bear mounted on luggage rack. Wish I could have spoke to them. Anyway does anyone in florida know who that was and are they on here. Would like to meet since I will be here till Wednesday. Thanks Brian D. PS. His female passenger had lady rider on her helmet.
  24. Hey all, looking to put a pocket in each of my 2nd gen rsv in each lid. Found a set that is rather inexpensive but my question is howw do they hold up and will they fall down into bag during the hot summer months if they are attached with 2 sided tape. The photo of them shown at link below shows open rivet holes on the ends and I'm sure not going to drill into lids to attach them. anyone already using these and if so how do you install them? thanks Bein D. http://www.americanmotorcycleaccessories.com/proddetail.asp?prod=AMA0740
  25. Hey all just installed my Genesis LED Brakelight/taillight, WOW what a difference!! It sure is ashame yamaha can't make this part of their standard equipment package. Anyway talk about being noticed! This thing is BRIGHT!! Recommend to anyone who rides. Got it at Custom Dynamics and they were super to work with ! Have a GREAT DAY!! Be Safe!! Brian D.
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