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Everything posted by ArcsSparks

  1. simple you have a neutral back to the transformer (which is grounded at the pole) and there should be a bare #6 0r #8 hard drawn copper connected to a ground rod and connected to maybe the neutral bar ( which is alright because the ground between the neutral bar and the ground bar is the panel box itself) if you don't have a earth ground at the panel box, get a electrician to installed one, your living in a fire trap without one
  2. My grand daughter loves the motor cycle but up an till she was 7 (able to reach the pass. pegs the only place she was aloud to go was around the yard. Kids shouldn't on city streets until they are stable on the bike (and will listen to instructions) imho
  3. Rotors 278.00 DO NOT let it go metal on metal!!! you probably blow the pistons and seals 95.00 each and there's 4 I said and still think I had a pad failure Yamaha disagreed and 700.00 later I have a complete new rear brake
  4. The wife and I had a wonderful ride today, 'bout 200 miles with the brother-in-law and a couple from church. Went to a christian biker get together played biker games and a good lunch rode to a fish house for supper then headed home. Great day until we got 5 blocks from home then an idiot lady pulled out from a gas station right in front of us brakes and a real close near miss, Thank god it was only a near miss, but 3 seconds can wipe out a wonderful day in the country. So you all be careful out there because the blind cagers ARE out to get you!!!!
  5. Thinking of putting road king mufflers on. found a nice cheap set. I've seen the brackets offered here but can't find them. Thanks in advance
  6. The irs saved my butt on my divorce. This is the story: Divorced in '79 entered the Navy in '80 12 years in the Navy paid my children support through an allottment (about 2x court ordered, which my ex called a gift), plus carried health insurance on the kids (not court ordered) retired in '92 (12 in the Navy and 8 in the Army), youngest child was 17+ and out of the house so I stop paying. Well the ex went to the court in Iowa and said I never paid dime one (because it wasn't paid through social services) and the court awarded her all the back child support plus 50% penalty, which I paid for 2 1/2 years. Finally contacted my represenative and she (Eva Clayton) said if it's a gift it's taxable and wondered if she had paid the taxes. Well she hadn't and I received about $2700 in CHILD SUPPORT REFUND and she nearly went to jail.
  7. I'm with you monty, who cares about motorcyle gas milage? It's about the ride, if it got 1 mpg and the ride was good I'd be happy.
  8. How much would you pay far a complete rear brake job ---- rotor pistons and seals and the labor to do it
  9. what's offensive about the truth. welcome to the US our leaders have created.
  10. This is what I use awhote lot cheaper than kury's and I think more comfortable 50.00 jc whitney
  11. Everyone is a "working Class" I don't care if ypu earn 25k or 500k you work for it so lower everyones taxes and the FAIR TAX is the way to do it
  12. what used to be Honda Spray is now missing some of the Stuff that made it work so well (thanks to to the great state of california) and is all environmentally "safe" but you can still get the safe product made by another manufacturer. it's in a simular can (without the name Honda) and works as good as the old stuff!!! BTW works great on chrome and windshlieds
  13. Im with you, if your into the New York artsy crowd maybe but not for me
  14. That ain't a motorcycle that's a car with two wheels, I'll pass, I'll be 59 in sept and I ain't old enough to ride a wing. suprised they didn't offer training wheels (you know the kind that come down when you stop) as standard equip.
  15. went to a yard sale, they had an old 110v leaf blower light weight and cheap ($5.00) said to self whats to lose, took it home and it drys the bike in under 5 mins what more can you ask for. 200 for a blower that's for people with more money than brains
  16. On the front roll guard using a military book binding loop
  17. This w.a.r. had about 30 people take part Worship and Ride rode about 2 1/2 hours to a place called Shatley Springs NC to a Family style resturant and we praised God and stuffed our faces, the food was so good. A few picture you might enjoy.
  18. ArcsSparks

    Boogy bird!!

  19. I went trough the Navy's wersion of MSF course in the early 80's we did alot I mean a alot of slow (really slow) riding at that time I had an old CB500 (poor sailor) so at that time it didn't make much sense but the training I got there has helped when I bought a 840 lbs motorcycle
  20. so far you 3 are the only "bad" I've heard about Metz's I've had them on two bike's Worn out 2 sets and traded the bike w/ a new set and I have them on my rstd, not one problem and getting good wear I comute 80 miles a day all interstate sorry you guy's have bad luck
  21. neither Metzler 880's (as long as you don't want white walls)best tire out there
  22. dib's on two of the mini halogen 50watt sent you a message
  23. Opera is the best, been using it 4 years never a problem it's fast easy to use, customize and it's secure. I took IE and buried it inside a couple of folders so noone that uses my computer can use it either
  24. But where do the profits go?
  25. [ATTACH]32863[/ATTACH] this WAS my ship (one of two) it's now razor blades but it was a good ship 556 ft long 7800 tons but doesn't compare to a carrier 1096 ft long and 96,000 tons and the a$$ wipes they will get their's ( they'll pick the wrong fight)
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