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Everything posted by ArcsSparks

  1. wife '03 Anniversary sportser some minor mods. me '06 midnight RSTD
  2. `may have been posted before but worth watching again!!! http://videos2view.net/moscow-commute.htm
  3. You only get one doing this! Chech the link it's beautiful http://videos2view.net/basejump-flight.htm
  4. pretty kewl some people can be an artist and a technician at the same time
  5. If somone tells you they were scrared on the first jump suspect them as not telling the truth, your too dumb to be scared on the first, but now the second is a different story. The jumpmaster had to show me a foot for me to go the second time. both jumps I made 2 points of contact flat on my feet, flat on my a** real hard to walk for a couple of days.
  6. There was 7 of us, the last Straight Leg Rangers in the Army (I didn't have time to go to jump school before my class stared) after 1970 it was a prerequesite to be jump qualified to go to Ranger School I did jump later at Ft' Riley, packed my own, what a rush (helicopter 2800') made 2 then got orders to Germany and never got my other 3 Check this out, Played it all the way to the jump Zone [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWgsdexkv18]Blood Upon the Risers(Gory Gory What a Hell of a Way to Die) - YouTube[/ame]
  7. fred phelps will find out what satan actually looks like and he will have some company of people he knows real well !!!!
  8. I'm attaching a picture of what I did if you like contact me I'll tell you what I did btw there a 100 watts total and work great
  9. I'm the only metric in the group I ride with and the only attitude I've ever gotten was from my brother-in-lawwhen I told him he needed bags on his fat boy (after my wife carry his stuff to the beach, she drove I ride) and he told me to get bent.
  10. First year I got back into motorcycling I went to the outer Banks bike week and stopped at Vertigo Tattoo (just before the Virginia Dare ) it was a camp ground for a BUNCH of lifestyle bikers. Setting next to the house was the finest collection of Schwinn Whizzers you'll ever see and they were as proud of those whizzers as they were of their "sleds"
  11. I got almost 35k miles on the front still plenty left but have had issues with the back I can't push them past 10k.I did twice, one a rotor and a caliper rebuild, one just rotor, neither cheap!!!! Mad at myself but it won't happen again!
  12. Today went on a short ride to Tilleys HD in Salisbury NC The day was to honor serving members of the armed forces by sending care packages to those aboard. The weather report let us down called for rain so turn out was not as it should be but had fun any way BTW it didn't rain, ran into alot of old friends good food good music and a great bunch of people. and it was fitting due to what I have was a gift of Uncle Sam for my tour in southeast asia, probably my last ride of the season after a major surgery and all the tests in the world I am now healthy enough to start chemo (it will kick my butt) for stage 4 hodgekins lymphoma after being a smoker for 45 (quit day 44) years I did get the doctor to reconcider one of the drugs that was hard on the lungs, so we'll see what happen. For you so inclined I would apprieate a word in your daily prayers
  13. Had them two years, love 'em and at 50 bucks what more can you ask? BTW my leaf blower was 5 bucks at a yard sale 5 years ago works great (beats the 200+ for the Master Blaster)
  14. sorry but a little button called prt scn and a utility called printkey 2000 you can grab and print anything that you can see
  15. are they crazy?
  16. Rode to the mom-in-law for the wifes surprise B-Day celabration (12 miles round) felt good surprised the wife (after telling a whole bunch of little white lies) but being 5 weeks out of surgery the ride was good. I have nothing next week a few phone calls I have to make. then monday a talk with the doctor and I start 6 months of chemo a really kick ass cocktail cause none of the numbers(from the blood work) or pictures(from the pet scan) are any good 5 out of 8 markers against me and the cure % is under 50 % so I have a few days to ride then down for a long while so you all enjoy the rest of the summer and keep me in your prayers
  17. if I had the money and the desire it'd be a T-REX for me
  18. Agreed, Thanks for posting
  19. Listen I'm not the one that made the political statement. I know the rules. I have core beliefs and if I'm not given the oportunity to tell you about mind no one else will tell you about theirs.
  20. I hear ya, wife bought some Klondike bars she had reeses and me plain but they did hit the spot
  21. good flavor but we need a brand?
  22. because I stand for what I believe
  23. hand dipped Hersey's none better
  24. good Idea condor but if I say I'm for something like guns that is political follows if someone is anti- something that is also political same logic in both cases. plus if I ever meet twigg in person I know more than enough already to know I may not hold him in the highest regard
  25. what if I said I was anti-abortion (that would be a personal comment to don't you think) don't think I could have got by with that here
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