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Everything posted by Condor

  1. I've done a couple of R1 caliper mods and used the stock master without any of the so called 'feel' problems. The braking response comes from the caliper and pads, not from the size of the master piston. The brake pads ride a couple of thousandth's off the caliper. There's hardly any difference in the hydraulic requirement between the 2 and 4 piston caliper. Are you all saying that it takes more fluid to get the pads to engage the rotor surface, hence the response is quicker with the 14mm??
  2. This is one time I'm happy to be in California. We have an online DMV appointment system. Log in, pick the suggested appointment, or another. Show up at the given time. Walk by all the duffusses, and illegals, to the appointment line. Get a number, take a seat, and are called up within 15minutes, and I'm outta there in 20. Once I was in and out of there in 5. I've registered a lot of cars, boats, and trailers over the years, and were really thankful when they went online. I think AZ has it were you can even print permits and things from their online DMV system...
  3. Ok I wanna know... What is gained by going to a 14mm master, rather than using the stock oem RSV master??
  4. I know yours is a TD, but these may work without going thru a lot of hoops. I'm going to put a set on my RSMV. Saw a pic of another set and I'm impressed. Khrome Works 'Bagger Bobber' #300850 in black and #300200 in chrome... http://www.khromewerks.com/1-INCH-X-10-INCH-BOBBER-BAGGER-APE-HANGER-W-ETC-BLACK-1029-1290.html Might also add that the pic I saw came from Cycle Gear...
  5. Yeah, that really ticked me off the last time I sailed out of Galveston....
  6. Years ago I noticed some black goo running dowbn the side of the transformer on the pole in our back yard. It was about the time of that mbtb (sp) scare. The local power company said no to worry, but were out here the next day to replace it... :-) Back in my yoot, while standing out in front of a bar, I saw lightening hit a transformer across the street and the top of the pole turned into a blue ball about 10' in diameter. It lasted for 5-6 seconds and disappeared. So did the entire top of the pole.... It amazing how much energy is stored in one of those things.
  7. Com'on folks... 68 views and only 21 votes. The question was simple enough, and it ain't a trick. Take some time to vote!! If you have it to spare???
  8. Welcome to my world. It's been slightly above $3 per gallon all summer. Around here the $2 dollar range means $2.96.
  9. If the CLASS is still working, use it to reduce the pressure. Manually lower it to zero...... That's all I did when I installed the Progressives...
  10. Radio Shack carries a key lube and clean spray. Home depot carries a silicon solvent spray called 'Blaster'...something. It's in the WD40 area. Leaves a dry surface after it flashes off and I like a lot. So much so I can't find a can... need to get some more... :-) CRC also makes a QD Electronic Cleaner. I suspect it may also have silicon in it?? Since there are electrical contacts in the ignition switch you don't want to use anything that will leave an oily film which will attract dirt.....
  11. Maybe?? But I looked at it this way. #1 They don't sell used for 2 grand. #2 Only a teetering O.F. would want one. #3 There ain't that many RSV's in the area. #4 I'm the only O.F. within 100 miles that owns an RSV..... #5 So I figure $1200 is fair, and better than letting it hang in the garage.... I made the offer and it took almost 3 months before the seller finally got tired of looking at it and thought it was fair too... :-) Same thing on the '04 RSMV. The owner had it listed on Craigslist and was asking $3500, which was a steal in it's own right. I really didn't want another RSV, but made him a no rush 30 day offer of $3000. 4 weeks later he asked if it was still good, and if it was come get it. It was, and I did....
  12. Great video. One thing I didn't think about was the water absorption tendency of higher dot's vs. dot 3. And also the importance of keeping caliper temps low on Ventures, and the fluid needing changing more frequently with 4 or 5.1. This also holds true with our clutch since the slave sits right on the block. One thing I wished he'd covered is the importance of keeping the expansion hole in the reserve clean, and the possible results due to expansion of the fluid under heat on both the brake system and the clutch. The holes show in the schematic, but no discussion about their function.... Otherwise well done....
  13. Very Nice.....
  14. He Hooters....
  15. Great pic... It's a wall hanger...
  16. That's not what insurance company's do. Add up the cost for all new parts, and we all know what OEM Venture plastics sell for... It doesn't take long to go over the top on a 2002 RSMV trade in value. It's a total.... I've seen newer Ventures with less damage selling on Bent Bikes. Since it's not Brads fault and he'd be dealing with the 'other' insurance company, I'd hold out for a replacement bike....mental stress and all the rest..
  17. Looks like a total to me......
  18. The only color that might show a color variation is red. Grab the wife's hair dryer, warm them up, and use 15-20# monofilament fishing line to pull between the fairing and the brows to take them off. Any residue can be removed with Pledge and a micro towel.
  19. I could use some of that action myself. I'd settle for 50.. :-) There's a guy locally that has been trying to sell his '99RSVw/'13 Hannigan with 91K on the odo. Not sure how many miles he put on as a 2 wheeler before converting, but when you crunch the numbers he's asking way more than the sum of the parts on the used market. I don't think he was thinking too straight, and should have bought a newer bike with less miles to do the Hannigan. I'm not sure what kind of water these people are drinking, but to me a trike is only worth the trade in value of the 2 wheeler plus the cost of the conversion less 25-30%. Most of these folks have them listed for more than they paid new... Get's you to scratching your head. I really don't think being able to take the Voyager off and go back to 2 wheels is really a big reason to buy a kit. The big reason we do it in the first place is we're getting old.. unless we can find that fountain... :-) And we're short on cash. I've been hesitant on letting it out, but what the heck??... I'm in the '04RSMV $3,000, and I dickered for the '06 Voyager kit with the RSV mount, and got it for $1200. $4200 total. I can afford that, but not 15-19K for a high mile RSV/Hannigan trike. There are a lot of really nice RSV's out there that are available. There's also a lot of Voyager 'B' kits on the market that they are asking $2K for that are not selling. The adapter for the RSV runs $700 from Voyager. Make offers....
  20. I agree Don. Noisy and a starter motor for sure. Youda thunk they would have found something better sounding. One of those smaller Hi-Torque starters might have been the ticket... Good thing it's only needed for 10 feet or so.... :-) Also one thing more. The foot switch could have been placed on the bar instead of down by the foot with all the warning labels plastered all over it...
  21. Old age and limited funds make the Voyager a no brainer. Just the thought of laying out 10-12 grand for a Hannigan conversion is like a cold water shower.... That's close to what I paid for my Titan LE. I had the idea of a trike once I started falling more than usual, but it still took me a while before putting everything together. What started it all was picking up the '04 RSMV. Always loved dem black bikes.... Then about 6 months later I found a kit with the adapter for an RSV listed for sale on the local Craig's. Took 2 months of haggling, but I finally got it at what I could afford. So far I'm a happy camper and have a few bucks to spend on bling....
  22. Did you see where Voyager is making a reverse for their kit..... A little pricy at $1200, but it's a first step... http://www.mtcvoyager.com/motorcycle-trike-kit-reverse/
  23. The project has been side tracked for a while due to the water pump rebuild project with the '07. Thanks for the post tho- It's nice to know at least a someone bothered to read one of my posts.... :-)
  24. The picture posted is not white. It's sorta a cream and light sandstone gray two tone. Looks just like my '87......... OK I just went out and at least got to the front fender of the '87. That's as close as I could get. The second color is a darker gray. I see one color listed as a gray, but the lighter color ain't no silver.... :-) The lighter color is sorta a creamy white. So... I haven't got a clue what year it falls under. I wish we could get an example of every color instead of just the name of the color. I really don't see any color description on mine that comes close to any of the color 'names'...
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