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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Condor

    new problem

    I've read about a few others that that's happened to. The first time I used the CARB II the rods almost went through roof on the right side. At the time I thought about the mercury stories and was glad they were rods...
  2. I've been in boating for over 40years, and there's nothing wrong with leaving a smart charger plugged into the dock to keep you batts topped off. There's also nothing wrong with leaving a 12.9vdc batt tender plugged in all winter. It's when the tender puts out 13.5+vdc that batteries will go dry on you. At 12.9 there is no way a battery tender will destroy a battery. Sounds like the WJR Car Guys know what the 'H' they are talking about.........
  3. With your history of going thru batteries at a fairly fast clip I'd check the charge rate output of your stator. If the rectifier doesn't cut the voltage back to below 13.4vdc after the battery is fully charged you will loose acid due to gassing. Sounds like your dumping 15+ volts continually into the battery while you're riding, even tho it's limited. Just for the heck of it check the output of the trickler to make sure it's 12.9vdc
  4. Syncing the carbs will make an engine run smoother. Gets all cylinders to pull together. :dancefool::dancefool:
  5. I think I answered my own question. Went to Rubbermaid's site and it looks like the 34qt chest will be a close fit..... 34QUART
  6. What model is it Steve? I'm running into a wall on everything else. Seems like everybody has switched to a 13"x 23" to 23.5" wide on their new designs..... Maybe it's time for Piggybacker to change their jig setup.
  7. I just drape a micro-cell rag over the top of mine....
  8. How do you know how much bird shot to put in Lowell. Too much or too little could cause problems. Ride-on will do much the same thing, and they suggest taking the scoot for a 4-5 mile ride after putting the ooze in to balance things out..
  9. Thanks for the info Angel. Looks like I gotta get a Gott... The position of the lid opening had already crossed my mind, but thanks for the warning. Can you imagine what it would be like to have the lid come loose at 70mph:shock3: Another reason to have the hinge forward is at high speeds air could be blown in under the lip and the chest could loose it's 'cool' quicker than normal.....maybe??... I just did a websearch for a Gott 48 and found the dimentions. http://www.rubbermaid.com/rubbermaid/images/product/2a15_tm2.jpg 2A15 48 Qt Ice Chest Assembled Dimensions: 14.25" (H) x 23.75" (W) x 15.88" (D) Additional Product Information $34.95 I think the new one's going to be too wide for the basket.....??? I'll have to find one and measure the base as they all seem to taper a little toward the bottom.
  10. I'll check out the Gott's. I received an email back from Tom at PiggyBacker and he mention an Igloo 36-40qt., but I have one of those, and it's 13x23 instead of 14x22. Close, but no cigar. He didn't have his notes at hand, but hopefully he'll get back to me later today with what they did use for a model. BTW, aren't Gott's orange, Coleman's blue, and Igloo's white... Chaos may have a Coleman?? Anyway later today I'll head on over to Walmart with my tape measure...
  11. I just took a look at the their website and it gives the dimentions as 22x14, so I went ahead and wrote them asking about what ice chest they used for the design. We'll see if they get back to me. I'd just like to get one that comes reasonably close to taking up the whole space, or at least one that looks funky cool....like a Coke, Coors, or Bud cooler...
  12. Thanks for checking Rick. Looks like my '06 standard is just a tad larger at 14.5"x22.25"on the inside I was just hoping that someone had found one that fit, and it would save me the trouble of carrying around the tape measure and checking everything I bump into that looks like it might be close... Now it looks like there are different sized cooler racks. Maybe I should give Piggybacker a call and see just what kind of cooler they used to do the moc-up.???... When in doubt...read the instructions....
  13. For all you Piggy Backers out there, I have a question. What brand/model ice chest did you find that would fit fairly close in the cooler rack on the standard?
  14. That Jet engine sound isn't exclusive to the 2gens. One of my '83's started it right after tuning and syncing the carbs. We just did Lyle D's 87 yesterday and when he took off down the road I could hear it making that jet engine noise as well. It's not a chirp, but a sound like a high speed turbine intake. I think it sounds kinda cool......
  15. I think I'm leaning toward 83#1 for one reason only. 50mpg. They are both great bikes and I have all the confidence that either one would do the round trip without breaking a sweat. So I guess it's the one that gets the best milage...
  16. That's what I thought Tom, but when push came to shove it didn't work. For trailering two bikes, and not damaging anything, I'd recommend 6x12 minimum. It's not the length that get's ya, it's the width. Two VR's side by side are just too wide for a 5' wide trailer.
  17. I have an 5x10 open Jeff, and I wouldn't want to try it with a couple of full dress bikes. I loaded the 87 and the 93 on it once and even tho they both were missing some plastic it was a very tight squeeze. If they had been complete I'da busted some stuff. I originally had a 7x14, and wish I'd never traded for the smaller one.
  18. George, I see where you're going. You're checking for continuity between the hot lead and any ground in order to find a short. OK, the light bulb just went on.
  19. Am i missing something here??? I could have sworn ohms was a measurement of resistence over a length of conductor, not a measurement of current in volts or consumption in amps??? I'm not sure I follow why a resistence would cause a battery to go dead?? Remember i am getting old.
  20. Maybe so George, but.... run those driving lights long enough and you'll start digging into your reserve power. Here's some good info. http://www.ozaudio.com/docs/Performance_tips_for_Oz_Audio_Amplifiers.pdf
  21. Getting it to fit somewhere probably isn't much of a problem, but supplying it with enough amps to drive it might.....
  22. Actually I'll trade all 4 of my 1stGens for a 2Gen. but the only way I'd do it is if it's a red 2000...... What say you guys? Know anybody with a red RSV??
  23. Too poor to buy a 2nd Gen......
  24. OK...actually it'd be closer to 56.... but you really know how to take the wind out of my sails... I was about ready to move somewhere where they've never heard of ethanol .....
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