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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Ain't that a great feeling........
  2. Loose connection at the controll?????
  3. Thanks Cecil. We now have 10 paid with another one coming soon, so I'll be calling MAC today and placing the order. In the past they quoted me a 2 week lead time to build them, and hopefully that hasn't changed. Thanks to everyone for making this group a go.....
  4. Yep, picked up an Elmo a few months ago. Haven't had a chance to use it yet, but i suspect that time is coming very soon......
  5. Thanks Squeeze, that makes sense to me. Looks like I'm in for a carb rebuild. At least all the diaphrams are in great shape... BTW Clunked in 'Squeeze Speak' is Clogged...
  6. Didn't mean it to be demeaning in any way Squeeze, and I hope you didn't take it that way, and if you did I deeply apologize. It was more of a tongue-in-cheek response. Heck I knew what you meant, and if i knew, that's really saying something..... Sometimes things get interpreted differently, and I was just trying to clear some of it up..... Keep the responses coming......
  7. Not making a statement Jeremy as much as repeating what I've read from other members who are far better than I'll ever hope to be when it comes to talking 'CARB'....
  8. Hey, give a guy a break...it's still early out here.. Save the bullet.... go ahead and kick 'm.....
  9. Vic..Vic..Vic...... Ya don't shoot the horse when it's still breathin'..........
  10. i'll keep that thought as a last resort Jim. I'll let the Sea Foam sit in there for a week if I need to. I still have two other VR's that are ready to ride....
  11. I was hoping it wouldn't come to that Jim. I might try pure Sea Foam in the carbs and let it sit for a while.... Thanks for the input....
  12. New plugs and wires Mike. Fresh fuel. Although...maybe from running a rich mix of Sea Foam I might have fouled the plugs again. I'll pull one and take a look.
  13. Did that Bob. No movement at idle, but when I 'coaxed' it into higher rpms they all pulled equally...??
  14. First thing I did was recheck the idle screw settings. All OK.... No help. Beside they're not even in the mix past 2000rpm... but I thought I'd check them anyway.
  15. We sure could use a bit more info on the bike before being able to offer up some opinions. If you're just looking for things that might be wrong take a look thru the 2ndGen tech talk section. Most things you should be aware of are posted there.....
  16. OK, finally got out and started messin' with the 87 over the weekend. With all the other stuff I had to do before FtCollions I hadn't had a chance to work on it, and it's been sitting for more than 2 months without firing it up. Choked the 'H' out of it, turned the key on, pushed the start button, and it fired almost imediately, and the R's went right up to 3grand. Cool!! Now here's the kicker. Every time I blipped the throttle the motor wanted to die. OK, so I thought the loose air cleaner box which I hadn't mounted since the last time I played with it was causing the problem. Shut it off and mounted the box. Even connected the *&^%% breather hose. Fired it up again. Blip the throttle. Same thing?? It would idle like a champ at high rpm's, but twist the grip and deadsville. I finally played with the throttle and by blipping it in short bursts I could get the engine to rev up to about 5 grand, but that was it. Also when I took the choke completely off the engine died..... Anyone have any ideas?? All feedback welcome at this point..... Fuel filter clogged maybe?? Whatcha think... BTW it's had two cans of Sea Foam thru it....
  17. Here's a great write up on repairing ABS. http://www.angelfire.com/oz/tes/Plasticfix/PlasticFixSite.html As far as the trunk rattlin' around, you may have more parts broken that you think. The trunks are mounted to the rack pretty tight, and one of the common areas to break is the thru bolts to the rack. However you might also just have a loose latch on your release lock and it's the lid that's making all the noise....??
  18. Welcome back Terry. Gotcha covered....
  19. OK, this is what Squeeze said... Located at 6 o'clock under the diaphram covers you'll find the idle adjustment screw hole. If there is no hole, you'll see a round brass plug about 3/8th inch in diameter. Take an 1/8th inch drill bit and punch a hole in the center of the plug. The plug is about 3/16th of an inch thick, so drill slow. The slotted idle adjustment screw is about 3/4 of an inch below the plug so be careful not to go too deep. After drilling the hole take a small wood screw and gently insert it into the hole. The plug will spin with little effort so the trick is to get the screw to at least 'bite'. Then take a pair of pliers and gentle wiggle the screw back and forth. The plug should pop out of the hole.:)
  20. WE NEED ONE MORE!!!! We're getting down to the wire on placing an order for the MACs, and we still have a few members who haven't sent in their payment. I can't contact one member, TJON, by email as he has his switch thrown in his CP file, and he's only posted twice in the last couple of months, so a PM isn't going to work either. So...... I'm going to have to assume that he no longer is interested, and we need another member to fill his place. CDLouis will be sending his money shortly, and I just fired off another Email to Richard. I know there's a few on the list that are very anxious to get their MACs, and I'm peddaling as fast as I can to comply.....
  21. Yep... Here's what anyone in the future should look for....
  22. Possibily a half hearted attempt at an engine oil cooler???
  23. Got it Rick. Thanks.
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