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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Lack of proper maintenance....
  2. Was just thinking about you a couple of days ago... Can't remember why... old age thing... but wondered how you were doing.... Glad to hear you're out and about, and the scoot is still in the barn waiting... You and your's have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.... And stop picking on those reindeer... :-)
  3. Let's just say lots, and I don't have time to tell all the stories that go with them.... :-) :backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday:
  4. Here in California they've been making Biofuel out of cooking oil for quite a while now. Here's a website that should answer any questions... However I would think that dumping a smaller amount into the tank with regular diesel might work OK. The nice thing about Biodiesel is the exhaust smells like french fries.... :-) https://www.studentenergy.org/topics/biofuels?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_aGIq7rm1wIVl9dkCh1VbQqHEAAYAiAAEgLXXfD_BwE As far as filtering, I use a coffee filter in a funnel. Seems to do the job...
  5. Well that just saved me a few bucks... Being a born skeptic and if it sounds to good to be true... it ain't. Think I'll stick with the carnuba....
  6. Condor

    gas price

    It's been creeping up around here in California. It did take a good jump when our illustrious governor 'Moon Beam' Brown decided to add 12¢ a gallon tax so we could have money to fix our roads which have been becoming 4x4 country over the last 10 years. That's his excuse. And the price per gallon jumped 25¢ at the pump. But we all wanna know what the 'H' they did with all the tax money that was supposedly ear marked to use on infrastructure to begin with... Talk about a rip!! Californians always get the short end of the stick when it comes to gas prices. We already pay 35-40¢ more per gal than the rest of the US because of the mandated 'ADDITIVES' which probably cost the refineries penny's per gal.. It's enough to piss off the pope....!!!
  7. Condor


    I'm sort of in the semi big city and plan on sitting tight until things start to shake out. Protect what I have, see what's going to happen, and then make a move if needed?? Kinda a wait and see attitude... There's going to be a ton of people trying to get out of Dodge. Even if I have a full tank in the truck, after seeing what happens during an evac due to a hurricane, rush hour is going to be a piece of cake compared to what will happen in a PHTP situation. But like you said, with two AFB's near by, and close to a state capital, it could all be a moot point...
  8. :sign yeah that:
  9. That is one nice looking bike, and gotta be rarer than chicken lips... I wonder if it had ever been imported into the US?? In all the years I've been on this board I've never heard of one mentioned. If the bags were added by a P.O. I wonder where they came from. I think I've seen something similar on a Susuki C50 or C80?? But not sure if they even existed in '98??? THE MISSING LINK!! I can tell you everything you want to know about a Gen1 clutch, but haven't dug into a Gen2 other than maintenence. So I hope you can find another oem line.. Good luck...
  10. Umm?? I don't think the part you have pictured is the clutch line. The clutch line is much small in diameter... But just in case I'm wrong...again... what year and model bike are we looking at?? Plus by you bike info I need to know what a '98 Boulevard is??
  11. Time marches on... It's happened before and it'll happen again... I was involved with the General Recreation bankruptcy in '75. There were about six company's under their logo.. Just read this morning that Remington Arms is a gnats a$$ away from filing chapter 13... It's the American Way..
  12. Condor


    Looks like you have the best of both worlds for living off the grid... I think the price of the cattle may surprise you. Maybe not worth a dime, but definitely worth trading fodder for commodities... You may not think you're a prepper, but ya are one... :-) If it walks like a prepper, and talks like a prepper you don't have a fricken duck... :-)
  13. Condor


    Yer on target again Puc. Hygene is gonna be right up there at the top and probably our worst hurdle. Pandemics are gonna take a lot of folks... Scarry!! On the Henry.. I'd been considering picking one of them up but then got to thinking about just how many times would I need to bust it down and pack it away for travel. Not very many, and when I did I wouldn't want to be fumbling around putting it together when needed. Meanwhile that snowshoe is heading off into the sunset.. So my analytical brain tells me that maybe a tube fed 22LR auto-loader might be a better option. There are a few plastic stocked short 22 auto's on the market that wouldn't be that cumbersome to carry, and have a few more rounds in the tube. It might be just me but I have a heck of a time loading a clip when I'm in an adrenaline hurry... Fumble fingers.. I do have a clip fed Mossberg Plinkster 22LR that takes 15 rounds, and in a pinch will do OK, but Remington makes a model 66/22 that is tube fed and might be a better choice, but cost mo-money... Here's something that ran across in this morning's news. PrepperFood
  14. Condor


    Gotta agree with you and Puc. Water is most important in survival, but there are rivers lakes and streams all over the place except in the middle of some of our desserts... Puc is specially endowed with his Lake Michigan. The second would be protection. Let's face it in a global catastrophe it's gonna be total anarchy. Food would be third. More so if you live in an inner city. Not so much on a ranch or farm on the rural outskirts. The rural'r the better. The forth would be forming territorial alliances. Neighbors, friends, and family. That's the way I picture it if​...TPHTP.... IMHO I just ran across this prepper list, and to be totally prepared I'd need to add a warehouse out back. I think I'm more of a KISS prepper??? http://www.freedompreppers.com/preppers-checklist-net.pdf
  15. Condor


    So what does a semi-prepper do when he's bored?? He goes out and buys another rifle..... Like Larry Potterfield from MidwayUSA... How many do you need?? Just one more.... :-) Interarms Whitworth 375H&H Number #3
  16. Condor


    Actually Puc was pretty close, but....It actually comes from an old Indian chief. He really liked to drink tea. One day he drank so much the next morning they found him dead in his TEEPEE..... Just before he died he was understood to mutter... BEND OVER AND KISS YOUR AZTEC GOODBYE...... Or so the story goes...
  17. Condor


    I sort of look at it this way... It's better to have the tools and try to figure them out, then to have no tools at all..... You can be a McGuiver without a pocket knife, and all the smarts won't do you a bit of good... IMVHO....
  18. .................
  19. Holly Rat Feathers Batman!!
  20. Nobody's mentioned it yet, and maybe my eyesight is getting blurry, but with the angular styling it almost looks like a new generation 1st generation. A genuine sports tourer....
  21. Truth be known those 45-70's are real collectibles and came from Custer. Just north of you a couple hunder'd miles is where he bit his bullet.... Wish we had something like that range near here, but in California we're lucky to even own guns... Thank God for the Second amendment... Think about it this way. When the founding fathers were adding amendments to the Constitution the first one was freedom of speech, and immediately after that they added the second. The right to bear arms. Not down the road a way like number #13 or #14, but the 2nd. It was that important. If these anti-gun nuts get their way and take away the 2nd. the 1st will meet it's demise shortly after... Then we'll be like all the other countries that are unarmed and a person can get arrested for even thinking something anti government... Let's hope we never see it happen.... Here's some 'big 50' (50-90) brass that were used by buffalo hunters. The big brother to the 45-70 govt. I don't own one..... yet!! but it's on my bucket list, and I'm ready when I do.
  22. Condor


    Now that's creative. I was thinking more along a line that had KISS in it... :-) On the neighbors cache of t-paper. Y2K was almost 18 years ago, and if your neighbor raised a few daughters it'd be gone by now....
  23. Condor


    At first I didn't consider myself a prepper, but I bought quite a bit of good for 25 year dried food from an estate auction about a year ago on the cheap. Later on I ran into some more of the stuff and was very happy I got it when I did. Folks were bidding up to retail... didn't make sense?? Since then I've added water, emergency first aid kit, hand warmers, canned LP stove and the LP, and a whole container of essentials... like t-paper and seat etc. I found all this stuff at auctions. So I guess I'm now a mild prepper. I also have a few guns and ammo that will reach out and touch someone. Remember.. when it comes to protection...distance is your friend...
  24. Condor


    After posting to the reloader thread I got to thinking... you all know how dangerous that is... And thought a good subject to talk about this winter around a log burning in the fireplace is.... How many preppers do we have lurking within our midst. Do you consider yourself a 'BOAKYAG' person?? Or a semi Prepper, or a full blown survivalist??? It's always interesting to see what folks think will happen if the 'Poop Hits The Paddle', and just how much and why they Prep???
  25. Have a Great Thanksgiving, AND a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Puc.. Need a link to Van's video.
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