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Everything posted by Condor

  1. The rear reserve has a pleated type baffle/gasket. When the baffle is extended out all the way it will push the sensor float down and give a false fluid level reading. Happened to me on the '83. Since removing the reserve top is a PITA, I used a wire hook thru the fill hole to get a couple of the pleats compressed and the red light disappeared. Not perfect but effective.
  2. Why did I feel like I needed to put on my hip boots after reading that discription.... Can we spell odoriferous scamulus....
  3. Hey Brad... got anything legal to grow in that dirt yet???
  4. Try DOT 3 brake fluid!!!
  5. A few years ago, just prior to Ft.Collins, I picked up one of the Cycle Pumps. http://www.bestrestproducts.com/c-10-cyclepump.aspx It was rated as one of the best, and had some great feedback. It cost a lot more than those found at Wally World or Harbor, but I had a few bucks.. pre-economic collapse.. so what the heck... I just did a search and found them listed for much less than what I ponied up.
  6. Hey, it's early Sunday morning, and the mind's wandering. Some of you may remember?? But a few years back after VWI? a box of Bakersfield dirt was packed up by Hdhtr and sent out to a member who couldn't attend the rally, but were there in spirit. The deal was that the dirt was to be spred on a tarp and a picture of the member was to be taken while riding thru it... then posted to the board. Afterwards the dirt forwarded on to the next member. For all this trouble a VWI patch was mailed to the VR Dirt Rider. It was a great idea!!... I'm not even sure if this was something that happened in the pre-crash days?? Anyway, what happened to the dirt?? Don't want it... just curious.
  7. Unfortunately the rear brake ,with the proportioning valve, can't be reverse bled. Two things to check. Reserve's too full, or the expansion hole might be plugged. You might also take the pads off and compress the pistons...one or both may be sticking?? If it's not these, it might be time to rebuild the rear caliper...
  8. I guess I do need to apologise Goose. So let me be a little more specific, and perhaps you can corrrect me where I'm in error. What I felt you were sayting say that you expected another 4-5 thousand miles out of the tire based on your experience of getting 15,000 miles out of previous Avons. Or the tire still had 1/3 of it's wear left after putting 10,000 miles on it.... You also stated that you cut your trip short and rode 350 miles dirrectly home due to the condition of the tire. So lets assume that you put a total of 800 miles... give or take... on the tire, and it went from a tire with 1/3 of it's tread life left above the wear indicators when you started the trip, to a tire that was worn down to the cord. From the pictures you posted it semed like, to me anyway, that a lot of tire disappeared in those miles you traveled, or the tire didn't have the amount of tread left you thought it had, but that perhaps the tread was already getting pretty thin. Ergo, my comment about bald and stretching the milage. For that I apologise. Condor.
  9. Youse guys can send all that rain this direction... It's been drier than a popcorn fart around here and we need it. Todays forcast. 30-40mph winds, cooler, and DRY!!!
  10. Sounds like they didn't do their home work when they designed this engine. I remember watching a segment on TV about how they tortured the new EVO engines before putting them on the market. I started to sweat just watching. Doesn't look like they took the trouble to keep testing as they punched out the CC's. Time for water cooled???
  11. I have a friend who just traded in his older HD on a classic. He's taking it down to the dealers this morning to have an oil cooler installed. He didn't mention overheating, but I wonder if overheating's the reason???
  12. Sorry, I gotta say something.... You've got bigger cajones than I have Goose. You couldn't get me to go around the block let alone start an 850 trip with a tire that's practically bald in the center, or expect to get another 1000-2000 miles out of a tire that's gone beyond the wear indicatiors. As far as milage out of a tire, I don't care if it's 5000 or 50,000 miles, I want a tire that will perform under extreme conditions, and act like glue in the twisties. Not one that's hard as a rock, piles up huge milage numbers, but acts like your on ice when you really have to get up into the chicken strip.... The Avons have saved my bacon twice. Once because I was stupid, and once because of someone else being stupid. Any hard compound tire, and I wouldn't be here pecking at this keyboard.
  13. Don't know about the lids being available any longer, but on the '91 the lids barely touch the side of the bag bottom. The top upper lip rests on the rubber gasket and the bottom lip on chrome guard. Here's some picks. Even if the lid does put a mark on the bottom every once in a while it's a lot better and cheeper than trying to replace the lid 'cause it got legs... Attached are a few pics of the '91's tethers.
  14. The lid on my '93 came in pieces with lots of tape. I tried to find a lid in the right color to no avail, and finely lucked out and bought a new trunk in the right color off ebay for just $50 bucks. Lids are kinda rare... they're lost more than the bottoms are busted up. A set of saddle bags in your color, off an '87, sold on Ebay last week. I think BongoBob got 'm. The first thing I did to the '91 was install wire keepers as discribed above, and it'll be done on every bike before it hits the road....
  15. Makes sense to me. I wonder if a 'sport bike' rider, in ATGATT mode, would ride the same way if they were just wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals????
  16. Looks like you've taken care of everything on the plug end, and as long as you have verified that the plug is firing, it can only be lack of fuel... or compression. Just because there is fuel getting to the bowl doesn't mean that one or more of the jets aren't plugged tighter than a frogs rear end. If you have spark, fuel, and compression it will fire. You've taken care of the spark. You might try taking a compression test. If you have compression then it's time to pull the jets and either open them up or replace them with new. One more thing. The #2 carb is the benchmark for idle adjustment. If someone has used the sync screws on one of the other carbs to adjust the idle setting, it might mean the #2 carb has ended up closed at idle. Sometimes a good old sync will get them all firing.
  17. WHY ME!! of course... Income??? I forget...
  18. OK guys I screwed up. It happens.... rarely.. I should have put 99,999.9, and....since it's posted in the 2ndGen forum?? But I should have also mentioned the odo being on a 2ndGen... Hey it's Sunday, and I'm going to do my taxes in about an hour....
  19. Does the odo read 99,000.9 and then roll over to zero, or does it show 100,000.0??
  20. Nice find Rick. Good luck bidding. I also have .jpg copies of the VentureLine Brochure that I could post here on the board...if they haven't already.... It looks like the promo pamplet in the binder was added at a later time. The holes look a little ragged??
  21. They are NOT parts bikes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please refer to them as 'Venture Kits'...:rotf:
  22. That's part of their extended search program of surrounding areas, but that doesn't cover Michigan from a Sacramento search. I've always used Google to search the US. in 'yamaha venture craiglist' It'll get you everything in the US. I guess more folks are using it. I took a look at Kurt's Link but it only goes out 250 miles from my zip. Here's another site that a member posted that will get 'm all.. http://www.jaxed.com/cgi-bin/mash.cgi?cat=cpmoto&itm=yamaha&loc=&fil=venture&ys=1983&ye=1993&submit=++++go++++
  23. http://www.crashedtoys.com/index.php?fuseaction=car.view&carid=2603826
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