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Everything posted by Condor

  1. How many members would be interested in doing another fork brace group buy for the 1stGens. If there's enough interest we could do it again.....
  2. Holy Rat Feathers!!! That's some serious cap seperation. Good thing you weren't using Ride-On. Throwing the cap would have been a lot worse than a slow leak.... Also a good example about checking tire 'born on' dates when buying a used scoot... Glad it wasn't worse...
  3. I read in an article somewhere about the 1stGens having one up around 10,000rpm...or maybe that's where the valves float...
  4. Way back when we used to use ring connectors. The washers isolate the antenna from the ground. Just take a strip off a few inches of the shield and ground it to the mount, and crimp a ring connector the the antenna core wire and place it between the washer and the bolt. Makes for a better signal and not having to worry about the shield grounding the core inside the PL259.
  5. Yep, it's supposed to be pushing 80+ in a couple of days.
  6. Nope... the only deal I could get was dealer on the 680 and 545 because of the group buys I did for the board. Seemed like a pretty good deal at the time. Things change...
  7. As soon as it warms up for a couple of days I plan on coming out of hybernation....
  8. The next time any of you try to glue one of the strips back on, try 3M 5200. It's a caulk that's not instant stick, but after it sets up IT WILL NOT COME OFF and it adheres to everything. MOF you can barely cut the stuff with a knife after it sets. We use it in the marine industry to mount deck equipment that isn't meant to be moved anytime soon. Lifeline stanchions etc. I'd go find a small piece of 3/16" or 1/4" rubber and make my own pads. From the picks the original pads aren't thick enough to protect the chrome... IMHO...
  9. I have had a couple of Odysseys fail too Scott. Although the last one I sent in because it was giving a 'bad cell' reading on my charger was returned because they couldn't find a problem, and when I put it back on the charger it was fine. I wonder if they just changed it out and said they didn't??? Anyway, that's why I decided to start testing one of the Deka EXT18L AGM's by East-Penn Mfg., and the fact that it has the same footprint as the OEM Yuasa, the cc's are higher, and the retail price is much better, had a lot to do with it. Anyway, it's in the bike, and I know it's early, but so far...so good. The 2ndGen is the Deka EXT20L. Another nice thing is they have dealers all over the US, so if you can find one nearby is saves a bunch on shipping costs. http://www.eastpenn-deka.com/ZipSearch.aspx?pageid=843
  10. You have a PM....
  11. Congradulations Sherry.... Alaskan cruise on NCL... Leave from Seattle. You guys'll love it....
  12. I've never heard of an upgrade, and I really wouldn't worry about a cable going bad on a 2005. I'd suggest you concintrate on plugs, Ride-On, oil, filter, a bottle of water wetter??, ect. To cover all possibilities you'll need a chase vehicle...
  13. The example I was trying to make, and sorry it was at your expense Z, was that it took forever to finally make contact with you. And although you were in the hosipital at the time, your dropping in once or twice a year would have had the same results. MOF you've blown your limit for the whole year...today.... And you may not think so, but the example was very revelant to the subject of dealing with the 'once every 6 months' lurking member. Like I said, they don't need to pay, but they don't need to post either. If they feel a big urge to do so, then pony up the dues.
  14. OK, I’ve been reading all of these suggestions on how to handle raising money to support the site, and here’s my spin. Like everyone else I received my email from Don and immediately responded via Paypal. I also read Don’s post on the board and the replies. I didn’t post a response because I felt it wasn’t necessary. After reading some of the critiques in this thread, I been motivated.... On those that are worried about future growth because of the new fee, frankly Charlotte I don’t give a damn. We now have close to 7,000 members worldwide. If everyone of them sent in $12 bucks it would generate $84,000 dollars US in revenue, and we all know that isn’t going to happen. So no matter what the grand membership number is, there is only a core group of perhaps 5% of that total who are actually contributing via postings on a regular basis. Those are the folks that are getting most of the value, intertainment or otherwise,from this board, and those are the folks that need to pony up and shoulder the burden of supporting this site. The rest of the members, who like Z-Factor, drop in once or twice a year out of curiosity shouldn’t be charged a dime..... They can read and learn all they want, but they shouldn’t be allowed to post unless they pony up the $12.00 bucks. They do have a choice. I hate to pick on Z-Fastor, but as you all know I try to do a few group buys for the members, and when he posted that he’d like to pick up one of the fork braces last year, and then disappeared without leaving any contact information in his CP file other than leaving him a PM, two visits a year ain’t gonna get it. And that applies to a lot of others that register with minimum CP info, post a question, and then leave. For those regular members or potential members, who balk at the cost of a $12.00 yearly membership.... Com’on folks, $12 bucks ain’t gonna make or break you... It really falls into a category of just being plain cheap, or perhaps they really aren’t getting anything out of the board, and don’t think it has any value. In that case don’t join, and don’t post. Read all you want. So, after all this cogitating, here are my thoughts. If you want to post, join, if you want to drop in once in a while, welcome visitor..... The above may rattle a few cages, but I've never been one to keep my lips zipped...
  15. Condor

    83 wow

    And... it's still traveling faster than a 2Gen......
  16. There's a couple of backrests on Ebay right now. Do a search for Yamaha Venture Backrest, or go HERE
  17. If it's 'studdering' you may be running on 3 cylinders.... ??
  18. That was GREAT!!!!!!! Hat's off to your Bro. That was one of the best riding videos I've seen in a while. Not a dull moment anywhere. Entertainment plus.. Some of these 'homies' are nothing more than 10-15 minutes of blacktop, and booring as hell...
  19. Condor

    83 wow

    2ndGen riders will always think their bike is as fast as a 1stGen MkI. That's because they have nothing to compare it to. Even a snail thinks he's traveling at warp speed... Once if they're lucky enough to own and ride a 1stGen, do they actually understand what 'quick' is all about.....
  20. And to you and your's too Cindy..... http://www.theseattletraveler.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/easter-lily.jpg
  21. Bob, I don't understand the question??? Metering valve?? Or maybe it's still too early to for my brain to kick in??
  22. The class will only work when the ignition switch is in the accessory position. And only then when going from 'off' to 'acc'. Not when turning the key from 'run' to 'acc'. The class system computor runs at about 2 htz. Not the fastest thing in the world, and you have to wait for a bit after pushing any button before it responds... So, put the bike on the center stand, and turn the ingition switch to 'acc'. You should be getting a PSI reading on the class screen, and you have a couple of selections to make. #1 is Manual or Auto. I hardly ever use manual, but if you do, you can use the 'increase' or 'decrease' buttons to adjust the PSI. 14# max on the front, and 71# max on the rear. In 'Auto' use 'low..med..high' to select the PSI. Remember, to wait after you push any button for the CLASS system to respond. 2 to 3 seconds should do. Hope this helps...
  23. I ran acrossed an article about hearing loss, and it's relation to motorcycles, that I found very interesting. There wasn't any online availibility of the article so I did a Google, and found this: http://www.freehearingtest.com/hia_motorcyclefacts.shtml I would have never thought that helmet wind noise could be so damaging over the long run. I'm going to pick up a box of those foam ear plugs. I'm deaf enough already.....
  24. Dang that weed wacker engine is noisy!!!
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