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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Drop by the local drugstore and pick up a bottle of Zicam in desolvable tablet form. The stuff is awesome. Tablet tastes like orange, doesn't knock you out, and you can kiss that runny nose and cough goodby.
  2. Yep, I'm just waiting for information on quantities needed and pricing.
  3. Can't remember if it was $70 or $75 total, but the $20 bucks covered the shipping as well as the paypal fees. I just took a look at one of the earlier shipping receipts, and it was $17.38 to Canada, and things have gone up a bit since then. It was $10 bucks for US shipping and fees..
  4. Here's another alternative.... http://www.motortrike.com/
  5. My wife had both of her's done 15+ years ago and to this date it hasn't recurred...
  6. Nope, not stock...Here's a pic on the 'OEM and the 'Condor'.
  7. Nothing better than a 1stGen group hug thread...
  8. OK, My spin. I've been suffering from the old Dead Hands Symptom for about the last three years or so. Right hand worse than the left. The throttle lock helped a bunch, and probably would have kept things under control, but last summer while riding on the SLO get2gether we were on 25 miles of twisties over the the coast out Ft Hunter-Legget. I couldn't set the TL and couldn't let go of the grips. The right hand went so dead it hurt. I should have pulled over, but DUH!! When we finally reached Hwy 1 my hand never recovered. For the next 6 months until I had carpal tunel surgery I couldn't feel a thing. When I went in for testing they found that both hands had equal carpal but only the right showed symptoms. So I had the right hand done in Feb. About 95% of the feeling has come back, and I haven't had the hand go dead since. Lately the left hand has started to act up, and I now have surgery scheduled for October after the Cody Round-Up. If you're experiencing DHS you need to go see a Doc and find out where you are on the Carpal Scale... Caught early enough you'll recover to 100%...
  9. I'm just guessing but probably around $20 bucks. The last time we did this they ran $17.78, and it's been about a year since then. Prices have gone up. IT IS NOT A SUPER BRACE Although the function might be the same, to call them an SB would be copy right infringement. Attached is a pic.
  10. Condor

    Way too Cool!!!!

    Nope, I have more 'projects' than I care to admit... We're runing out of everything out here... Money...Water...Swine Flu vaccine..... We need a good ol' 7.5 earthquake to shake things up.... You guys back east have all the luck.. Floods. Hurricanes.....
  11. Condor

    Way too Cool!!!!

    So... when you gonna start reading by candle light...
  12. Condor

    Way too Cool!!!!

  13. I found mine on Ebay a few years back. Every once in a while one will show up. I checked with Corbin and they'll redo the cover for $300 bucks if you can get into one cheap. Not too bad considering just the seat for a new one for the 1stGen is around $700. I lucked out and picked up a mint one off Ebay in black, with the back rest, that must have originally been built for a taller guy for $265. Even a blind squirel will find an acorn once in a while....
  14. Thanks Annie, That's a saveable link...
  15. Take a couple of days locally to find all the glitches. Like already suggested change all fluids and tires if needed. Also check to see that the stator is working. Most bikes sold seem to have a new battery in them to get them fired up to sell. It's not pleasant to find yourself in a motel in the AM, ready to head out, and the scoot won't start. If the bike doesn't have highway pegs, pack a good set of Kuryakyns with you and put them on when you get there. They'll make the trip much more enjoyable...
  16. A couple of observations. If you're able to get the left front caliper bled properly, and it stays that way, and the rear is not responding, you may have a bad or plugged up proportioning valve. Also if you're not getting a pedal how did you bleed the front caliper without generating pressure. Mighty Vac?? On the sucking sound. You shouldn't be getting any. There's a down hose from the reserve to the master. Check to see if you're getting any flow thru it or if it might have developed an leak. It's gravity fed so there won't be any pressure. Also check behind the plastic fitting on the side of the master for obstruction. I suspect you may not be getting fluid to the master. Also if the brakes worked OK when you put'r away, and you didn't get any pedal when you took'r out of mothballs, what happened to the fluid?? Using a Mighty Vac with a leak in the system will suck air in. Check all your banjo bolt connections. You might need new crush washers??? Did I mentiion I'm not too fond of Mighty Vacs....
  17. I believe it's a 25....
  18. Don't forget to flush.....
  19. I think the reason the Corbin doesn't effect your butt as much as the OEM, for some folks, is the stiffness and material allows your pants to slide on the seat if you move around a lot. With a seat that 'grabs' the pants it's your skin that's doing the sliding on the pants material, and you get MB. For those that don't move around a lot while riding long distance I can see where a soft seat might be more comfortable. I'm always moving around on a long ride... knees...back...carpal etc., and the Corbin feels great.
  20. When a CB receives it overrides the radio and will broadcast thru the speakers. Set the squelch high so that sperious RX won't break thru while riding. If the squelch is set low where the cb is on constantly the radio won't put out to the speakers.
  21. Wow!! Thanks for the info Josh.. And man if I were in FL and needed 6volts for the boat I'd be giving you a call....
  22. Mirrors are available on ebay all the time. Just make sure you scan the pics very well and ask questions. Clean mirrors can be had fairly reasonable if you're willing to wait for the right price...
  23. There a lot of different brands of mesh gear available. I think they're all good. During the summer months I use a black FieldSheer CongoSport. It comes with a liner, so if it gets a little nippy in the AM's.. I rode 300 miles acrossed Nevada last year in 105 deg. The ventalation was very good, and I didn't over heat, but word of warning, you'll dehydrate like crazy. I can see where if you're riding in humidy even a mesh may not help. It's the evaporation that will keep you cool.
  24. Ya know, I was probably the first member to contact AVON about the cracking problem about three years ago right after VWIII in Susanville. Avon handled the problem very well, and I was led to believe it was an isolated incidence. However.... shortly after installing the replacement tire it started to develope cracks too. The second tire was built just a couple of weeks after the first. I requested that the third tire be a later vintage, which is was, and it's been on the bike for about 4,000 miles thru FtCollins and SLO. When I looked at it a couple of months ago it show'd...ever so slightly... checking on the side walls. I'm keeping an eye on it. After reading some of the threads about the problem on the board I'm starting to think it's not such an isolated incidence, and Avon has...or needs to address the problem if they already haven't. They gotta be absorbing a lot of warantee costs by not only replacing the tires, but picking up the larbor costs too. I don't think oils or UV exposure have anything to do with it, but it's probably more in the construction. On some of the VR's I own the E-II's tires are older than dirt, and they don't show one bit of sidewall checking. I thought I'd call Avon and talk to my contact person, and try to get some sort of an explanation about all the tires going bad just on this board. I love the handling characteristics, but if this is what can be expected in the future I'm going to start looking around for another tire. PS>> I just emailed Avon and the mail bounced. So either he's changed his email address or no longer works for Avon?? I'll have to do some ore investigating....
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