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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Go ahead and flush the radiator if you already haven't done so Herb. It'll give you piece of mind if nothing else. Add a little engine ice to the coolant mix. When you're finished make sure that the drain valve is set back to 'OFF'. You'll probably run a few degrees cooler, but when you get into situations where there's a lack of air flow the temps will climb. I ran acrossed Nevada in '07 in 105 degs. with the '83 and the engine temp ran just under the red zone. I couldn't tell if the fan was kicking on or not at 75mph as the road noise drowned everything out. I changed out the coolant just before our Sierra ride last year and it did run a tad cooler....
  2. Depends on the amount of thread you have left in there. Teflon only seals the threads. Try a longer bolt to see if you have enough left to get a decent bite.. Be careful when using the teflon that you don't have any pieces breaking off in the oil. Then you'll have a bigger mess. Loc-Tite... same thing....
  3. Nice install JB, but I gotta ask... Is that an E1 error code I see on the class panel??
  4. That manifold hole doesn't have a bottom. I'm not sure what it runs into internally but I've had oil start to weep out of the hole after removing the manifold. Getting that hole repaired is going to be a PITA, but there's no other way to get the manifold to seal... and get the leak stopped.... Good luck...
  5. Yeah, thanks Bud.... I think....
  6. That'll work for me Herb. Haven't started to look just yet, so I'll put it on the back burner. I'll fiddle with a couple of other things until it arrives. Thanks Herb... and you too Brian...
  7. Well, I went out and fired the beast up. Didn't see much evidence of drips under the center stand, so let it sit and idle for a while. Eventually it started to smoke up a storm. Mosquito Abatement time.... Worse than it was before. I even started to get smoke out the exhaust which it never did before. . I wonder if the air filter has anything to do with it. It was oil soaked, and I wonder if it's causing oil to be sucked up into the air box?? The foam seal on the base of the filter had slipped around a bit and when I put it back in I tucked the edges in the make a good seal. But I digress.... I'm going to take a look to see if I have an extra cover to slice and dice.... I'm really starting to get pissed.....
  8. What a great idea. I think I have an extra middle gear cover around here somewhere. Just cut the cosmetic flap off. What you discribed is exactely what I'm experiencing. Rocket clue'd me in on the plastic gear selector so I really looked at that area, but it's tough to tell when the oil is so damn clean... Maybe snugging up those two screws on the indicator might have stopped the leak??? I didn't see any evidence of cracking on the plastic. I haven't had a chance to check on it today, but will a little later. Like your's the 'abyss' is clean as a whistle. I've never seen a new abyss, but I bet this one comes close. Thanks for the info.....
  9. I did the bearings on the '83 last summer. Getting the old bearings out was a PITA. I finally went a bought a bearing puller from Harbor Freight. Coming in from the off side with a drift punch wasn't an option. Getting the new ones seated was a piece of cake...
  10. A short will blow a fuse...if there is one... if not, things start to smoke. A bad ground will cause an electical system to not work....
  11. As compared to being 2G slow..???... :rotf::rotf: Ya gotta forgive these 2G owners. It's not there fault. It's the water..........:rotfl:
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/Yamaha-Royal-Star-XVZ1300-REAR-BRAKE-CALIPER-BRACKET_W0QQitemZ130314619299QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item1e575b49a3&_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116 Here's one listed BIN on Ebay....
  13. I think a lot of Yamaha Dealers are feeling the economic pinch. I found several 50% off ads in the local Craigslist this morning by one of our larger Dealers. What's the MSRP on a sets of lights for the RSV?? http://sacramento.craigslist.org/mcy/1231163573.html
  14. Gotta be careful out there. 'E' ticket rides can be very expensive....
  15. Yep, that area is drier than a popcorn fart....
  16. It's not stuck JR... It just ain't moving. No vacuum... or no diaphragm. Usually the slide will move even if there's a few holes in the rubber pham... This thing is just sitting there... Of course it's the #4 carb. Couldn't be #1 or #3... That would make things too easy...
  17. I did that Buddy. Everything's dry. No evidence of a leak.... Here's something that's got me scratching my head... It only leaks after I've run the motor for a while. Then it'll drip for a while and then quit. I think it's coming from an area where oil will pool. I thought it might be from the rear valve cover, but the back side of the head is dry and dusty. The other area is the middle gear cover. If this last go around doesn't get it I might try using a form-a-gasket treatment of some sort. It's just that when I do it, it's a PITA getting the cover off in the future....
  18. OK, what happens if you use the debit as a credit, and the funds are still NSF?? Who picks up the tab??
  19. I've checked the wires. Dry. The #4 butterfly is opening, but the slide won't move period. Not even a giggle.... Either the diaphragm is shot, or the slide has come apart, or the 'O' ring for the air orifice is missing??? I'll find it. It's just that the dang thing runs so good from 1200rpm up....
  20. I noticed this a couple of years ago. I went up to the local station and charged $20 or $30 bucks, and when I got home I saw what, I thought, was a charge for $50. I went back up to the station ready to rip some a$$. The guy explained that they do it to make sure the funds are there before gas is pumped, and the charge is deleted after the actual transaction is made. He was getting too many debit users who would hand them their card and go out and pum gas, and when he went to swipe the card it would bounce NSF. He has no idea how much a person will use so $50 bucks seemed reasonable at the time. Seemed reasonable to me too. I don't so much blame the dealer, but the sleeze bags that were running there little scam. Almost the same as the old drive off's of years back.
  21. Ok, so I've been pretty lackadaisical about the '91VR since I bought her. After repairing the rear trunk... big project... and replacing a couple of cracked dash boards, it came down to trying to find the leak above the collector without a whole lot of success. I eventually pulled the middle gear cover to see if it might be that. Changed the gasket, and put a new crush washer on the bottom cap screw. Still leaked. That's where I started to loose interest, and also winter was settling in. So it sat. I don't want to pull the collector... Then I picked up the HB camera probe thinking it would help. It did a little bit, but not enough. So pulled the middle gear cover again to see if I could locate the leak. With the help of the camera I checked every possible place it could be leaking oil. It was dry as a bone everywhere I looked. A couple of screws holding the gear indicator were a little loose so I snugged them up a bit. Not because there was evidence of oil coming from the area, but just because. Put the cover back on again making sure. If it still leaks the only place left would be the pan gasket or the pan itself might have a crack in it?? Anyway the search goes on. Now, while I've got stuff somewhat off the bike I decide to check the air cleaner and diaphragms. Other than not wanting to idle real well, the motor was running very solid.. I previously did adjust the idle screws on the two carbs I could get to without removing a bunch of stuff and it did help, so I figured once I get serious about tweeking the carbs the idle would clear up. So pull the air box lid. It's got a K&N. Cool... Weights a ton. Oil soaked. I take a long screw driver and check the slider movement. They're good. So I go ahead and fire up the bike. #4 diaphragm deader than a doornail. 2, 1 , and 3 are perkin' along just fine. Now remember the motors running strong. MOF while I got the lid off the box it's still running great??? I've never had one where the motor didn't run like poop with the lid off. It was like the filter and lid weren't even needed for this thing to perform.... on 3 cylinders to boot... Anyone else had a bike that acted like this?? I bought the bike from a small builder/dealer, who in turn bought it from a private party. I have no history or heresay on this bike. I asked the dealer to get the name of the guy he bought it from so I might get a little history, but he's never gotten back to me. The bike had all sorts of mods done to it externally, but I haven't got a clue as to what's been done internally. I guess it's going to be a discovery as needed thing?? The motor's got me buffalo'd. Could it be a V-Max? Or maybe V cam and heads?? I guess only time will tell. Meanwhile I gotta find this dang leak. I want to ride it to Cody.....
  22. Maybe that's the reason my '83#3089 hauls ass. Checked the speedo against my GPS, and it's dead nutz on, at 4200rpm I'm running... if I remember correctly... +/- 75mph.
  23. Very nice... Have a price yet?
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