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Everything posted by Condor

  1. The bolt works, but when I looked for one I couldn't find one. So.... Sears had a 17mm Hex Key. I cut about an inch off the end of it and the next door neighbor... 85 y.o. and needed something to do... welded it into an old junker socket I had laying around. Worked pretty good. http://www.venturerider.org/progressive/The%20front%20suspension%20of%20my%2083VR%20was%20continually%20bottoming%20out%20due%20to%20some%20very%20old%20fork%20springs_files/progressive15.jpg
  2. Glad Gary's OK. But his bike's the first of the 1stGens. Can't let it get bent... He's riding history there...
  3. Doncha love those porta-sol's. Wish I could find mine. Haven't seen it since I moved into the new office...
  4. Condor

    Dad update

  5. Depends on what the asking price is. Carburated. 1600cc. 45deg. Pretty bare bones new. Like already said, lots of add-ons avaiable. If your looking for a big v-twin Yamaha cruiser you might take a look at the Stratoliner. A mint-ish 2006 Black Cherry just sold here locally for $7100 on Ebay. Loaded with extras. FI. 1900cc's. There's are others listed but most have high reserves and when the gavel drops they go begging....
  6. Dang Brad, youse folks did good....
  7. Prayers sent Rod.....
  8. And I almost dropped an Ebay bid on a Strat 2 weeks ago at Carmichael Honda. What's going on that these Honda dealers are ending up with Yamaha Cruisers???
  9. WOW!!! I'm sitting here in the office, it's 0530hrs...and it 71 degrees. Man it's going to be a sizziler today. And our youngest's birthday...with a party.. Prayers accepted....
  10. But you did.... Didn't you? Not neccessarily. Over stressing and neglect will. Many factors cause premature engine failure, but normal designed usuage during it's life time is not a contributing factor. Babying a machine will cause more harm than good. The V4 Venture is designed to run at high rev's, keep the R's down and lug it and it isn't going to stay happy. Maybe you do, but I'll pass. Acids have built up in the oil. Carbon has built up in the heads and rings. Valves are sticking. Bearing surfaces have dried out. Gas is old. Nah... the little ol' lady from pasadena can keep her garage queen.... Give me a bike with normal yearly milage and maintenence.
  11. Yeah, what they all said....
  12. Believe me when I say the hitting of your rev limiter on a second gen...does not constitute abuse. Everything Squeeze has suggested is right on.....
  13. They have new shields on Ebay Jeff. EBAYSHIELD Most every used windshield will have scratches and by the time you add in the shipping costs you're going to come very close to what you'd pay for a new one.
  14. About the T-Shirts. A while back I picked up a couple of T's off one of my fishing boards. Along the edge of the left sleeve they printed their URL WWW.SENORTUNA.COM in 1/2" high letters, and their logo on the back. It looks kinda cool... I've seen URL's on the adjustment straps of caps, but I don't think I've seen the bug used on a T. BTW the logo works for me on the T. However I wouldn't mind having a small decal about 1"x2" that would fit down in the corner of the windscreen. I'm not into the scoot looking like a billboard. Sorry....
  15. Seafoam will reduce the volitivity of the fuel. Using a lot could effect your MPG. It's great for cleaning out carbs etc., and a full can into a full tank will work wonders when a scoot is giving you problems, but you might try running a few tanks of straight regular and see if things don't improve. Once things are cleaned out a couple of ozs per tank is all you'll need.
  16. I guess some folks could take offense to it, but I tought it was right on funny....
  17. Thought the thing was a weather map at first. 100+ today and it's all red!! West coast fuel prices are higher than a kite too.....
  18. Can you imagine what it would be like to locate your personal BMW in the corral.... I wouldn't wanna try... I bet a few are never found...
  19. Hi Jim, No need to wait til next time. I had to commit for more than the group buy, so if you'd like to go ahead and pick one up just follow the payment instructions in the Classified Ad. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2158/cat/6/date/1156391368
  20. Yeah, but the scenery was awesome.........
  21. Don't get me wrong Gunny, I like the Venoms too, and I wouldn't run a Metzler on a bet. I did say the Mitchellins are an option because of the sidewall problems Avon has been having.... You may not have had any side wall cracking, but plenty of our members have. And it's enough to sway my thinking....
  22. I guess California is out of the question... Heck I'd like to get out of here myself!!... But, good luck to you both. Sounds like you already have some great job leads. Even in tough times good qualified men are hard to find. You two'll land on your feet and be better off for it....
  23. When you cranked it with the screw driver was the key over on run??? Just a thought...
  24. I wonder if a set of 1stGen turn downs might be made to fit?? If somebody will give me a measurement of the taper tip on a 2ndGen I'll take a look at a spare set I have to see if they'll slip over the end a little. Or... I'll go out and measure what I have and post the specs.... Which ever comes first....
  25. The next time around I'm going to try Mitchellin's. I've been running Venom's and really like the handling and performance, but there's just been too many guys, on this board, who have experienced sidewall cracking for me to have a whole lot of confidence in them any longer. After going round and round with the Avon powers to be, and them telling me the failure level is very low.... from what I've seen on this board it's not.... I think it's time to make a switch. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.... ya gotta duck.
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