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Everything posted by Condor

  1. You bet your sweet bippy it will.........
  2. I just ran into this on Crashed Toys and thought someone here might be interested?? 2002 V-MAX
  3. I'm pretty sure it was 5" but I can't locate the progressive installation sheet. Somebody else know for sure??
  4. If it's not binding anywhere then the return action comes from the clutch springs in the basket. You might also have crud in the lines that's acting like a one-way valve. This usually results in a slipping clutch. Bleed the heck out of the system if the bushing and push rod don't cure things.
  5. Ditto.... However, we used one when we circumnavigated the US about 15 years ago, and when we parked for the night we'd plug the cooler into a 12vdc inverter in the motel room. Most of those thermal coolers come with a warning about leaving them plugged in over night.
  6. Ya know this thread has become one of the best fork seal odysseys I've ever read. The pics are great, and the problems one can run into are well documented. Tony, you're doing a great job. When it's over the whole thing should be moved to the Tech section.
  7. Probably the starter switch contacts, or.... maybe a dirty kill switch?? Or let's face it... as long as you have a horn it's not going to strand you....
  8. It is a PITA to get to, but it can be done by going up thru the void around the fork tubes with a 1/4" extension and a 10mm thin wall socket. The biggest problem is getting in there with all the wiring in the way. Those screws have been in there a long time so be carefull not to bust one when backing out. Short quick bumbs to begin with untill it breaks loose... If you do bust a head off it's a biatch to get the stud out of there. Don't ask me how I know this... Hope this helps.
  9. Have a great time Earl. Maybe you can hook up with Rod while you're there.
  10. Think of it this way Dan. You're turning on the driving lights electrically instead of manually. Most direct wired inline michro-switches won't handle a lot of amps and will burn out. A relay is nothing more than a big switch that will take the heavy amps without a toggle, and only needs a small amount of current from another michro switch to be turned on.
  11. Short update. Received a message from Vic on the cell phone and he's talkin'. He sounded pretty loopy, but at least he's talkin'.... I gotta assume that he was on the way back home to rest, and I'll hear from him in the AM..... Heck he might even post something here....
  12. I like the add ons. Now I wish I hadn't traded off my 6x14 for the 5x10. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do without the diamond plate bling....
  13. :sign20:There ya go.... Volunteering me again. Gotta take note...stop raising hand to stretch... I have two dogs I'm watching already, and they don't move a fast as they used to. Who's this StevieD, and what did you do with my bud HDHTR??? :rotf:
  14. I've never been into that area before, but from past experience with a 1/4" adapters it would have been a mericle if it hadn't broke. Maybe someone else will chime in who's removed that bolt. I know there's been discussion on here about it... I'd still preload a couple of inches, unless you like the ride. If that's the case leave it alone.... On the brace. Go ahead and use it. If you break it I know where there's another....
  15. OK, Lone Eagle will probably get a little miffed at me for doing this, but hey that's life. For those of you that don't know, Vic is going under the knife to take care of a bulging disc and 2 or 3 vertibrae in his neck tomorrow around noon. Being the unassuming guy that he is I don't think he's mentioned it once on the board. Vic's a giver in life... far to few of them... and will be your best friend. All ya gotta do is ask. Anyway you might toss up a prayer or two. One for the surgeon, and one for Vic and Barb. He's admitted to getting a little nervous about the whole thing. I'm sure your wishes will help.
  16. There should be four washer/cups... 2 per side.. that will fit into the PVC for a preload, and keep the spring from chewing up the plastic. They're OEM. If there are none then it's time to put some in, and one of the reasons for bottoming out. I can see where the P.O. might have left them out as it's a PITA getting the top plug to thread back into the tube. He may have just given up. That's where that modified socket comes in handy. The relaxed length of the stock spring is 18" and the I'm running about 3"PVC preload. Some of the guys are running the whole 5" (aprox.), but I'm still using the CLASS air assist. The spring -is- a progressive. Much thicker coils than stock. IT also displaces more oil so when refilling the forks plan on using less oil to fill.
  17. It's a progressive.... The progressives usually have a piece of 1/2" PVC on top to preload the spring. Can't remember exactely how long, but around 5". I cut my preload in half and still use the CLASS. With the top cap off the oil should have drained fairly easily.
  18. ETX18L for the 1stGens....
  19. Another place to check are the luggage rack mounting bolts if you have one.
  20. Yeah, nothing earth shaking, just nagging PITA stuff. It's a biatch getting old...
  21. Actually I tried the Odyssey first, and it was OK. Then because the Deka had the same foot print as the OEM Yuasa I gave one a try. Plus the specs were a tad higher. Anyway I like it a lot. Haven't been riding much lately due to some health issues, but everytime I go out there and hit the start button it acts like I put it to bed yesterday. Plus the retail on the Deka is a heck of a lot better than what they're trying to pull out of the Odysseys. And ya'll know I'm all for that....
  22. Since you've already used the brace as an anchor and haven't had any problems I'd just keep an eye on it for peace of mind. If you see anything unusual like hairline cracks try something else. You could do more damage using the fork tubes, but then again I see lots of folks doing it... Using the fork tubes that is....
  23. http://www.sierra-mc.com/products.asp?cat=248
  24. I had the same thing happen on the '83, and changed out the rectifier, new AGM battery, and hard wired the 3 white wire plug. Never happened again. At idle the stator doesn't put out any charge. Only when it reaches 2000+rpm. So if it's not putting out enough to take care of the needs of the electrical system it will draw from the battery. If the battery can't handle the load everything will 'brown out'....
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