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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Nah... He's like a 2ndGen owner... He thinks he can..... http://www.cast-aways.com/images/IMGP0947%20(Medium).JPG
  2. For me anyway... Leaving Sacramento on Friday the 11th and will be in Cody at the Skylight Motor Inn on Saturday night. Anyone else showing up on Sat.?? Let's go get some grub... that's cowboy talk for dinner ....
  3. Thanks for the heads up Herb. I sorta remember the post, but not to much of the details. I'm up to my ears in getting things ready for Cody. It's getting short time, so I'll have to put things on the back burner, and take a look once I get back. I was plannning on taking the '91, but it's gonna have to sit a while longer while I do the Round-Up on 'old faithfull' the '83. Hey does that mean old faithfull is going to see 'Old Faithfull'?? OR.... one 'OF' is visiting another 'OF'.... Geeze, it's early and the coffee's still perkin'....
  4. Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier Marvin.. and Earl... I tore the garage apart looking for the spacer set, but couldn't locate them anywhere. I could have swore they were in a zip-lock and taped to the floorboards, but no such luck. They're in there somewhere but I couldn't see them.... Again I apologize...
  5. Here's another great pic of one of the Cody locals.....
  6. Herb, I think Earl/Skydoc 17 put together a kit to eliminate the crank hose. I tried to find it in the classy's but couldn't. That may be what George is refering to??
  7. I'm going to grab a can of carb cleaner and start looking for a leak. I noticed also that the idle screw doesn't want to respond like it should. Turn the thing to get the 1000rpm idle and blip the throttle and the R's slowly increase up to around 3K and won't drop back down to idle... staying up around 3K. Even with the throttle back to minimum. And putting finger pressure on the linkage to make sure that the cables aren't stuck. When I back the idle screw way off the R's will drop quickly. I did clean off the outsides of the carbs and then use some Deep Creep on all the moving parts. I think it's time to pull the carbs and take a good look at what's going on....
  8. AMEN Brother!!!!!!
  9. You don't have to be sorry Wiz. I just wish someone would plan one....
  10. Haven't checked any needles. Which needles are you talking about. Idle or diaphragm slider?? Are you saying that worn needles will cause this??
  11. The problem may be internal in the CMU??
  12. OK, got the CarbTune out and put it on the '91. Figured it was a good time to sync now that the #4 diaphragm was repaired. Surprisingly the carbs weren't that far out. I little minor tweaking was all it took. Next I decided to change out the plugs, and left the carbtune hooked up overnight, rather than undo it, and have to hook it up again in the AM. The next morning I changed the plugs and fired up the motor. As expected the engine at high R's initially pulled lots of vacume, but after warming up, and the R's dropping down to a normal idle, the readings went back to normal. Flat all the way across. Blipped the throttle a little and noticed something which I also noticed at the higher idle RPM's. On the left side the vacume show'd higher than the other. At a steady 2000rpm there was about a 30% difference between the left and right side with the front and back carbs being balanced. 2 and 1 were equal, and 4 and 3 were equal, but the left, 2 and 1, was definitly higher. Now I'm wondering. What would cause that? At idle they are all equal, but the bike doesn't run down the road at idle, and I'd want all the carbs to be pulling equally in the higher R's... Maybe?? I wonder if syncing them at 2000rpm might be better, or is coming off idle equally better??? Whatcha think.
  13. When in the early talking stages we did think about calling it a Venture West Ride, but too many far-west riders complained. They felt it was too far away and we were treading on sacred Venture West ground. So now the Cody Round-Up doesn't have a thing to do with the west coast, or one of the Venture West Rides, and to date not one of those desenters has stepped up to take the reins and put together a Venture West for '09. Anyway because of all that, the plannning comittee decided to continue on and make it a Cody Round-Up for the Western US, and go have fun. So we haven't moved anything, it's just that nothing has been planned for a VW. And BTW there were quite a few riders at VWIV, but nary a one that complained about the Cody location. Will there be a VWV in the future? Who knows. One thing is for sure someone else is going to have to plan it. BTW we've been just talking about doing another Round-Up out west in another location next year.
  14. With all the talk about oils, and which one is best, how many of you are plannning on putting on that many miles that it will make any difference? These V4's are almost bullet proof, and will take a lot of abuse and neglect. I've never heard of one doing a melt down or wear out due to poor oil. IMHO any oil that's changed at regular intervals will keep the motor lasting longer than the rest of the bike. Getting theoretical about oils is a waste of time. Getting anal about oil changes isn't. Where are all the 300,000+ mile engines?? Except for a small minority of Venture's, most bikes will never see the 100,000 mile mark in their lifetime. Yeah...yeah... I know, oil talk is mental gymnastics...
  15. Kurt... our point man in Cody... sent this to me yesterday. Jack, We went over to the Park this past weekend. The road was good – no construction all the way up the East side to above Tower and none around the bottom and up to Madison – out to West Yellowstone. If the weather behaves itself, it should be beautiful – the trees are just starting to turn a little. Ran into these two on the way out West Yellowstone – thought they might be relatives J. See you soon, Kurt
  16. Your battery is going bad. The Odyssey AGM PC680 will work fine, but you might try looking at a DEKA which has the same foot print as the OEM Yuasa. The Odysseys are smaller and need to be 'shimed' in the battery box. The DEKA AGM also puts out more CC's than the Ody, and is has a better price. I bought a DEKA to try and it's performing great....
  17. Man, I have so many things to do be4 I'm off to Cody. Seems like every time I scratch one item off the list, two more take it's place. I'm leaving early in the AM on the 10th, and it looks like I'll be bringing the '83. There's just too many issues to deal with on the '91 to get it 'trust' worthy. I'll be trailering part of the way...or maybe even all the way?? Depends on how I feel when I get to my daughters in Idaho on Friday night. At this time I'm not even sure if I'll be bedding down at the 6 in Twin Falls, or borrowing a couch a bit farther north at the ranch. One thing I do know is I've been wanting to ride the Yellowstone, Chief Joseph, Bear's Tooth for a long time and this will probably be my last chance. The wheels on the Ventures will be gobbling up highway for a long time to come, but mine have started to get a little gimpy over the last couple of years. The walking stick and Motrin are my friends... It's not all doom and gloom though. I'm getting excited and amd looking forward to spending some time in a great riding area with some awesome friends. BRING IT!!!!!!
  18. Condor


    The CHENG SHIN MAXXIS C6011 CLASSIC is the tire that pops up when doing a search. There could be other brands using the term 'classic', but this is the one most likely.
  19. I hardly ever read the classifieds. Once or twice a month...maybe, and I'm sure I've missed some stuff. However I do visit the board on a daily basis using the 'NewPosts' feature. Here's my 2cents. I'd just as soon see a forum for classifieds. New ad/postings/new threads would pop up every time I visit. On the ads I've posted, anytime a member responds I'd receive an email notification. Once I read an ad, and I'm not interested, it never comes up again unless someone posts to it. Any ad posted that doesn't sell will drift off into the sunset eventually. For those items that are on going with multiple amounts (manufactured) a sticky could be added by an administrator. If I want to go to a members bio I can click on his or her board name and actually go to their personal page instead of a dummy page. IMHO FWIW.....
  20. I have a full set of spacers from a set of floorboards that I'm saving. I'll go out and check the garage in the morning to see if I can locate them and post some measurements. 105 deg right now. Don't want anything to do with the garage. Like an infield hit that's too hot to handle....
  21. It's 105 degs outside........ No thanks....!!!!
  22. I sure hope they do something. The 2ndGens are starting to get boring...zzzz. Maybe someday Yamaha will figure out that pumping product thru the same pipe line for 10 years gets old. Kinda like kicking a dead horse. They did it with the 1stGens and now the 2's. Folks want something new, not technology with whiskers on it. And I bet they wonder why sales fall off to a fraction of what they were in the first 4 years of a run.
  23. Another thing you might think about is... take the bike out of gear. It makes that first backwards motion much harder.
  24. It all depemds on how low close the rear end (bike's) is to the ground. I have a big advantage in the leverage dept, but some of the bikes that I have don't have any air pressure from sitting for a long while. I can't even get my big toe on the rocker pad and it's a two man job. So either get that rear end up, make a ramp, or invite a friend over for a beer....
  25. Received the diaphragm from Randy in the mail yesterday. MANY THANKS RANDY!!!!!!!! I owe ya... I'm happy to report I now have a #4 carb that's giggling away right along with the rest of them. Syncing them this AM and hopefully it'll be down hill from here on out.... Pulling the front tire for a new Venom tomorrow.
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