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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Perhaps the clutch spring is a weak point on the 2ndGens, but that doesn't warrant doing a complete clutch replacement. Also the clutch lines are very difficult to bleed when the lines are empty to begin with, and getting all the air out is almost next to impossible. Speed bleeders are a great help along with a bunch of DOT 3.... It's much easier to purge the lines when they're still full of fluid even if the fluid is double ugly. The point I tried to make in the first post is that not all slipping clutches are in need of a rebuild, but more in need of maintenence. Lack of maintenence is the enemy...
  2. Ya know I wonder how many dollars have been spent on a clutch rebuilds when all that's needed is to bleed the lines to clean out the moisture, and air in the system. Absorbed moisture and air will expand when they get hot causing the clutch to slip. The unsuspecting owner immediately think the clutch needs to be replaced when all it needs is to be bled. After doing the rebuild and being prudent they'll generally bleed the system which is all they needed to do in the first place. A bike with only 26-30K on it hasn't been worn enough to warant a new clutch. I've never seen a used clutch disc that didn't mic out to factory specs. Oil bath clutches just about never wear out.
  3. I suppose any paint can have adhesion problems, but I've used cases of the stuff and have never had a problem. Generally the parts I need to recondition are old and dirty, and the wax and oil are long gone. I also like the semi-flat finish instead of a straight flat, or high gloss, black. Plus it dries very quickly. Two or three coats left to bake in the sun for 30 minutes and it's pretty tuff stuff...
  4. So take the revs up a little higher and stop your whining.... :rotf:
  5. Nice write up Ponch. It was a real pleasure meeting you and Lil'Bit. Hope we'll cross paths again.... Maybe Gunison??
  6. I sorta had a problem like that with a truck gas guage sensor once, but once it dropped it didn't come back. Took the thing apart and found a broken coil in the resistence wrap. Soldered the gap and all was good.... I your case you might have a little corrosion on the wire??
  7. Man I wish I were thin and svelte. That's a deal...er..steal!! Less than what we originally paid. Dang I should have waited.... and gone on a diet....
  8. I use: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=41891 It may not be the most accurate but the repeatability is right on. I really like the clip on attachment feature....
  9. Suggestion. Keep the rpm around 3000+ no matter what gear you're in. These Ventures love high revs. If you're in 5th gear and only doing 55mph you're lugging the 'H' out of the engine. Fifth is a tall gear anyway..... Bet your milage improves.
  10. The accessory fuse will be active to maintain the clock while the bike is sitting. On the battery fluid level warning light the resistor should work unless it might be a bad solder in the CMU?? On refinishing the side panels of the dash. Scrub them down with soap and water, rinse well, let 'm dry, and then use a can of Krylon 'Semi-Flat' black spray paint to bring them back to looking like new.... Hope this helps.
  11. What's happening is the pickup is sliding on and off the bottom of the resistence coil. As soon as you get a little fuel out of the tank it settles down. If you can get to the arm and bend it up a tad the problem will right itself. I didn't notice if you were 1st or 2nd Gen, but if second and the bikes under warantee take it to the dealer....
  12. It may be by the calendar, but Mama Nature isn't listening around here. High 90's for the last week. 97 yesterday. See what you're missin'.....
  13. The chip seal is doing it. I never thought I'd say this but maybe going over to the dark side would get you better milage on the rear?? Especially since you seem to be wearing out the centers of the MC tires.
  14. You gotta stop running over those 'dillos.... If you're getting that poor of a milage out of many brands you have something serious going on. BTW Trailers don't run the odo's up on the scoot....
  15. I took the heel/toe boards off the '91 after I picked it up. Pegs are much more comfortable... when you have big feet and are horizontally challenged....
  16. Well, 2000+ miles one way lets me out... Another National down the tubes....
  17. Condor


    Had just the opposite effect in Cody. I bled the fork pressure down as low as it would go, and didn't pump it back up when I got there. I was all over the place coming to a stop on the first ride. Thought it was the new MKII forks. Then remembered about the air pressure. Took them back up to high and everything was right with the world again... Ahhhh!
  18. I don't ride in the rain...but when I do I use Avon's. Stay dry my friend....
  19. Only 5%??? Yeesh!!
  20. I saw that same formation while traveling across Nevada to Cody. I had a group of 7 V-Twin riders... probably all Harleys but not sure... that were runing at 75mph and they were so tight they squeeked. Side by side with less than 10' spacing, and the single drag was runing about 5'. My thought at the time was these guys are asking for it. If the one in front hic-cupped they would all have been in deep doo-doo. I suspect the same thing contributed to the accident on I-5. That's why I get upset with the request to tighten up a group ride. At that speed as far as I'm concerned they can spread out as much as they want....
  21. The wife's OK. Sorry about not elaborating... Kidney stones. It's the third time she's been in ER with the same thing. They're finally going to go in and 'pulverize' them. They should have done it after the first time. I think they owe us a refund...
  22. Always the optimist.....
  23. Shoot, it's got stuff on it I didn't even know Venture Line offered....
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