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Everything posted by Condor

  1. So do the 1st's from 86-93.....
  2. I've never noticed before, but maybe as suggested a regular o-ring will form to fit?? Or ask Dingy send you what he has??? I've never seen the inside of a caliper so I'm not sure what grooves you're refering to?? When rebuilding a caliper in the past all I've ever done is replace the piston seals, and if they don't leak they're good to go. Anytime a piston and the caliper wall are badly rusted I toss the caliper. BTW any crud inside the caliper should get washed out with regular fluid changes
  3. Do the carb manifolds on a second gen have the enternal metal sleeve/liner like those on a first gen?? I just took a look at those on the '99 and they are cracked a bunch. Motor runs good tho.....
  4. Happens more often than it should....
  5. No one has ever actually studied what effect oil dispersant has on shell fish. 90% of all oysters sold in the US come from the central Gulf, and 85% of all other oyster beds in the world have been depleted, and oysters are the major filters for ocean life in general. There are already over 100 dead spots in the ocean around the world. If we kill off any more oyster beds, we may be looking at major die offs of many other species. Want some Zebra mussels back? We have lots of them. Contact the dept of Fish and Game here in California.....
  6. Two people died because of the drivers negligence. What every happened to involuntary manslaughter. So what they' re saying is... if the guy has a wife, two kids, and a home in the suburbs, and is 'Joe Average' he should be forgiven?? He was stupid enough to disregard other's safety my using a cell phone. Time to do time... When are people going to be held responsible for their actions??....................
  7. Because my 'motorcycle' runs on electricity... and fuel??? Take either one away and you won't coast very far.....unless you're near the Grand Canyon....
  8. Buy 'm as you need 'm. Most of those will get tossed....
  9. Another 'POG' craze.... Keeps 'm off the streets...
  10. I'm no expert, but I'm 6'6", and like you feel more comfortable with my arms up and just slightly bent. I could adjust the bars and risers on a 1stGen to get the right 'feel', but on this new2me '99RSV I feel 'crowded' with the normal setup. I also feel like I'm sitting on it rather than in it. After looking at what I could do, and I figured that if I put any riser or extension on the stock bars it would actually push the bars further back because it has to clear the dash overhang and can't go straight up. IMHO I think I'm going to address the seat position and see if by removing some of the padding I can sit farther back and gain a couple of inches more setback from the grips. Getting a little 'padding' off the rear end would help a bunch too....
  11. Yamaha suggests to not split the calipers, but being as that's what you done I'd suggest picking up another set off Ebay. You can split them to get your seals or use them as-is. It's going to be very hard locating one of those seals. Which reminds me... I have a set of calipers off my '83. The left side was rebuilt about 2 years/5km ago. Shipping might be an issue, but if you intereested and can't find a set locally.... $50US bucks plus shipping and you own them. LMK....
  12. Nice stuff Phil....
  13. Take it too the Dealer and let them check it out....
  14. Yep, me too. It's an 84/83 with an '86 motor in it. Now that's very confusing...
  15. Buy 'm all Rich. Heck I'm gonna go visit the Kragen down the street, and see if they're blowing them out too.... Open... open...open...
  16. Great idea !!. Gonna have to file this one away for future use. Sure beats the heck out of installing new gaskets....
  17. Heck, if I wasn't so close I'd take you up on the offer... Wadda deal. Sherry is great peeps and you'll enjoy your stay. If I remember correctly that 'cottage' is a nice dual wide mobile home.... but maybe I'm halucinating again... ??
  18. Condor

    ABS mandatory?

    Then I guess the 'pro-racers' should keep it on the track. Just because they're Pro's doesn't neccessarily give them street smarts. Track experience doesn't come close to the type of mine field a rider can experience on the street. Apples and oranges.... and since you brought up the BMW report to 'prove' your point, maybe the last sentence in the report sums it up. I guess in the end the only real question is not whether or not you can afford ABS, but can you afford to ride without it?
  19. Condor

    ABS mandatory?

    Ya know, I gotta jump in here and say something. I'm in the ABS camp. I don't think there's some sort of government conspiracy to make ABS mandatory. I also don't think there's a rider out there that's an expert on stopping a MC in a panic stop. Basically because there aren't any riders out there that go around practicing real time panic stops, and if there are I certainly don't want to be around them. A half dozen panics in a life time doesn't make you an expert. There were some statements about it's 'proven' that a non-ABS rider will stop quicker than an ABS rider, but didn't add any sources to back up their statement. So I thought what the heck I'll do an unbiased search. I'm always willing to learn. So I did a google for 'motorcycle ABS tests', and received a bunch of hits. One from the MSF in Pfd format is interesting. Lots of numbers. Some pro and some con, but the end recap I think says it all. Here's another from the BMW site, that proved to be very interesting. There were a bunch more. I've always thought ABS was a good thing, and now after reading some of the results, I'm sure of it. Anyone who want's to refute those results, and thinks that he or she can do better, by all means go run your own tests and post the figures that support your findings. I'm all for MC safety. Anything that can save a life is a good thing.
  20. While you're in there replace the O-ring on the neutral sensor. That's probably were you're leaking anyway.... Dingy has pics of the '84 style neutral switch.
  21. OK, this 83/84 subject has been discussed before. What happened is there were a batch of 84's that came out of the factory and were imported into the US in '83, and they received a 'D' code instead of an 'E' in the VIN#. The best way to tell an '84 is the choke control. If it rotates around the grip, it's an '84 model year. If it slides at the bottom of the light/horn controls it's an '83. If it has a 'D' in the VIN and the choke rotates, you own one of those confused '84's......
  22. OK, here's my spin on this second gear thing FWIW. A weakened thrust washer will cause the second gears dogs to jump out of the recess. A rounded dog will make things even worse. Rounded dogs are caused by trying to ease the tranny into second where the dog edge will bang against the recess lip several times before it finaly seats. To keep things squared away, don't baby the shift. You're not helping matters. Be positive when shifting... in all gears. I bought an '83VR that exibited the start of second gear demise, jumping in and out of gear under higher torque loads. Rode the bike for 3-400 miles, and second gear continually got better as the mileage piled up to the point where second gear was rock solid under heavy loads. I'm not saying that positive shifting will cure the second gear thrust washer problem, but it will keep second gear operational for a lot more miles. I've owned two '83VR's so far. Both with around 50,000+ miles when sold. Neither had a second gear problem.
  23. Good On Ya Annie......
  24. Gary I did a search on Ebay for a Voyager Trike and got several hits. This one has some good picks. VOYAGER and #250632133091 if the link doesn't work. Maybe these will help a little... This one too... VOYAGER #170485269999
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