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Everything posted by Condor

  1. It's pretty straight forward if you just hold the hitch up to the bike....unless you have a MKII model with different mounting set up.. Do you have any pics of what you have??
  2. You're my hero Gary. Started on a diet two weeks ago. 375 down to 363 this morning. Keep telling myself if you can do it, so can I..... I wonder how much more you'll lose by cutting that 'apron' off. Prayers sent....
  3. The blue metal flake is what causes me to question. I know a spectrometer will pick up the overall color and probably read the blue flake as a tint in the paint, but will it pick it up as a flake??? I guess these guys know a heck of a lot more than I do and a trip to the auto paint suppy store dragging a fairing is in order.
  4. My '91 needs some touch-up painting and I've been wondering if it actually could be matched. It's a black paint with very tiny specs of blue metalic that are only visible in direct sunlight. The second color is also a very dark gray with the same small blue flecks. Can they actually match those colors??? I can't find this color combination listed anywhere for the '91??? I don't think it's a repaint as I found another upper fairing with the exact same combo, and that's the one I planned on touching up..
  5. I was going to toss a snipe bid at it, but I'll go pick on something else...
  6. Don't forget to pick up a genuine Ulu knife while you're shopping. Buy two. One tourest model for the kitchen counter when you get back, and a real one made by an Ulu maker for the memory shelf.... No Alaskan would be caught dead without his Ulu....
  7. ON EBAY..... #250654380139 in case the link doesn't work...
  8. If just the lights are flickering it might be nothing more than a dirty connector. The wiring can be accessed on the back of the controller by flipping the overflow panel up. There are two plugs. One for lightening and the other multi for functions. Clean 'm both with some good electronics cleaner. See if that doesn't solve the problem.
  9. On the subject of dehydration... Did a 10hr 105° ride a few years ago sucking Desanti's all the way. 3.5 gallons of gas... 2 bottles of Desanti ever 150 miles. Thought I was taking care of business, but later on when doing a little reading up on the subject I found out it takes more than water to keep the bod on an even keel. You're loosing more than water. Bottled water might taste good and wet your whistle, but we need to replace the electrolites also. I'd of been a lot better off drinking Gatorade or some other sports drink. Not to found of their taste, but the next time around it'll be the sports drink.
  10. Ya know, I just don't understand why people have to be plugged into information 24/7/365. I get enough off my desk top, and when not on it I'm not afraid of missing something. If a phone has good coverage and can make a call and receive a call, what else is necessary. Plus spending $200+ bucks a month is damn friggin' ridiculous. We have an AT&T family plan, 3 phones, 500 roll-over minutes a month, unlimited texting for the oldest kid, and it's too much at $85.00/mo.
  11. EARTHQUAKES.........
  12. Maybe the Harley style doesn't have the tips. On the Krome Werks website the Yamaha's do.... Oh well.... If they would have been Yamaha slip -ons I'd been all over them....
  13. Don't they come with end tips??
  14. Or a dead 7 explosion....
  15. Any chrome MKII fender tip and medalion will work. They show up on Ebay occasionally.
  16. My guess is it's the battery or connections. Unlike the 2ndGens, I've never read about a 1stGen ignition switch going bad. Don't forget to check the stater relay. It might be, depending on how often and far you ride the bike, an undercharged weak batt. Try jumpering the bike with a good charged batt. Happened to me once. Started the scoot and rode up to the gas station. Took care of business and went to start it again, and it was deader than a door nail. Called the wife and she brought me another batt, did the swap, and all was good.....
  17. Just for 1stGen'rs info, the rubber gromet that the washer sits on has a crush sleeve in it, when new, to keep the gromet from getting smushed. They're easily replaced, but unfortunately disappear without notice when removing the cover. Without the crush sleeve the screw pressure will break the tab off. Replacing the tab can be done by yankee ingenuity. Aluminum. Scrap abs plastic. Form a new one with Plasti-??. If you have a cover that is missing the sleeve, and hasn't broken yet, it's a lot easier replacing the sleeve.
  18. Tell him that if he gives you $400 bucks you'll take it off his hands. My '87 came naked with mint plastic, an engine that after a tune ran like new, and only 39,000 miles. $450 bucks.... Somebody's looking for a sucker. Don't let it be you....
  19. DYK, Kuryakyn also makes a set to fit the ISO grips. http://www.kuryakyn.com/index.cfm/go/Home.ProductDetail/IMID/2777
  20. Yes....... The sync will sometimes affect the idle...
  21. The right assembly runs $54 bucks locally. I suppose if you searched the net you might find one for around $37 + shipping, but I usually find that when an internet dealer has them priced cheap they pad the shipping. I was hoping to find just the material and replace it, but no luck... They have the replacement foam for the 1stGen grips, but I guess they figured 2ndGens will never wear out. I can find leather covers for around $15 bucks, but I do like the feel of the OEM grip material.... Thanks for the suggestion, but I've been down that road. Thinking.... The left side cost a lot less. I wonder if I could remove the cover off a new one and install it on the right side???
  22. Thanks for all the suggestions and the help. He ended up selling the bike. Grandkids.... Yeesh!!
  23. Thanks Hulk, but I was hoping to find someone with a grip in the US due to the cost of shipping down here from Canada. If nothing shows up, and you haven't changed your mind about selling it, I'd certainly like to reconsider...
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