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Everything posted by Condor

  1. In this economy he should be thinking about trade-in value if he want's to move it quickly. Now if gas goes up to $4.50/gal again ....... that's another story...
  2. What end of California do you call home Tim? Because of the length of the state we're pretty much divided up into NorCal/SoCal. Carolinan's were smart and cut their area up into North and South, but we're still trying to work it out.... I'm still looking for East Virginia?? I'm in NorCal just outside of Sacramento. There used to be a pretty good contingent of Venture Riders in the area, but they all got smart and left. One was really smart and moved to the North Carolina. If you're up North drop me a line. Southern Cal has some friendly VR's as well, so if you in SoCal drop a couple of them a PM.... Gotta love dem '83VR's....
  3. I took the '99 to the dealer and let them grunt. I figured it usually runs around $30 bucks per tire to have them mount and balance off the bike, and they charged $90 on the bike. No brainer, for the extra $30 bucks they can do the work. My little attempt at helping the economy.....
  4. 1stGens eat keys....
  5. Yep... I knew that..... Helps if you grab the right year dash in the stash.....
  6. Are you sure you don't have the clock in 'stop watch' mode??
  7. Thanks Dan. Sent him an email...
  8. I've been looking at that for our place too. The AC is going on 50 years old. It's still doing OK, but anytime now??
  9. I did give that some thought when I posted that, and I agree with you, but figured it's going to be a year yet so...??
  10. Thanks Don... Gotta ask. Is that style backrest removable?? The one on the '91 is a post affair with a small flap to cover the hole once it's off...
  11. Didn't tell you in the instructions huh?? I had the same problem.. the directions said to degas, but they didn't explain how to do it. Had to search all over the place to finally find out what the 'H' they were talking about. Put water in and run it for about 10 minutes. What it does is get a lot of the air (gas) out of the water. It helps a ton. What the US is doing to clean anything is to form microscopic bubbles on the surface of the item and then they collapse..explode.. and blast away the cr-p. Big bubbles don't work as well as small bubbles. That's why the water heats up when running. All those little A-Bombs going off....
  12. If you have the time, dust it off and shoot me a couple of pics.
  13. What's he been asking for it. And how old, and condition.....
  14. Take a rusty bolt and drop it in there. Have any of those?? Plain water will clean. Just make sure the water is degased before doing the bolt test... You should be able to see the rust start flowing off the bolt if it's working.... I'm not sure what the dish soap will do for you except start to make bubbles... I use a commercial USC cleaner, and it has a defoamer in it, and it's in there to handle oils etc. I did a rusty side stand spring the first time around and the thing came out looking like new. While it's running you should also be able to see surface rings.
  15. We'll never know by me. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones as the '99 (47,000) has very little 'turbo' whine, and only in 1st and 2nd at low RPM's. Not much different than what I've experienced on a couple of 1stGens from time to time. I have been thinking about going to the MkI basket when the clutch needs servicing. I already have the basket.....somewhere???
  16. I wouldn't know anything about that.....
  17. The first '83's came out with a 'rams horn' type tab on the bottom of the side panel which broke very quickly. I don't think I've ever seen one that wasn't broken. Just as quickly Y redesigned them to the rubber strap system. If you have the early panels with broken horns and would like to swap out for the new style all it takes is replacing the attachment struts.. easy.. and picking up a set of the newer covers and straps off an '84 standard, if you have a gold. It's all available on Ebay from time to time.
  18. With Wally World they are really cutting back on shelf stock. I see it everywhere. Less choices and a slow mover, once sold out, disappears. They're only interested in fast movers, or something they can buy at a huge discount, and could care less about customer convenience. If Shell offered them a train load of Rotella at 50% off wholesale, believe me, it would be on the shelf again. In this economy it's a survival game...
  19. I agree. I'd think it would be better the other way around with MkII riders going to back to the MkI luggage...
  20. There are a few places on the head casting where the threaded hole actually goes into an oil return. I bet you money marbles or chalk that it's nothing more than the philips screw leaking. There's also another one of those holes in the head holding the #2 manafold...
  21. Nice rest, but it's not removable. For long trips it's great, but for around town I'd prefer not to have one.... I have a Corbin on the '91 and theirs pops on and off. If I could find a Corbin one piece seat for the '99 at a decent price I'd pick one up and have the backrest pull double duty....??
  22. That's COOL!!!!
  23. I love the carb tune. Take care of it and it'll perform flawlessly, and it's light years ahead of mercury or vacuum gauges. I've used one for 4 years without a glitch.....
  24. Man, Ted, I hate to hear this.... Can't you get unimployment? The way the Gov is extending the time limits it should carry you for a year or more??
  25. I see this thread has been hi-jacked big time. Just to toss a monkey wrench into the original subject. I don't know if a 1stGen MkI clutch basket is compatable with a 2ndGen, but if it is, perhaps trying one might cure the whine. 1stGens for the most part are not whiney. Maybe taking a look at one in a side by side comparison of a 2ndGen basket might give you some clues as to what's different?? MOF if the MkI basket is a direct replacement it might be a way to save some bucks over a Barnett pressure plate mod??
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