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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Off Ebay....
  2. OK.... No need for coffee.. Heart started now...
  3. In my opinion that bike took one hell of a shot. Is that the only area that's damaged? It's repairable, but you'll be looking at a lot of time and energy spent in the fix. The compressor is probably disconected because the owner never read this board and was blaming the non-op on the compressor instead of the CLASS controller. But then again the controller is right in the middle of the damaged area. It could be toast. It all depends on what the asking price is. $400-$500 take it. Any more than that... walk away...
  4. OK, here's a devils advocate question. If you had the air bag would you ride more relaxed and a little less attentive??
  5. Speaking of autographs. Did you sign a release and get paid anything??
  6. Interesting read Rick. So what's going on with this project??
  7. I saw that exact same thing happen about 6 months ago without the bag. Thought the guy was dead. He lived...miracles do happen. That bag looks like it gives off an E ticket ride.
  8. A tank of bad gas could be the culprit. I can't see a set of carbs needing a sync after just 30 days.
  9. I have an alligator infestation going on and haven't even called yet. Around here things don't get nasty until after the first of the year. So go ahead and pick up the one from New Enuff.... I'll let everyone know down the road a bit....
  10. Yep, anger management classes might help.....
  11. :sign20:I thought I was the only one to do that.....
  12. Condor

    back rest

    Most of the '83's were Markland. Can you take a pic and post it? There's 2-3 different brackets depending on which model you have.
  13. So..... I was watching the noon news on FOX and this ad pops up. The bike is the right color. It's an RSV. But it ain't a soup commercial...., but could it be????
  14. From what I've read on the board 404's aren't known as a high mile tire. Keep a real close eye on it. With two up and the trailer you may be pushing it....
  15. Rebuild kits come with a new piston, rubber cup, and spring. The lever side isn't included. Y probably.... On the side stand. Try picking up another SS on Ebay. Once the yoke has been bent out of shape, reshaping it, and getting the new bolt to thread will be near impossible....
  16. Nice tat... My son did tats before he passed away, and now his son... my GK... is doing them. I'm a tattoo virgin, but I think tat's are cool. I'd get one but I can't come up with anything significant and meaningfull as a design. After all it has to last the rest of my life, which at my age ain't saying much....
  17. You have to remove the side covers and the front lowers. If you have the OEM tool kit it comes with a double ended spark plug remover, and 2 or 3 large mm box end flat wrenches and handle. Slide the remover in over the plug and take the flat box that fits the remover and break the plug loose. Then take a length of 1/4" fuel line and slide it over the porcilan of the plug and unscrew it. The fuel line really makes it easy. One of the ends of the remover has a rubber piece up inside to hold the new plug. Put the new plug in that end and by hand slip the plug into the hole and wiggle it while starting the threads. This keeps you from cross-threading anything. Once the threads are started pull the remover off and grab the hose again. Thread the plug in the rest of the way with the hose. Put the remover back on and snug the plug down with the flat box. It sounds like it's complicated, but should only take about 5 minutes per plug. Some folks have said they use a thin wall socket... 18mm I think... but I'll be damned if I can find one. I'm sure they're out there but I have better things to do than chase down a thin wall plug. I put them in the same catagory as the 2nd Gear punch mark....
  18. Personally, without passing judgement on others, I won't drink anything that will effect my reaction time while riding a bike, or behind the wheel of a car for that matter. It's dangerous enough riding a bike without adding another variable to the equasion. During the day it's water, but when the day's over, and there's no possibility of climbing back on the bike, a couple of beers taste pretty good.
  19. It happens a lot when a bike sits. I just put it in gear, pull in on the clutch lever, and rock the bike back and forth. That generally breaks the plates free.....
  20. You won't be getting any oil up into the air cleaner box if the crank hose has been removed and replaced with one of those filters. Good idea to check it for flow. Hope the mod hasn't contributed to the problem....
  21. There's an Ebay seller 'Mike's Covers' that makes a HD cover. It's US made and made to stand up to the elements. Sells for $65.95. I'm about ready to order a couple and see how they rate. Most of the Chinese Covers sold on Ebay are nothing more than a dust covers or overnighters. Same goes for the covers sold at Wally World. They're from China too. It doesn't make sense to by the cheapest cover you can find to protect $5,000-$10,000 dollar investment. From experience those light nylon covers are a waste of money.
  22. You may be getting a lot of piston ring blow-by causing the crank pressure to build up, causing the oil leak, and the oil to turn black. Pop the top off the air cleaner and see if you have oil at the bottom of the housing.. I've never heard of the 'twinkie' leaking oil. There are 'o' rings to seperate the water and oil. Never have figured out it's function, but it's either an oil cooler or a coolant warmer?? Change the oil and filter and see if it's black oil or black sight glass. Put a couple of drops on a piece of white paper and see if there's anything metalic in it. Make sure you check the magnet on the drain plug too. Hope it's something simple...
  23. I just visited their website to find the next auction. This weekend.... While on the home page I started looking at some of the cars coming up for auction in Vegas. The page showed about 4 and a half cars. Then I dragged to the left and... what a cool pic display!! You need to give it a try. http://www.barrett-jackson.com/ Scroll down to the Las Vegas logo and click and drag. It hard to discribe, and I've never seen anything like it... Hats off to the web designer...
  24. They just threw 'insurance' in there to confuse you Don.... Actually they probably should have left it out, but health care and insurance do go pretty much hand in hand when discussing it here in the US... kinda like ham and eggs....
  25. Very nice.....
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