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Everything posted by Condor

  1. If it has the CLASS it's a Royale......
  2. Rode around for a couple of days on the '99 when I first bought it. Finally got out on the freeway up shifting as needed. Looked down at the dash and there was a light on I hadn't seen before. Thought 'oh cr@p' and started looking for an exit. Started to down shift into 4th and the dang thing went away. Then the lightbulb went on. 5th gear indicator light.... DOH!!!
  3. If it has the CLASS it's a Royale at heart....
  4. There is a small microscopic relief hole in the floor of the reserve. It can get plugged with crystals formed by old DOT 3 causing the clutch to slip when engine gets hot due to expanding fluid.
  5. I've added you to the list Jim. Sorry, I only do braces... But, lemme check and see if I have a CMU floating around in my 'stash'.... If not, entire dashes show up on Ebay. They go for a lot less than a new one from Y....
  6. No problem..... It's nice to win one every once in a while......
  7. If you think you might be interested in a Fork Brace for your 1stGen, add your post to this thread. If I get enough interested folks on the list I'll go ahead and place another order instead of waiting around as planned until next spring. Just a note. I've been doing this fork brace thing for a couple of years now and at last count shipped over 150 braces. I do this for the members of this board, not for the general public. So if you want to be added to the list please be a supporting member. Thanks. Here's a link to the classified ad that has the info for cost and payment. 1. Prairiehammer PD/shipped 2. MikeZ06Allen 3. Jayceesfolly PD/shipped 4. Longrider805 PD/shipped 5. wstuart 6. snow4brains PD/shipped 7. Ottawa PD/shipped 8. LouNY PD/shipped 9. kevin-vic-b.c. PD/shipped
  8. OK folks, the last brace has just been sold. The plan was, and still is, to wait until next spring to put in another order, but I'm now going to start another thread that anyone who's interested can sign up on. Not a commitment, but interested. If I get enough riders interested, I won't wait until spring.
  9. That'll work for me Dan. And then there was 1..... I'm not going to put in another order until next spring, so this will be it for a while.... Nice pics Gary.
  10. Those of us that are broke... have to make time. The reason you didn't get it to come up was you added 'unit' to your search. Sometimes less is more.... http://www.clipartguide.com/_named_clipart_images/0511-0811-0316-4941_Cartoon_of_a_Man_With_Empty_Pockets_clipart_image.jpg
  11. Can't believe you couldn't find this one.... VENTURE HEADLIGHT
  12. I have both bikes insured through Geico, and while sitting here daydreaming.. when I do some of my best work.. .. I got to thinking about whether or not my new trailer was covered under my current policies like they are on an auto policy. So I called Geico. I found that it wasn't...per se'. At least not the value. So to prevent a wrestling match in the future I added the VIN #, and Value to the policies... There wasn't a change in the premium, but now if it's damaged or stolen it's covered. While on the subject, another insurance area that we've talked about in the past, but haven't seen anything lately, is uninsured AND underinsured coverage. Most MC policies have un-insured, but unless you ask for it, they don't have under-insured coverage. Get in an accident where you're not at fault, and the at fault drivers liability is the bare minium, your insurance company doesn't have to shell out a dime. In the state of California minium is 15/30. Hospital bills will wipe that out in a heart beat. So word to the wise. Check your coverage.
  13. The headlight lens on a MKII (86-93) is not easy to remove from the headlight body. Just buy the entire housing off Ebay....
  14. Yeah, but can she cook.....
  15. My gene pool originated in Canada 400 years ago. I did a geneology search about 10 years ago, and was surprised how many in the family tree were born in July and August.. That indicate anything???
  16. It'll be on it's way later this morning.... 2 left...
  17. I just checked the parts manual figuring there's gotta be zerks on there somewhere. It doesn't show a thing. They added jerks to the 1stGen MKII, but it looks like Y took a step backwards and copied the MKI's that doesn't have them..... Unless I'm missing something the 2ndGens may need to have zerks added???
  18. That was amazing, and they weren't even Chinese....
  19. Condor

    Got one!

    Nice scoot. Like the leather bag up on front, and the black fins. I shows the previous owner cared. Now it's time to make it 'yours'..... How many miles on the ODO??
  20. There are linkage arms on the other end of the rod that goes thru the stator cover that will loosen up occassionally and cause all sorts of shifting problems. On the 2ndGen it looks like you can get to the linkage from underneath unlike the 1stGen's that have the collector in the way.
  21. Occasionaly antennas show up on Ebay, but generally go for high dollars. Some of the members use a FireStick replacement. If I ever need to replace mine I'll go that route. I think there's a couple of write ups in the tech section...
  22. Just to let those of you that have been patiently waiting, I received the braces yesterday afternoon, and they will be in the mail box before noon today. You all should receive them by this Friday, or Saturday at the latest... except Paul up in Ontario CA.. Give it 10 days Paul. There are still 3 of the 10 not spoken for, so if any one else is interested?? Go to the first post for the details. Many Thanks.... Condor..
  23. Kinda looks like a Modesto Ash. Expected life is about 45 years...
  24. Is the scaling internal or external? If internal what does it look like inside the motor.... If it's just the fitting I'd clean it up and use what you have. If the corrosion/scaling is in the motor it might be time to descale it. I don't know if it exists, but maybe an aluminum friendly 'kit' from the auto parts dealer?? The '83's run on the hot side of the temp scale.
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