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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Probably the same manufacturer.....
  2. It all depends on how much your packin in the caboose. I weigh as much as 2 folks and run the rear at 45psi. Rides just fine....
  3. I'll be mounting it in a pod on the tank. Electrical/analog seems like the way to go??? I'd still like to learn more about how to tie into that warning light sensor?? In my thinking the sensor in there now would only close when a certain temp was reached rather than one that is more of a varible resister thru a swing of temps. The only way I can think that the OEM sensor would work is if the warning light controller is in dash, and is actually getting varible temp readings???
  4. YAMAHA AIR SHOCK HAND PUMP 0-60psi Will work on the fronts as well as the back....
  5. The big question marks are what happened to the engine, and did he run it after the 'big puddle of oil' was found?? And if he states that he didn't, will he guarantee it?? BTW how many miles on that motor? The front plastics can be either fixed or replaced. It might be a while until you locate something on Ebay. Pickin's have been pretty slim lately. Personally I don't think it's worth the $500 with what it needs and in it's condition, and you're going to bring it back to riding condition. If you plan on parting it out you will make a few bucks, but it'll be a lot of work... instead of play.... to mess with. And after the plastic has been sold you're going to end up with a pile of slow moving stuff. Offer him $200 bucks or walk....
  6. Pawn Stars and American Pickers.....
  7. Hey Rocket... Many Happy Returns of the Day.....
  8. I ride all year..... just as long as it's between 50-80 degs and dry.....
  9. I'm thinking electronic. There are quite a few listed on Ebay. The only thing you have to be carefull about is to make sure it's Fahrenheit. Unless you're in Canada... then I guess C is OK. Do Canadian bikes even come in Celsius?? Tying into the sensor for the warning light would be great. Need to know more....???
  10. Some of you have installed a water temp guage, and the question is where did you install the sensor?? Are there two sensors.?? One to power the warning light and another to kick in the fan like on the 1stGen?? And if so, can the warning light sensor be swapped out for a guage sensor??
  11. At $360 bucks I really doubt it....
  12. Basically that's what happened to my '99 with a fresh one year old AGM battery in it. Battery would no longer hold a charge. When I put it on the diagnostic charger it kept kicking out a bad internal cell code. Called Bohanon and ordered a DEKA EXT20L. Three days later everything was good to go. BTW the batt that went bad was not a DEKA, but one purchased from a Yamaha Dealer by the previous owner. My local Y dealer is trying to get it warantee'd even tho it was past the 1 year limit. We had to look all over the thing, but finally found 'Made in Taiwan' on it....
  13. And that's exactely what Leno has that you and I don't. The cost of that bike is just chump change to him. Buying an RSV would really be slumming.....
  14. Since the oldest 2ndGens are just now rolling past 10 years of age, it may be to soon to see much of a problem. Give it another ten years and I bet the same diaphragm problems will start cropping up....
  15. As soon as I can find some snow I'll post a pic...... Mean while this is the best I can do....
  16. I just read all these posts and I have a head ache.... Whew!! Talk about confusing. WE're old school. We have a service bundle from our local ISP. 2 phone lines hooked up to 3 and 2 phone wireless handsets, plus fiber optic broad band, and HDTV. Costs us about $125 per month. The phone lines are $10 bucks ea. We also have 3 lo-tech family plan cell phones.. If we lose power I drag out the Honda EU2000 generator...
  17. I used to have all sorts of problems being sensed in the left turn lane. So I picked up a magnetic gizmo at the local BMW store while slumming. IT took all of 5 seconds to install, afterwards it was very rare that I didn't get a green arrow. I zip tied it to one leg of the center stand on the '83...
  18. Here's a video from Leno's garage of the unveiling. The K1600 has some nice innovations, but listen to the motor when they fire it up at the end... Some may find the sound a little familiar... BMW K1600
  19. I don't have them, but I see one thing that may be a deal breaker. The TM80 is a mono tone, while the Magnum is a dual.... For something that would demand more attention I think I'd stick with the dual....
  20. At the risk of starting another tire discussion, I've used Avon Venoms on my 1stGens, and am now runing Dunlop E3's on the '99. I like them both. Jake Wilson seems to have the best price.
  21. Listen Tommy, the seller is responsible for describing the item correctly. Pictures help to judge condition, but no one should have to go over a listing with a fine tooth comb to make sure ever thing is absolutely correct. Especially on Pinwalls Ebay listings. They're some of the worst ones I've seen on Ebay.
  22. I'm with Goose on this one.... That's BS.... It's not the $8 bucks, and it's not your problem, it's their fault. They should knock an extra 20% off the price of the replacement, and pick up the tab of the return shipping for customer goodwill for causing the problem in the first place.
  23. I flew in and out of Victoria once. Got off the plane and thought the pilot had made a wrong turn somewhere. Palm trees, warm, grass, kinda humid.... thought I was in Hawaii. Nice little town from what little I saw of it. Spent the rest of the time down in Yokum at a sales meeting.
  24. Nope... Something else will pop up that you just gotta have....
  25. OFF Ebay My packing cost $19.00 bucks... looks like it may have gone up a bit.. Your gonna need 2 pieces 17"x8". It's easy to cut to size. And I actually trimed the thickness down from 1" to about 3/4" which is also easy. Just pic at a corner about a quarter inch down and it'll peal off that layer. I also bought some stainless mesh/screen from McMasters-Carr. I bought 8x8 mesh which ended up being a little too stiff to work easily. Next time I'll get something a little flimsier. I bought a piece 24x12 and cut to what I needed. Ran around 30 bucks. Nope haven't riden with them yet... It's wet outside. Stay tuned. I'm going to do a before and after video.
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