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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Just viewed this Video on another board. I found it worth watching. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqQBubilSXU]YouTube - Crash Course - The SMIDSY[/ame]
  2. fishin' huntin' sailin' auctions crossword puzzles eatin' freshmex, bbq
  3. Plant Piranhas..... http://www.google.com/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://www.webdesign.org/img_articles/15729/fish-skeleton1.jpg&sa=X&ei=IwBfTZSrA5CosAOMj8zQCA&ved=0CAQQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNFUbrIPgAux4EdmUODCCpPf9X4kWA
  4. How 'bout the last post.... That should make it interesting...
  5. Can't stand the competition??
  6. The only way your going to get a fairly recent tire is to buy it from a dealer that moves a bunch of tires, and has a big turnover. Searching around for a tire that has the absolute newest date is rediculous. And a big mover isn't going to have the time to go out into the warehouse to find a date on 'your' tire. A stock tire that is a couple of years old has nothing wrong with it, and when it turns 5 years old it isn't going to fall apart. Not to say that if you pick one up from a local dealer it would be wise to double check the dot date, as they don't have nearly the sales a mass merchandiser would, and the tire may have sat on the shelf for many years.
  7. Saw it again last night. This thing has more life than the Energizer Bunny.... http://www.google.com/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qP27kTORMq8/TTuJbru8seI/AAAAAAAAAEE/NyUP3Fh5Htc/s1600/energizer-bunny-page.jpg&sa=X&ei=JXBeTcXBHYa6sAPLt9m5CA&ved=0CAQQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEdi-nrHu8CIjx-NxMx3IRz221VvQ
  8. I just picked up a like new pair off Ebay for an '09RSV. Like you I like the OEM whips. Unlike your situation I'm replacing the early plastic based whips on my '99. I'll definately keep an eye on them after seeing yours. Gonna keep those babies waxed up... Think road salt might be the cause??
  9. I don't think milage is the problem. Timing is everything, and it's a buyers market. If you just did this study recently you might want to notice that it's cold, snowing, and raining, and the economy is in the dumpster. I had a local '99 listed on Craigslist with less than 2K on the OD and it didn't sell. Hmmm???...... http://sacramento.craigslist.org/mcy/2220286954.html
  10. Condor


    Guys... This thread goes back to '08 and the last post was '09. The member has also let his membership expire. This one needs to die......
  11. Condor


    Not sure, it's been a while but I think it's Californian. Notice the tracking devices on the wings...
  12. Who arse you quoting??
  13. Condor


    I ran it in a VW bus about 30 years ago out of Lee Vining/Hwy395. It was pretty spectacular. If I remember correctly it was in July right after the pass opened, and it still had 2-3 feet of snow on the top. Went over late afternoon, no traffic, and stopped to pick up a couple of hitch hikers freezing their arses off right at the top. One of these days I'm going to two wheel it.... Tioga is more high alpine, while the Tooth is more top of the world vistas....
  14. You might consider trying one of the early non-pillow seats. I've noticed the pillows do raise my arse a little higher, so in my case that's a good thing....
  15. Consider yourself lucky. I asked all the local auto tire shops, and not one was able to do motorcycle tires.
  16. Condor


    Yep that worked. Brought back some memories. A lot more snow than when we went over. Funny story. While going over BearTooth the tops of my ears started to hurt like 'H'. I thought I'd folded them over when I put on the helmet. Stopped and checked. Nope. But my vent on the top of the helmet was wide open and the tops of the ears were freezing.... Good thing I'm not a Vulcan!!! Hey what do you expect from a California boy.... So check that vent before doing the 'Tooth'...
  17. I get all my tires online. Lately it's been Jake Wilson in Utah. That's where I picked up the E3's. Memory fades, but I think the front and back cost $220 on the doorstep with the free shipping. So total ran a tad over $300 mounted and balanced on the bike. MOF the local Y dealer didn't even know about the E3, but liked what they saw.
  18. Wow!! Can you imagine how that would free up a wheelchair bound or handicapped person.
  19. I just had E3's installed by my local Y dealer. Dropped the tires off and then rode the bike over the next morning. $90 bucks out the door. It runs about $30 bucks per tire off the bike around here, so I figured for the extra $30 bucks is was worth having them remove the tires. Dropped the bike off, went and had breakfast at a cafe down the street, and the scoot was ready to go when I got back.
  20. Condor


    Great!! Yepper, reservations would be good.... BTW we need a Cody Countdown Clock.
  21. Just for the heck of it check the maintainer. It may not be maintaining....
  22. I'm not a big fan of the 'chrismas tree' look on the back of a scoot, yet I do realize extra lighting would be beneficial, so I'm going this direction and find a set up to change the rear directionals to running/brake/directionals. The link doesn't list a plug and play for the RSV, but it may not be listed?? If they don't the search begins....
  23. We'd really like to see you at the International in July, but the first two weeks in Sept would see less traffic and fewer tourists. You will be dealing with Labor Day Weekend activities the first couple of days, but it will give you an extra day if they'll let you tack it on to your time off.
  24. Thanks Don. Looks like one that may have come in the kit. Looks like a relay is on tap for the near future. Too bad your maintenence day is so far away. I sure could keep 'm busy.....
  25. I already have a push-on/push-off button next to the power port on the lower left side of the fairing. I wonder if it already has a relay?? One of these days I'll know for sure.....
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