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Everything posted by Condor

  1. I'd think about picking up a 10" netbook. Should do everything you want... They just don't have a CD.
  2. You've probably already done this, but turn the CB is off... Other than that it's on to the amp connections... WEll.... one more thing. pull the front turn signals out and behind them there should be a green speaker connector in there somewhere. If you can get to it, clean them and see what happens...
  3. That's great except there are trailers that don't use a flat 4 or 5 connection.... Ala Bushtec and Motorvation and etc's....
  4. They replaced one of mine twice before getting one that didn't crack. The third one was a charm.... :cody
  5. Wait until you get your trailer and then decide what you'll need. You know that if you install a 4-wire that Murphy will fix you up with one needing a 5...... :cody
  6. The title of this thread is about an '86. SO you might want to post your question/problem in the 2ndGen forum. Tagging it onto a 1stGen thread isn't much help. Also I'm as dumb as a brick when it comes to messing with a 2ndGen audio systems. Someday I'm sure I'll be a little better versed, just not now....
  7. #1 I'm not sure how a antenna cable gets even close to the rear caliper, but wadda I know. # 2 if the squeel is constant and it doesn't come thru the speakers then the problem is somewhere between the AMP and the headset connections. Have you tried unplugging the controller dash panal and replugging it again. Sometimes it's just a bad connection in the plugs. If that doesn't solve the problem you may need to pull the left dash and get in there and clean the plugs on the amp. http://www.cast-aways.com/codypics/FinalCodyPatch.2.jpg
  8. Is it constant or does it change pitch with the engine RPM...?? http://www.cast-aways.com/codypics/FinalCodyPatch.2.jpg
  9. Too bad you're not planning on attending the International in Cody at the end of July. Plenty of things to see and a great place to call home before Sturgis... As far as lodging goes it's gonna be tuff. Motel rooms start getting scarce around that time.... or bend over because it's gonna hurt your wallet... http://www.cast-aways.com/codypics/FinalCodyPatch.2.jpg
  10. Try pushing the intercom button....
  11. This thread is intertaining!! Almost like a beer commercial. LESS FILLING...TASTES GREAT!!!
  12. Hallelujah, We've been wanting the city requirement for years. With a state that's 900 miles long it will make it a lot easier to follow up on new members.... As far as the name, I don't really care, I guess I'm just not that paranoid.... It's been available all over the net ever since Al Gore invented it.. and it's never presented a problem...
  13. Ya know, Rick Butler makes a set of thumb screws for the saddle bags that make it a wrenchless removal.... and they're harder to loose since the head is about 1 1/2" in diameter......
  14. Do the Sea Foam Dance first before pulling the carbs. I picked up an '83 that had sat out in the rain unprotected for 2 years. Got it to cough with carb cleaner, and emediately shut it off. This was with the old fuel. Then filled the tank with 4 gallons of fresh fuel and the entire can of Sea Foam. Fired it up again and it ran like cr@p, but it did idle, so just let it run. The longer it idled the better it ran. Tossed in a set of plugs and sync'd the carbs, and d@mn that thing ran strong. I'da kept it, but with all the mods I'd done to the first '83, I didn't want to start over.
  15. We've been watching it all day on FOX news. Some of the scenes of the tsunami damage are incredible....even here in NorCal... The news is quoting up to a 1000 dead. I hope that's all, but not optimistic. My Nephew is on his way again. He's a member of L.A./SAR and this is his third assignment. Haiti, Australia, and now Japan. Prayers sent......
  16. The first Gen's take the YTX18L-BS DEKA battery. Bohanon offers them for $94.00 on your doorstep, which is about the best price I can find anywhere outside of becoming a dealer.. http://www.bohannonbattery.com/html/motbat/18lbs.html No matter which AGM battery you buy just make very sure it's made in the US. I ran into one battery from Bike Master that failed after 1 year. After searching all over the place we finally found that it was made in Taiwan.
  17. OK, how do you suggest they do that?? Geeze, it's a safety equipment check, not a nutzoid check...
  18. I think it really looks cool, and puts a new look on an Iron Horse, but
  19. VAT tax is nothing more than another way of saying it's a national sales tax.....
  20. So I guess when they do a safety inspection on 18 wheelers at weigh stations it's profiling and against their rights?? A few states have yearly safety inspection requirements... I might be in the minority, but I think it's a good thing.... Maybe giving out Tootsi-Pops, if they pass, might make them feel better....
  21. Congrats Chief.....
  22. For some good product info, and how to's, try http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7011
  23. Condor


    Monty.... Got a bigger pic of that sunrise??
  24. If that includes free shipping I'll take a couple of 'm. Nothing like Pygmy Power to keep a kid on the straight and narrow....
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