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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Rather than pulling the tank, just drain it first. Take the hose off the fuel pump and drain it through a coffee filter. If it's empty pour in about a gallon and slosh it around. Any rust in the dank will be evident in the filter. Then decide whether the tank needs to be pulled. If it looks rust free fill it up and add a can of Sea Foam to the mix and try to start it. Volatile carb cleaner sprayed down the carbs will usually get an engine to kick over.... If it coughs, stop and check oil and water and then see if it'll run...
  2. I personally wouldn't have placed any bid. Snipe it toward the end. You might get it for even less than 50%
  3. Anyone else having problems with info being downloaded off the site?? Noticed it this morning a bit and a little this afternoon. I'll go to read a thread and the page mask will appear, and the text takes forever... OK 15-20 secs... to complete. Not having this problem anywhere else. While waiting I even went to my mail reader and downloaded email, came back, and it was still dragging it's heels....
  4. I'd like to ad that pre-registrations payal usage hasn't changed one bit. If anyone needs to use paypal the instructions in the active pdf file are still current. The trailer ticket donations is the one that's dancing all over the place......
  5. I had a high PSA about 10 years ago. Watched it for a few years and then went through all the biopsies, etc. Turns out I just have an enlarged prostate, and higher than normal PSA counts are not an absolute indication that cancer is present. At least that's what they are now saying. Back then it was positive. It scared the 'H' out of me for over a year until all the tests were taken. Now I don't think about it much. Good luck with yours and prayers sent....
  6. If the stuff was just listed in his Ebay store, then your outa luck. However if the stuff was listed ebay 'best offer' and he accepted your offer, than you have a case and report him.
  7. Since it's not running it's worth a lot less than what he's asking.... Worry about what's wrong when you get it home....
  8. If you want to take a ride go west young man... go west. :cody
  9. That's a good point Frank.... The engine pan has fins on it for a reason, and when caked with oil and road grime it looses it's ability to transfer heat and cool the oil. I've seen some pretty ugly pans..... It should be something cleaned regularly. :cody
  10. If you want to test the thermostat set the drain valve to on. It will bypass the thermo. However.... Most '83's run hot. Also if the drain valve is set to 'on' it will run hotter than it normally would with a good thermostat. When the temps outside get into the '90's it will always run about a needle width below red. On a cool morning it would run about a needle above the middle of the green. Flushing your coolant and adding new anti-freeze and a bit of 'water wetter' will help matters, but don't expect miracle's.
  11. Thanks Al. I think I'll just try to position that reed valve ion there to clear the center stand...somehow. To bad Maintenence day is so far away...
  12. With the '83 I fill up when I need to.... where ever I happen to need it. Not much in California because I don't put on a lot of local miles, but when on long distance rides it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. As long as it burns, it's good by me....
  13. Al- Got a question... not horn related... sorta.. I have the AIS valve, and it's in the way of the Rivco center stand. I've tried to move the valve out of the way by reversing bending and twisting per installation docs, but it's becoming a PITA. How difficult was it to remove the dang thing completely. It's my understanding it's nothing more than a gas tank vapor recovery system. The hoses are fairly large. Did you plug them?? Obviously the horn isn't going to fit in that area...
  14. Ditto on the 409. It contains Butyl Cleaner, and cuts through a lot of crud. The stuff has a distinct odor and once smelled is easily recognized. The big draw back is the cost. The cost of Butyl in 409 vs. a gallon of Butyl concintrate is rediculous. You'd be much better off buying a gallon of Butyl and mixing it with detergent. If the job is small then 409 is the way to go.
  15. Looked like a snow job to me.....
  16. Has anyone gone with the black Stebel Nautilus and mounted it as the second horn under the front fairing, and would it accomplish the same thing? My OEM is already chrome so buying one of the Stebel chromes, and mounting it on the right side would only get me a louder horn...not add to the bling... The blacks Stebels have a better price, and wonder if anyone has gone that direction and the result...??
  17. I like what I'm seeing also.
  18. Yep, One of my Biz trailers is a 8Wx16Lx7H and WOW!! it's HUGE inside. I bet if I put my mind to it, I could get 5 (2-1-2) RSV's in there.....or come dang close... Little overkill tho-. :cody
  19. I generally take all tires to max cold side wall pressure. Not manual pressures as they are for a specific brand/size tire. Max cold will give longer tread life and reduce the possibility of cupping .... :cody
  20. And they say it's the front??? They're confused.....
  21. I wouldn't say thine front, but beneath thine A$$....
  22. Wish I knew what the 'H' was wrong with my knee's. The pain I'm getting is in the tendons in the back of the knee. Started about 3 months ago, and I have good days and bad days, but overall it's a PITA.... I've had x-rays and still have a 1/4" of padding in the joints. The last tiime I saw the Doc he put me on accu-puncture which did absolutely nothing, and was a waste of $90 bucks... Motrin and I have become good friends...
  23. I'd say you have it right... Anyone who disagrees with you are wrong... What muff's you repacking??
  24. Do you trust your bike?? If you took it on a 3000 mile ride, do you have confidence that it is in good enough condition to make the trip?? In '07 I took my 24 year old '83VR on a two week trip and had total confidence that it would serve me well. How do you feel about yours??
  25. A couple of years ago I ran 600 miles in 10 hours. Ran about 72-73 (4000rpm) with 5 fuel stops, and two rest stops. Didn't stop to smell the roses. 38mpg @ 60mph average.
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