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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Somewhere on this board there used to be a place to register your MM.
  2. A low growl in a curve could mean a cupped tire....
  3. Larry (Carbon One) has been making something similar to that for members when using a MC jack for a while now . I would have liked to see a pic of the bike up on the lift part of yours. I'll have to look again, but I got the impression the lift part is angled forward, unless it's removable it could present a big problem if it ever fails and drops to the pavement while underway.... I like the idea that you can use it to do double duty as a center stand and a lifter... Now I wonder how much it would run to get it chromed....
  4. Too bad you'll be missing the International Rally in Cody... :cody
  5. Sounds like to much resistance in the starting circut. Only place that can happen is the ground connection, or the brushes in the starter. Pull it and clean the contact on the frame. If that doesn't get it then I'd pull the starter and rebuild.
  6. Check the rear tire for out of round, and sidewall run out. Check the rim for run out too. An out of balance tire will also cause a wiggle at certain high speeds. IF the tire is balanced, how much weight was added? Anything over a couple of .oz's is too much.
  7. My apologies Joe. Just added the to my search string and got a ton of hits. What a great search!! Wonder why they didn't come up using just the original string??? Thanks for the tip. More intertainment....
  8. Yeah, but how many of those links where pure CL Yamaha Venture?? Sure I get lots of hits too, but take a look at the URL address. Most of them are websites that run around copying listings off CL. Do a search using the search I wrote down in the first post. There were 3. Heck even this board popped up a couple of times because of it's references to CL. In the past doing that search I'd get 10-20 CL hits.
  9. I'm sure there are some of them that are getting out because of Health, age, no longer interested... But a lot of them, that are riding and stroking payments, are putting theirs up to get out from underneath those payments. Loss of job, divorce. etc. Whatever the reason the listings are way less than they've ever been. I wonder if it's actually CL, and all the bad press they've been getting lately??
  10. I'd think of 4th as your top gear. Lug that engine down in 5th and she'll suck gas like a horse eating oats.
  11. Not really, but I have bluetooth set up between my cell phone and my GPS. Then GPS to Aux plug, and a Buddy Rich vox cord mod so I can talk to the caller with my hardwire audio connection. I can now listen to directions, play the MP3/GPS music, and answer the phone....
  12. I just did a search on CL for to double check what I found last week. Generally there are always 10-15 bikes that will pop up on a CL Google search nation wide. This morning 3. Same thing last week. Wow!!... Things are sloooow... MOF locally between the SF and SAC CL's there is always been yamaha venture activity. This last month it has been deader than a door nail. I realize it's still winter, but out here in the land of 'Dry Rain' it's always been intertaining. What's going on?? :cody
  13. I like it.....
  14. Ponch made up one for me out of a 1stGen center stand. Very nicely done. Freebird used to make one doing the same thing. I didn't get a chance to install Ponch's as I ran acrossed a super deal on a Rivco. Bling ya know.. I sold the stand to another member.... forgot who?? I've never heard of anyone having a problem with one of the 1st's...
  15. With one you'd be turning everything after the clutch... i.e. middle gear... without any oil circulation. Even with the tranny in neutral things are going to moving. Can't be a good thing over a long distance....
  16. Condor


    Here's an interesting read on mixing gas with diesel, and the possibilities of creating engine or injector damage. http://www.turbodieselregister.com/mixing_gasoline_and_diesel.htm
  17. It's because Harley's don't have one....
  18. Here in California parking enforcement is handled by a private organization. Originally it started out just checking for handicap violators, but has become a cash cow and they are now checking for all violations. However I'd say that if the handicap sticker or placard matches the state or country of the vehicle then they'll probably pass it by. Besides, if you get a ticket are they going to chase you all the way to Australia to try to collect on it....?? :cody
  19. And here's the link.. http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Wild-Hogs-Search-And-Destroy.html
  20. The first serial number is 100, and yes a member did own it, but didn't I hear where it had been involved in a bender??
  21. I can do one better... My '84 has an '83 Vin#, and an '86 motor....
  22. If I remember correctly all the golf cart wheels are wide. It may cause a problem in handling. And we sure have hi-jacked this thread huh?? Any more trailer pics??
  23. My son's riding my old '83VR and I have the '91VR's running strong. The other 4 are 'kit' bikes... So there's six if you're keeping count....
  24. I have looked all over the net, made lots of calls, and couldn't find anyone who even knew of a source for 8" aluminum 5 lug wheels. 10" is the smallest they go. Finally gave up. Not worth the hastle. I did call the trailer company and talked to them about the mods they did to their current trailer mold to take 10" aluminums, and they said the mold didn't change, they just raised the adjustment on the axel. So I might go that direction if I get inspired again. The PO installed Carlysle High Speed tires on the 8" wheels, and they are taller than other 8" tires. I also have a set of new 8" white spoke wheels. I may go ahead and put the Carlyles on them. At least they'll match the color of the trailer. Another option would be to have the spokes chromed???
  25. Yeah, it's kinda cool. Never seen one like it until I bought this one. It's actually an option listed on their website. Just a little more bling...
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