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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Could you check with him to see if he still has them or if not where he sent them?? I tried to find his contact info, but finally gave up. Edit: I just sent him an Email....
  2. One of our members has a Tow Pak for sale in the classifieds for a while now.
  3. I picked up a set from Bike Bandit when they were closing them out in '06. Wished I'd bought them all. Anyway I just went out and looked at the box and they came from Show Chrome.
  4. Yep, T-Ball...was a ball...
  5. So Squid.... Who'd ya send the banner/flags to in Kitchner???
  6. My bad... Was thinking side covers.... But.... because of the different head light assemblies you still may need to stick with a MKII fairing.
  7. Can't speak for Kitchner or the HUB, but the last time I saw it was at Ft Collins....
  8. Pick up some SeaFoam 'Deep Creep' and spray all the carb linkage and lube the cable. Work the lever back and forth will lubing. Should loosen it up.
  9. We're trying to locate the National Rally Banner for Cody. The Skyline Motor Inn wants to display it out front during the rally..... Who has it?? :cody
  10. MKI's (83-84) might fit except for the very early '83's. The 85's will probably fit, but anything from 86 and later will work fine....
  11. Pressure wash that sucker....
  12. With the ride leader downing that many drinks, I'd have decided to ride solo, and invite anyone else who wants to join in to come along. Two wheels and alcohol don't mix.
  13. The pump has the same part number as first generations, so it's probably safe to assume they are same for all Ventures. Don't know about a V-Star. My favorite saying 'You never know unless you ask'....
  14. That is really close. We're gonna need pics when it's done....
  15. When listening for fuel pump, instead of turning the key on and off, leave it on and toggle the kill switch on and off. Does the same thing.....
  16. Yep I'd replace it. When you parked it reading full and then let it sit a while, come back, and it reads 1/2 full, you might have a leaking float. Shake the float and see if there's fuel inside... OR... the plug is corroded and resistence is marginal?? Just a guess??
  17. I learned something today.... Here I originally thought it was a dummy antenna load for a masochist CB operator.....
  18. I ain't touching this one neither....... But yeah, a real Oz bee's wax ring would be neat. Let me know what I'd owe ya.... Actually the whole didg would be cool too. Here they's make 'm out of PVC drain pipes. Not the greatest. I have no idea, but what would one of those like the guys playing in the video go for?? That thing has a great sound. Mine sounds like I'm playing a 2x4.....
  19. You might try a western saddle maker if they have any left in Ohio... OR even a belt maker. They have embossing plates and can run a backet weave on a 3/4" belt. Not hand tooled, but should be good enough for what you need?? Maybe a company that deals in Police supplies. The Brownie Belt is still available?? Tandy Brands
  20. Gotta question. Are both horns dead?? There are two horns on the RSV's. If everthing is gone I'd suspect there's a wiring problem....
  21. Have you checked with J&M Or...heck I bet Buddy Rich could build you one??
  22. Have you asked Ace High Leather??
  23. I had that happen to me when I bought a few HDMI cords online. Not Fedex but another company to USPS. I got the refund pretty quick, but the package didn't show up over a month, and I needed them quick. It would have cost me more to return them then they cost, so I said screw it and kept them. I think company's that use USPS to handle their deliveries need to reconsider. No way to track them after the hand off.... In your case the onus is on Fedex, not WOOT.
  24. Yep, me too. That's one of the things that really bugged me was the price all the MC dealers charged for those things. Tried Honda and they're just a bad as Y.... Gonna order some. Maybe 50?? Just ordered 50 of them... Hey I have 6 bikes...
  25. This subject has been tossed around a bit in the past for 1stGen's, and I don't see why it shoudn't hold true for 2ndGen's as well. Staying out of 5th gear at high speeds will improve gas milage unless you have one hell of a tail wind or going downhill. Lower RPM's and wind resistence will eat gas like a horse eating oats.... Case in point. I and several others have experienced 50 mpg when runing in the Sierra twisties. Most of the time in 2nd-3rd-4th gears. Not just once, but all the time. When running on the flats in 5th at 70-75mph I'd adverage 37-38mpg. You'd think it would be the reverse, but it happens every time. On the '99 the first time I took it out on the slab I ran out of gas... didn't know where the resv was but do now....... And it looked like I was getting 25-26 mpg. After tanking up I haven't done any high speed runs, but the mpg is up around 38mpg. So it looks like the same thing holds true. I'll know more shortly as it's getting time for an old man to get out and ride. Also looking at installing a V-Max final. That should help a bunch.
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