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Everything posted by Condor

  1. I wonder how Show Chrome would respond to asking about a warantee???
  2. I hear they really like the smell of Chili and will travel for miles to find the source..... :cody
  3. Aren't they the FA88HH??
  4. I'd be lost after the first 4 or 5 cones....
  5. Your retired.... Do 'm both..
  6. I noticed on their website they don't even list anything for the Venture. Plus I'm not so sure I'd personally like the screws and knobs hanging on the windshield surface. I didn't look long enough to check pricing....
  7. The '85 probably had the side stand shortened, or the seat was reworked????? Sitting that low with a standard side stand can't happen unless something is drastically wrong. Maybe a worn pivot bolt??
  8. I think Progressive makes a shock also...
  9. Ideas are good.. Once I get this GPS mount right I'll take a couple of pics so you can see what I'm talking about....
  10. Thanks for the info, but like I first posted I have the Street Pilot not the Zumo so the mount won't work. However, I did take care of the problem. I contacted the seller that made the stainless steal clamp that fit the RAM arm and he's already made me a 1" ball to 17mm ball adapter. When I contacted him he knew exactely what I wanted as I'm not the only one who's run into the problem with that RAM adapter. I highly recommend this clamp ... and the seller. Ebay# 190550520800
  11. Whoa!!! Guys let's not let this thread go south. We all have our political views and opinions, they just don't belong here.... Better to talk about who makes the best Ice Cream.. Dairy Queen or Fosters Freeze???
  12. 7x57. I am looking for a 264 mag. I have the ammo, but my custom 264 was stolen about 20 years ago. Actually, this one wasn't much more. I think they used to sell for around $199.00 and I got this one for $240+fees. Only 69... I had a not-birthday this year. I liked it so much I might have another one next year..... Boy I bit on this one big time...
  13. Pumping it up to max will sometimes lift the bike a couple of inches depending on how low the pressure is that you're running now.
  14. Nope.... That's the one that isn't worth a hoot. MOF RAM gives that one when using their MC search engine, and then if you read the discription below it says not recommended for MC usage. The problem is the thing has fins on the sides of the ball to make it 17mm and if you turn the GPS 45 degs off the 90 it won't hold a thing. And it won't go completely into the socket. I don't know what RAM was thinking of when they designed the thing....
  15. Try pumping up the CLASS to max and see if it still stands up straight. If it does your class is not doing it's job. On the other hand if it cures the problem then you need to shorten the sidestand a bit.
  16. OK, so what I'm hearing is the Zumo does not have a socket on the back to take a 17mm ball. I always thought the StreetPilot c550 and the Zumo 550 mounted the same. Now I see that the Z is bolted on. To be honest I like the ball mount much better. The ST c550 GPS has a very positive snap socket. I just emailed the ebay seller who sells the stainless RAM clamp to see if he might be able to make a 17mm to 1" ball adapter. He makes the clamps to go either way. All he would have to do is put a ball on each end of a 1" post. Thanks for all the feedback...
  17. I looked for something in there once... barely made it out alive...
  18. Got a question. What does the Zumo 550 use as a mount on the backside. The reason I ask is my look-a-like Streetpilot c550 snaps onto a 17mm ball, and I just got off the phone with RAM and they are telling me the Zumo mount bolts on?? And.... they don't have anything that will work with the STPilot. Even though when you go on their website for MC mounts,, and use their search engine, the mount they say to use on the MC says it's not recommended for MC use. I used to really like RAM mounts, but lately they are getting to be a joke....
  19. Back in my yoot I used to work part time in a discount membership store in the sporting goods dept. Kinda like White Front.. K-Mart.. Fedco.. etc. Anyway we used to sell firearms and one of the rifles we stocked was a Mannlicher Schonauer. I fell in love with that rifle. Just married, kid on the way, and working two jobs 80 hours a week to make ends meet, and I just couldn't afford one. Slow forward 50 years... In the last few years I'd run into one or two at auction, but they went for big bucks. Finally nailed one down last week. She's a beauty and I can't wait to get'r home.... It's in DOJ limbo for another 7 days. Next monday..
  20. Don't know... Never had reason to find it, but I bet someone on the board knows.... Pro'bly up inside the fairing uppers??
  21. Looks like the I-80 route'll be a tad closer and pretty direct. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday afternoon. Have a safe trip and don't push it.
  22. http://www.nragive.com/ringoffreedom/index.html
  23. Did you know that you have an emergency stop tilt switch that will kill the engine when the bike is layed down?? The kill switch belongs right next to the reserve and the tape deck....
  24. I went ahead and picked up a couple of thumb nuts from McMaster-Carr in stainless. They work very well.
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