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Everything posted by Condor

  1. While prepping the bike for Cody I noticed that the steering was very loose. Push the bars from the center and they would bounce off the stop 2-3 inches. I didn't feel any play but the bounce concerns me. How much of a hassel and time does it take to adjust the steering head? If it's a bunch I'll wait until getting back from Cody.
  2. If you can't find any MKI replacement forks try going to MKII's with Progressives and R1 calipers. No since in spending the bucks twice. Earl sells a kit in the classifieds if you're in a hurry.
  3. DOes this mean we'll be seeing you in CODY??? :cody
  4. There is no 'towing weight' spec for any Venture, but 455 lbs might be pushing the comfort zone. The tongue weight of 10% of the GVW is OK, if it can be balanced out to that, but the stopping ability might be challenged. I would recommend loading the trailer with any extras. Adding another 100 lbs to the total would make stopping a big issue. :Cody
  5. ME TOO!!
  6. Drop Lynn (pegscrapper) a PM. He rides a '96 that has been highly modified. He probably knows the answer to your question.
  7. I've used rest stops for years and have never had a problem like all ths soothsayers are posting here. Back in the '80's I did use one down in Missippippi one time and while in there a couple of black kids snickered at me. After coming out I noticed there were two men's entrances right next to each other and ealized I'd gone into the 'wrong' one.... On the closed rest stops. Same thing here in Kalifornia. The family drove down I-5 to Disneyland in SoCal about three weeks ago and ran into the same problem. Closed reststops all the way with no warnings.... Thanks God for truck stops...
  8. 35mpg on a Venture-Max.???... :rotf:
  9. If you're running 3000 and below in 5th gear at that speed you probably will do better dropping down a gear. The sweet spot on these V4's is between 3-4000rpm. The faster you go in 5th gear the more wind resistence you're creating, and consequently will need to give it more gas to overcome it, but sometimes it just can't be helped when you're in a hurry. Around town down shift at 3000 and upshift at 4000. And controll the urge to drop the hammer....
  10. I just PM'd you Bob...
  11. Why don't you just remove them entirely?? Quite a few members have...
  12. Well I just went ahead and popped for one of the large economy sized vests. The say they needed to be 're-frozen' every 2-3 hours, and I'll just keep a set in the ice chest on the front of the trailer. Hope it works....
  13. I didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up. It's as little late, but I'll go ahead and add the info the the flyer.... :cody
  14. Hope it does go away. My right hand went dead during Venture West IV while riding the Massey-Furgusen road out of Ft Hunter-Liggit in California. The feeling never came back like in the past. 6 months later they operated on the wrist for Carpal Tunnel, and didn't give me much hope that the feeling would ever return due to the damage to the nerve, but luckily it did. Good thing too. Ever try to pick up a quarter off the ground or zip up your fly with numb fingers.... Not fun.
  15. Need more info than what you've given. Underwhat conditions are you getting the 35mpg. Never have had any luck with holes in the air box lid. Put the stock lid back on. Go back to the thread you found about the washers and do it. There's only one washer on the slider from the factory, and I don't think you'd be able to find them unless you find someone who still has a couple laying around after doing the washer mod. Check with Goose or Dingy on what you'd need to for jet sizes. Thinking about it gives me a head ache....
  16. I wear a 4xl Tall to be comfortable, and your buddy sounds like my twin.... I wonder if the 90 day money back applies... in case it doesn't fit?? I wear the 4xl so I don't feel like a piece of sausage.. Maybe a call to them is in order. I wonder if I buy one they'll donate one to the VR Rally in Cody??
  17. Thanks Tom. Was really thinking about popping for one of the Forum Specials and they don't go any bigger the 2xl. Too small for this large economy sized guy. Oh well... Back to the mesh gear...and Gator Aid.
  18. RSV & RSTD wiring: Blue = tail/running lights Yellow = Brake lights Brown = Left turn signal Green = Right turn signal Black = Ground connection
  19. Some of you may have seen this already, but it's worth watching again..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZboxMsSz5Aw&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Print-a-Wrench[/ame]
  20. The seal in the slave might be leaking and the fluid is running into the crank via the clutch. Otherwise with that kind of leakage you should have a big puddle under the bike when parked overnight....
  21. Flashing light is low water level in the battery. The sensor needs to be by-passed because of the DEKA. The How To is in the tech section. The E4 could mean that the power or buss connections on the CLASS controller might only be dirty, or the CLASS needs to be resoldered.
  22. They's gonna get wet. Big system rolling up across FL.
  23. Congradulations on your survival....
  24. Way back in my yoot I came down with paricarditis. An inflamation of the pericardium around the heart sack. Hurt like an SOB... Treatment was antibiotics and rest. Thought it was the big one too. I wonder if that's what you have???
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