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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Interesting. Does the Clarion also include a CB??
  2. Guess it's time to send that seat off... Thinking about that just yesterday. It's been cold and wet lately and the scoot is in hibernation....
  3. Had that happen on my '83. Cold moan when I first started out. Stop and take off again and it would go away. Did all the cable lube treatments, but it turned out to be the speedo screw fitting on the back of the dash was loose. Snugged it down and life was good again... It is a PITA to get to.... Going thru the LH flasher opening made it easier.... OK not as hard...
  4. Here's what I use. A lot of my soldering is done on site. So this works for me.
  5. Yeah, my bad. I just rolled to the bottom and saw the '09 and just thought is was still RSV's... Didn't even think about TD's....
  6. Thanks it's gone.....
  7. I haven't seen a thing about what Ponch's status is lately. Especially since Dano went down. Anybody??
  8. Just noticed that the colors section under venture history is lacking the last couple of years. It ends at 2009.
  9. I'm thinking about scaning it and seeing if it can be put it in the history/manual section.
  10. I must be on a different planet. My drop down ends at Sold It....
  11. Another stab... Have you checked the middle gear cover for leaks?? I had one cover on the '91 that leaked, and another that didn't. New gasket both times...
  12. I have the '93... Did I win??
  13. Hmmm?? My drop down doesn't have that. Mine says PRODUCT OPTIONS. On the drop down the first selection is USER OPTIONS which isn't linked. There are a couple more and then EDIT AD, and then SOLD IT!. No delete. I'm still using I.E. 7. Maybe that's the reason??
  14. Condor

    Tire mix up

    That's one of the reasons I like to order tires directly from the supplier. The set of E3's I just put on the '99 ran me about $225 to my door. The local Yamaha dealer mounted them for $90 bucks.... on the bike. Gave them the bike and walked up the street to a cafe for breakfast. Got back and the deed had been done. Capitol Yamaha Sacramento Ca....
  15. At 114 miles it ain't gonna be a touring bike. Plus on the safety side. When I'm in a cage I can hear a bike before I see it most of the time. Now I can't see it -or- hear it. Wonder if they ever thought about that......
  16. That's probably the reason. Just a wild stab at the shuffling?? Anyway, I'll delete this one and repost in the next couple of weeks.... Speaking of deleting... Is there anyway I can just delete the add without using the 'SOLD' option?? It just seems kinda silly to mark the item as sold when it really wasn't... IMVHO...
  17. Yep, because I couldn't do anything with it.... Same-o same-o. There just seems to be a glitch in that we can't get rid of the pics after editing and have it return to the new edit. I suppose I could delete the pics first and then type up the new text. Loosing the ~long~ edit was a PITA..... Next time I'll know....
  18. I just tried to update the text in the fork brace ad in the 1stGen parts forum. Can't do it. It will not allow me to delete the curreent text and reword it. When I did a reword, and then went to delete a couple of the pics, the added text ended up be a garbled mess. A combination of the old text and the new.. So when the time comes I'll kill the ad and start over. I think it might have had something to do with the ad being shuffled around a couple of months back between the main board and the classifieds. OK actually what it did was kill my lengthy new text and replace it with the old text... after the pic delete.
  19. And the dog in right in the exhaust stream when in the trailer. I'd think about a side car.....
  20. Boy this brings back old memories. While a kid in East Amherst NY... suburb of Buffalo... that's all we used was coal. The house had a furnace in the basement with floor vents to each of the rooms upstairs.. I guess pretty fancy for the times. The one room school house.. Dodge Road School.. Kindergarden and 1/2 of 1stgrade... had a big coal burning furnace at the back of the room, and out door plumbing... It was a big deal to get to stoke the furnace during school hours. There's a lot to be said about central heat and air on natural gas...
  21. Those were the good ol' days. With 11,000 members on this board we're lucky to pull over a hundred bikes at our yearly rallys....
  22. If you haven't already found it.... and they are still doing it.... that resturant in front of the Motel 6 in Casa Grande has the greatest fish and chips on Friday nights....
  23. Yep... read it and weep. $925, and that was 5 years ago. I have friends that were paying even more. 20 years ago it started out at $160/ mo., but the older we got the more it got. That's why I filed for early retirement at 62... just to pay the premiums until I hit 65, and medicare kicked in. Even at $925 we still got our moneys worth, compared to what it would have cost us for uninsured out of pocket treatments. Think of it this way. Someone's going have to pay the freight. Unlike Canada, down here you can elect to not be insured. Freedom of choice.
  24. That thing is just plain ol' double ugly.......
  25. I'm not sure what all the flap is about when it comes to getting Medicare. We've been with the same HMO for...??? a very long time... About 3 months before turning 65 we received an app to apply, and at 65 we slid over to Medicare and signed up for Senior Advantage with our HMO. Pretty seamless. The nice thing about it was we were paying $925 a month premium for the two of us, and it dropped to.. at the time $80 for medicare and $75 for Senior Advantage with the HMO times two About $300 total. We still have the co-pay for visits and pharmacy, but it sure beats the 'H' out of over the counter prices. Last month I had to rush the wife to the hospital with appendicitis. In at 3pm and in the OR at 11:30. The whole thing ran us a $175 co-pay. Not to shabby. Hate to think what it would have run. On the Veterans Health Care. I've had to deal with service coverage for two in my family. My grandfather, and my older brother. Obviously Gramp is now gone, and so is my older brother. Let's just say the care sucked. But I guess you get what you pay for.... Glad I have Medicare.
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