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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Buffalo breath...
  2. Yeah but I bet they didn't turn down your bunk at night and put little chocolates on the pillow.....
  3. Think about it this way. There is an oval opening at the top of the carb venturi that supplies vacuum to the diaphragm causing it to pull the jet needle out of the jet and supplying fuel as needed. The greater the vacuum...the more fuel. Try taking compressed air and blowing it across the opening.. not into it... but across it and you'll see what I mean. The air stream will create a low pressure negative vacuum above the opening and the diaphragm will start to retract the needle and open the jet and supply fuel as needed. The same thing happens when cranking open the throttle and increasing manafold vacuum. Once a speed is reached the vacuum drops and the needle closes the jet to a point where it only supplies fuel needed to maintain that speed. Without that vacuum the diaphragm will not properly function as designed. That's why the Venture motor VR's run like cr@p without the lid on the air box. It needs that restriction. If anyone has a bike that is not effected, it's because they have diaphragm/carb problems....
  4. My wife and I have been on 4-5 cruises so far, and love them. I've wondered how a VR.org get together over the winter months would fly.... Heck, even an International Rally during the winter would be welcome over a sauna summer meet?? Our big problem lately is that the wife isn't well enough to go on another. Cruises are a great bang for the buck, and by the time the total cost of attending a Int Rally are all added up it's probably cheaper by comparison.
  5. My big concern would be how the engine will run with the airbox off. We all know it doesn't appreciate a lot of air flow, and will this setup give enough vacuum..... I think... and I might be wrong... that the diaphragms won't work very well without venturi/airbox vacuum?? Maybe that's why they claim a 4mpg gain, but at what loss to performance??
  6. Looks like something Earl's thought up...
  7. It all depends on your definition of loud. Get 'm too loud and you'll be riding alone and without the wife... maybe that's your plan?? I run a set of Bubbs that give enough rumble to be noticed, but not enough for folks to call the dog catcher...
  8. He also has a set of used OEM first gen fork springs listed and one looks like it's collapsed.....
  9. I already have the trailer lighting hooked up thru an isolater under the seat. I'll probably try wiring it in there.... I assume the orange wire is for the brake light?? I also have an idea for making a template. Stick 1/8" pop rivets in each hole and then using the shanks to punch holes in some heavy paper ... Worth a try anyway...
  10. Well..... Vic spells it with two B's... Sorry about the extra t. I originally spelled it Eliot but it didn't look right... So I was half right.... and better than being half fast...
  11. I'll give that a try....
  12. Already in. Check the 1stGen parts classified for all the info.... Generally the wobble or shake comes from the forks responding at different rates. This generally can be caused by tired springs. The fork brace will get them working together, but in the end run Progressives will make things much better....
  13. Yesterday some of the O.F.'s in NorCal got together for the first time in too long of a time. Steve (SteveD..aka Hdhtr2000) Dubois and his wife Michell were in town for the first time in 3 years to visit kids and GK's. So what better excuse needed to get together with the old crew. Vic (LoneEagle) Tibs, Rick (EasyRider) Bray and wife Doris, Rich (Rich99) Elliot, and Yours Truly.. , met up at Steve's daughter Bree's house, and headed off the Red Robin for bugers. We had a great time and the laughing never did seem to stop. We had a few group photos taken in front of the house by Bree which will be posted later. This one was sent to me this morning by Rich99. We gotta do this again...
  14. Anyone have a left over 2ndGen OEM Venture line LED light bar template and wiring instructiions still laying around. Bought a NOS bar locally but the paper work was long gone. I could probably figure it, out and make a template, but thought I'd try this first....
  15. Ran into this auction on Ebay this morning. Can't believe someone would be stupid enough to even list them, and.... someone else would be stupid enough to bid on them. NGK's
  16. WOW!!
  17. In reading your post are you saying it slips a lot when it's cold and only a little when it heats up?? 'Cause that's generally the opposite of how a slipping worn clutch will react. You may have other issues..... that rebuilding the basket won't cure....
  18. Have you tried highlighting just the statement part of the page you want and check print 'selection' in the printer setup rather than the whole webpage?? Or.... is there a printer 'friendly' option on the statement page??
  19. I love my point and shoot.... For those that have been bitten by the photo bug, eventually you will too..... I used to own more Nikon Equipment than I care to admit. Somewhere around 50K-60K worth. The problem that I ran into was I needed a pack mule to carry the stuff around. So everytime I went on vacation I only took the minium, and even that was too much. Carrying and worrying about an expensive camera was a chore when trying to enjoy a trip. Back in '89 my wife and I left for 6 weeks and circumnavigated the US. I took everything with me packed in a tool box in the bed of the truck. Plus one Leica CL point'n'shoot. I burned up a brick of film while away. 19 rolls of slide film with the Leica, and 1 roll on the flightline of Homestead AFB with the 'big' stuff. That's when I dicided that all that equipment was an anchor, and fell in love with point and shoots. It wasn't long after that digital cameras started to appear. More of a play toy in the begining. I started with a CASIO and very few pixels... and the images reflected it....., but I could download them to pentium 3 computor. I finally popped for a Nikon Coolpix with 1 meg resolution and I still own it. Since then I've probably owned a half dozen different digital point and shoots all the while climbing the mega-pixel ladder to my latest. A Lumix/Leica DMZ-PS6 14mp that I'll hold up to any SLR out there. It fits in my pocket, is readily accessable, and it cost me about $150 bucks off WOOT. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about buying an SLR if you feel it will give you better pics, because it probably will, but just saying that there are other alternatives out there. Been there... Done that....
  20. Thanks, Squeeze you just saved me
  21. That's cool. Looks like someone is making aftermarkets again for the 1stGen's.... http://www.nichecycle.com/
  22. Condor

    Pellet gun

    The Gamo Silent Cat 22, or the Ruger Blackhawk .177 cal. Air Rifle with 4x32 mm Scope. Shop around and you can find them for around $100. But nothing comes close to an old Sheridan 5mm Pump....
  23. I don't think or blockage rust is an issue on a 2005. Have you tried removing the bleeder valve completely and forced fluid back up the line to the reserve? Sometimes even a 1/2 turn will not open the valve up enough to get thigns flowing. I'm sending you a PM. BTW are you using DOT 4 or DOT 5??
  24. In 2012 we'll have been in this house 40 years and I think we've replace the disposal 3 times. Ditto on the tossing rice, bones, or lots of food in it. Just use it for the dregs off the plates.
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