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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Com'on folks, somebody needs to ante up $11,750.... Snow's comin'...
  2. AND.... it has an automatic transmission.... What else????
  3. Nope...I don't wave... here in Kommyfornia the land of crotch rockets.... except to kids on bicycles. While touring everybody waves and so do I....
  4. It's a shame the scoot isn't complete.... Com'on!!!....
  5. I donno?? That would make the knife even rarer????? Make note...do more research... And I found this...... [TABLE=width: 605] [TR] [TD]Richard Milhous Nixon (Incumbent)[/TD] [TD]Republican[/TD] [TD]Spiro Theodore Agnew[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]George Stanley McGovern[/TD] [TD]Democratic[/TD] [TD]Robert Sargent Shriver[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]John G. Schmitz[/TD] [TD]American Independent[/TD] [TD]Thomas J. Anderson [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] So the rarity of this knife is more than just a political collectable... Maybe worth a buck fifty instead of a buck???... :-)
  6. Just make sure you're looking in the right place. On all of my RSV's it is difficult to locate and a flashlight helps. Not so on a 1stGen where you can almost see it while leaning in the saddle...
  7. I was too, but 12g's is kinda hard to swallow. For another 7 you could have bought a brand new 2ndGen.... I finally took my '04RSMV and installed a 2006 Voyager Kit on it. $3,000 for the Bike and $1200 for the kit with the right adapter. $4200 for both.. used.. but in mint condition. At least I won't fall over and go boom anymore....
  8. Nah, they haven't got around to that..... yet!! Swiss Armies are still legal....
  9. On the Hanigan price we had a Star Rider member who attended our Venture West in The Dalles OR with his freshly triked '07RSV. I talked to him about a year ago, and he said his install cost $11,000 in Salt Lake UT. The Easy steer would have been another $1G, but he didn't go for it. So if trying to put a used value on the Hannigan think $12,000 new.
  10. So who was McGoverns Democratic running mate in the 1972 presidential election??? I wouldn't have known, and really wouldn't have cared... But.... I collect knives along with guns and other 'stuff'. While rooting around in the desk drawer I ran across this one. Can't tell you when or where it came from, but thought it would give some of us O.F.'s something to talk about... Maybe even post some of your collections. I have some really interesting knives, but this one... even thou it's DNC... is cool... :-)
  11. Intertaining.....
  12. LOL... Nah, that'd be more than it's worth....
  13. OK I'll go back to my corner now....
  14. I was serious as a heart attack!!.... Why the email?? You do get notices when somebody posts to the thread... Doncha?? Why do we need to keep the potential sale under the radar?? So what are you thinking price wise?? There's some really neat aftermarkets on it, but from the pics Bob really made it his own.
  15. Well?? I wouldn't need to stop in Ohio. They'll take my money anytime... :-) And, I probably have quite a few cousins north of the Saint Lawrence. Did you know my GGFather(7) was one of the founders of Louiseville Quebec on the Riviere Du Loup. Of course you didn't... :-) I probably have more gene pool shirt tails in Canada then in the US. Spread from Que to Calgary. I even have a few cousins who are Metis, one of the first nations. Coming across Canada to Sault Ste Marie, MI would be fun...
  16. I just may have been blown out of the saddle.... :-) I still would have to dial in the cost of flying from SMF to BUF, and then riding it back 2600 miles before the snow flies. Plus food and motel 6's, and fuel. Of course I'd have to visit cousins in Buffalo... that's were I was born....stop at Gunrunner Auctions in Ohio and then take it up to *cowpuc in Muskegon and wrench on it a bit and eat hotdogs before actually heading to the barn...via Montana and Idaho... That's a lot to think about... Of course you realize that an investment is supposed to make you money not loose it.... I wasn't planning on investing....
  17. I can't even imagine the grief you're going through, and I've lost 2 of mine. Such a tragedy.. It'll be hard getting on with life, but just be thankful of the good times you and your daughter had. That's something other folks never experience. The next time you take off on your bike, take her with you in your great memories. Peace and love be with your family...
  18. Heck... I kinda like the auction idea.... I'm in for $10,000... :-) CASH!!
  19. I know it's kinda old fashion but maybe a check and stamp would work.... or cash if they're close enough... :-)
  20. Never been there but have hard a lot about it. Sorta like a poor man's Quartzsite. https://rvtofreedom.com/quartzsite-arizona-rv-town/
  21. I watched the fireworks and burn last night a little before 10pst. I just tuned back in this morning and the pile was still burning. Amazing. Wonder what the sand underneith the ashes looks like?? Glass maybe???
  22. Sigh!!!!!! I'm being held captive in Stalag California.... :-(
  23. Condor


    Good to see the models taking it up the coast. I have an older cousin in Port San Lucie, and originally all the models had Dorian running right over the top of her. I asked if she was going to bug out, but she said that's almost impossible with all the traffic. So she's dropping all the storm shutters and going to ride it out.... She's a tuffy.... :-)
  24. If it bothers you then don't look at it... or just treat it as a source of entertainment. I think it's colorful, creative, and amazing that 5 days ago it didn't exist and now it can be seen from outer space... Give it another week and it'll be gone again.
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