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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Why would anyone lock it before it's closed....
  2. Do the keys have to be in it???
  3. COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know when. You may have a tibeer by the tail....
  4. Gotta know how you can do it on a 2ndGen?? Then I can try it to see if it works....
  5. 9000 years ago my folks went up into Canada from Buffalo and brought back a bunch of Beer Cheese. Loved the stuff. It was so sharp it took the roof of my mouth off...and cauterized my cleft palate. The wife and I overnighted in Niagra on our tour of the US, searched but couldn't find any. I wonder if Bell ships??
  6. I miss these BOOMERISMS..... I think BOOMER and PUC should go riding together... I just wanna tag along....
  7. Maybe there's another place, and he just got the name screwed up.....??
  8. Yep.... One man's trash is another's treasure.... Looks like the start of a great garage.....
  9. Nope, I wish it were that simple... You need to go back into the supporting router software and reset the proto-calls. Something I know nothing about, but I'm so glad to have a daughter that married a hacker who does...
  10. I just went thru a bout with pop-ups and hi-jacked links. Here's what we found after running a lot of blockers.. virus checkers... ad nausium. The problem wasn't with my computer, and that's why we couldn't find anything, but in my Wi-Fi router. Somehow?? The settings were corrupted and it was the culprit. Taking me to sites other than where I clicked and mainly it was when I clicked on a hot link taking me away from the site I was on. Changed the settings back to what they should be and got rid of that sucker!! Memo to self: Gotta stay out of naked chat rooms....
  11. I remember that video. My thoughts were it would take a heck of a lot of amps to keep that thing up right and moving forward on longs trips. If someone doesn't want to fall over, I bet triking would be a lot cheaper....
  12. There's a set of Mustang Seats on eBay right now. Never have tried them but others speak very highly of them.... [ame=http://www.ebay.com/itm/291226732896?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT]Mustang Regal Seat with Backrest Rain Cover for Yamaha Royal Star Venture | eBay[/ame]
  13. Never know unless you ask.....
  14. Swapped PM's with Scott yesterday. No results as yet, but he'll bring us up to date when he hears anything....
  15. I'd mention that the RSV has been discontinued and it'll hang there forever.. And out of the kindness of your heart you'll give them $300 out the door. Rivco just made a run of 20 +/- RSV stands for the same price.
  16. After looking at it a bit more it might have been home made???
  17. Sears has been pushing a remover that looks like a reverse threaded wood screw. Don't know if they make one small enough to get to the idle screw on a first gen, but it's maybe worth a look....??
  18. Condor


    That's why I tow a trailer.... Plus it's easier to install...
  19. Ebay is the best place to find bling. Search for Venture Star (chrome, leather, NOS). You'll have to wade thru all the Chinese stuff, but every once in a while you can find an acorn.... You can also find stuff in this boards classifieds. SlowrollWV also makes some nice stuff in Stainless... Wherever you find it be prepared to ....
  20. Now that's cool... Had me fooled. I bet without the Tupperware, a few bucks could be saved. Another out of the box European idea no doubt.
  21. Yeah, it sounds like your battery is really low. Why?? Not a clue. It could be the stator, rectifier, or the battery itself. When the last time you gave it a new batt?
  22. What's the batt and charge condition?? Sometimes a weak spark will cause the sputtering....
  23. That's only for Canada.....
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